Chapter 1

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Andrea's POV
I just moved to Texas and I love how it looks. I moved from Chicago. I just finished packing my last box of clothes and such. So I'm gonna head downstairs and grab a quick snack. "Hi Mom!" I said as I grabbed a bowl full of strawberries. "Hi! So how do you like your new room?" Mom said as she started putting in the bowls and plates in the cabinets. "It's nice. It's bigger than my last room! I can actually put more pictures on my wall." I said. "Why don't you go for a walk and check out the neighborhood? It's really nice out you shouldn't be cooped up in the house Andrea."
"Okay okay. But what if I get lost?"
"You won't. Don't go too far Andrea. If you do get lost just ask for directions. Or call me"
"Okay bye mom!" I walked out my front door and began walking towards a park. Wow. The park is huge. But I just plan on sitting on the bench listening to music lol. As soon as I sat down I noticed a boy. He had brown hair and was wearing a white tank top and some shorts that was just below his knees. Wow he was hot. He turned towards me and I met his gaze. His blue eyes were staring at my brown ones. I immediately turned away towards my phone. God did he catch me staring? Omg I hope he doesn't think I'm a freak! I think I was staring too long. Oops. Dammit why do I always do that! I was cut off of my thought as I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"God you scared me!"
"Sorry, my names Zachary. I don't think I've seen you around here before?"
"That's because I just moved here yesterday. My names Andrea." I stood up in front of him.
"Oh well um if you want I can show you around? Do you want to go to the gas station with me?"
"Um sure. I can't go far though cause I um I don't really know my way back to my house..."
"Oh that's okay where do you live?"
"Just a block away "
"Really? I do too! Don't worry when we get back I can just walk you home afterwards"
"Okay sounds good. Oh wait I need to go home to get some money, I don't have any on me now."
"No it's okay I can pay."
"No I am not letting you pay for me"
"Cmon Ann it's not a problem"
Did he just call Me Ann?
"Fine and stop calling me Ann!" I sighed in defeat
"Okay then let's go" Zach said walking next to me
When we got inside Zach guided me to the drink section. Zach grabbed a cup and put red and blue inside his cup. God I love slushies. Zach grabbed another cup and handed it to me.
"Here get whatever you want."
"You're welcome." I grabbed the flavors red and blue too. I was looking for Zach down the aisles and I saw this boy he was grabbing some gum and he was with his group of friends. Well, boys to be specific. He looked at me and I turned away pretending like I was looking for a bag of chips. I looked back at the boy and he was wearing a red shirt and black shorts. He noticed I was looking at him and he winked at me. I looked away and spotted Zach and quickly walked towards him.
"Hey I was looking for you Ann."
"Yeah sorry I just got distracted."
"It's ok-" he immediately looked at what I was holding and I frowned and looked at what I was holding. OMG I was holding a box of condoms!
"Omg Zach it's not what it looks like I swear I didn't know I even had this I thought it was a bag of fucking chips!!" I exclaimed as I put the box down.
"It's okay. What were you so distracted by?" He laughed. That was embarrassing.
"Um nothing I was just checking my Instagram"
"Oh well cmon lets grab some chips." He chuckles and leads me to the aisle of chips. I grabbed a bag of Takis and had my slushie in my other hand. Zach grabbed some Doritos. Me and Zach walked towards the counter to pay when I saw that boy again walking to pay as well. Shit. Okay Andrea stay calm don't do anything stupid. Why was I so nervous? When Zach finally payed I felt a hand on my ass! I turned around and that boy winked and I just walked with Zach out the gas station. Omg he just touched my ass!! What the hell was wrong with him!! I don't even know his fucking name!
"Yes?" Omg why does he call me that.
"What are you thinking about?"
"Nothing nothing I'm just hungry is all." I say as I take a sip of my slushie. We continued to talk about some bands that we both like. Which is pierce the veil. I love that band. Zach is a nice guy. He's very funny. After about an hour of talking and eating we began walking home.
"Where's your house?" Zach said as we turned on my block.
"The fourth house down."
"I live right in front of you!"
"Omg really?!" I was happy and nervous.
"Yeah! " we got to my doorstep and I turned around to face Zach. Zach was smiling.
"Well I guess I'll see you at school?" Zach said scratching the back of his neck.
"Yeah. Thanks Zach for paying for me and talking with me I had a nice time."
"No problem. Anytime. I'll see you around" I was about to close the door but he stopped me. "Wait ! Can I get your number?"
"Um yeah sure " I say as I put my number on his contacts list. I see he has a lot of girls names on here. I don't know why but I get this feeling of jealousy inside me. Why do I feel like this? I don't like him. He doesn't like me. I'm probably just another girl to him.
"Here" I say as I pass him his phone back. "Thanks Ann" he says and gives me a smirk.
"Welcome. Bye Zach" I say as I close the door behind me. I take off my shoes and head into my room. "Hey hunnie how was your walk you took quite a while." My mom says as she sits on the dining table.
"Oh sorry mom I just went to the park and met someone and we went for walk to the gas station."
"Oh okay and who is this someone?" She says while smirking
"Just a boy. And mom what time does school start tomorrow??"
"Oh yes! I forgot to tell you I bought all your supplies. It starts at 8:15 but you have to be there like 8:00 so I'll drop you off. "
"Okay I'm gonna go to my room now I'm pretty tired."
"Okay Hun don't stay up too late!"
"I won't!" I said while going up the stairs. I walked into my room which is colored blue and on my right was my white dresser and mirror. On my left was my bed and my windows were in the front of the room. My closet was next to my bed on the left. My dresser Is right in front of my my bed. I jumped on my bed and sighed. Who was that boy at the gas station? Just thinking about him makes my stomach get butterflies. I was interrupted when a heard a buzz on my phone.
"Hey Ann :) "
"Hey Zach :) "
"Nothing just thinking hbu?"
"Thinking about me aren't you? ;) lol I'm just bored "
"Haha very funny. And what?!? The Zach is bored for once?! Lmao xD"
"Yes I know it's very weird of me. Lol I'll text you later. Goodnight Ann :) dream about me! Nothing to intense Ann! ;)"
"Omg really?! xD goodnight Zach " after that I put my phone to charge on my night stand and put on some pajamas. After that I laid down and fell asleep thinking about who that boy was and me and Zach's day today.
Hey guys! So what do you think!! I honestly enjoyed writing this lol. Omg I wonder who that boy was! 😉 ;) well comment and vote! Trust me things will start to get more intense throughout the book!
Laters babe,

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