Chapter 5

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Andrea's POV

That fucker left a mark on me!! I'm so glad that nobody noticed. If Zach would've seen, all hell would break lose. God now I have to cover up. How am I supposed to play volleyball? Wait I can just wear a T-shirt. Yeah that's what I'll do. Ugh I totally forgot today I had school. I got up from my bed and made my way to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth then I turned on the shower. I stepped in and scrubbed myself and rinsed. I grabbed my shampoo and rubbed it on my hair. I rinsed then I put on some conditioner and rinsed. I stepped out and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body. I walked into my room and grabbed my clothes and changed into them. Then I decided I should put my hair up for a change. I don't usually wear my hair up. It's always down. Either curled or straightened. I grabbed my phone and I hadn't received any messages from Zach lately. That's weird. What if he's mad at me? What if he heard about the rumor?!? About me and Hayes having sex in the locker room!! I'll just tell him that it was just a rumor. But me and Hayes did make out in the locker room... Shit should I tell him? No hell no he'll hate me. But he'll hate me even more if I don't tell him and he finds out by someone else and not me. I'll tell him today than. I went downstairs where my mom is on her phone probably on facebook. I grabbed a bowl and poured myself some cinnamon toast crunch. That's Annalise's favorite cereal. She told me yesterday. "Hey hun."

"Hey mom. Annalise invited me to play volleyball with her today. Can I go?"

"Yeah just as long as you finish your homework and get back home by 8. No later."

"Okay." Then I decided to text Zach if he wanted to go walking to school today with me and he said yes. So that would be a perfect time to tell him. I'm nervous.

"Okay hun c'mon time to go drop you off."

"Um mom actually I'm gonna walk to school with Zach. Is that okay?"

"Yeah I guess so. Just Don't do anything stupid. Don't Ditch because I will find you and bring you home by your hair." Damn I wasn't planning to but now I'm for sure I won't ever be ditching.

"Okay but I wasn't planning on ever ditching mom."

"Okay well I'm just telling you." And with that i left towards Zach but as soon as I closed my door Zach was standing at my doorstep.

"Shit you scared me Zach!!"

"Haha Ready?"

"Y-Yeah let's go." I say as we walk.

"So how have you been Ann?"

"Good. You?"

"I've been alright I guess." He says scratching he back of his neck.

"What's wrong Zach?" Okay now I'm worried.

"I-It's nothing."

"Zach tell me."

"Its nothing Ann really."

"Zach. Don't lie to me. I know something's wrong. Tell me." He sighs.

"I heard you and Hayes had sex in the girls locker room." I knew it.

"Zach I didn't have sex with Hayes. Why would you believe them?" I said now getting upset. I blinked a tear away before it escaped.

"I'm sorry Ann I should've never believed them." I couldn't hold back the tears anymore I was crying now. I could see the school now. He actually believed I was that low? Wow.

"You right you shouldn't have but you did. Do I really look that low to you Zach? Do I seem Like some slut to you?!?" He didn't say anything to me he just looked at me.

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