Chapter 27

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Andrea's POV
I woke up feeling kinda normal. What happened yesterday, I'm trying to forget about it. But it's hard. Knowing that the person you loved, didn't care at all about you. The sad thing about all this, Is that I don't think I'll ever let anyone in. I've been hurt twice already. I can't take a third. Plus no boys like me. Including Hayes. I'm happy that I have my friends back but Hayes just crushed and hurt me. I don't want to love or like anyone anymore. I'm done. I know now that there's no such thing as love. It's all a fucking lie. It's all just a fucking fairy tale. My thoughts were interrupted when I suddenly got a text. Wonder who that can be.
"Hey Ann! :)" Zach texted me. I smiled. Wow the first smile since yesterday.
"Hey! How are you?"
"Good just wanted to let you know that everyone wants to hang out and chill today wanna come?" I can use a distraction.
"Yeah. Where?"
"My house. In like 30 minuets?" Well better get ready now.
"Yeah sounds good! I'll see you later Zach! Bye :)" I texted back.
"Bye Ann :)" I turned on the shower and got in. I scrubbed everywhere. I don't want his touch or anything of him on me. I got out and brushed my teeth. I swear I brushed my teeth a good 5 or 6 times. I don't want or need his taste anymore. I put on some shorts and a t-shirt. With some sandals. All done. Oh shit my hair I forgot! I straightened it out and put on mascara and eyeliner. Now I'm all done. I grabbed my phone, headphones, and purse. I never leave without those things. I ran down stairs and decided to eat some grapes. I love grapes. Especially crunchy ones! Oh my god that is life! Time to wait for Zach to come.

"Hey guys!" I exclaimed when I got inside Zach's house. Everybody's here. Timmy, Camila, Emily, Annalise, and Jake. The whole crew lol.
"HIII ANN!!" They all said. Awe they just make my day! I hugged each of them. I missed this so much.
"So what are we gonna do Zach?" Camila asked while Timmy wrapped his arms around her while he was behind her. I watched them in awe. There just so damn cute! "Honestly whatever you guys want. I just wanted to hang out with you guys again. It's been a long as while. Oh! You guys this is my friend Emily, Emily this is Camila, Timmy, Annalise well you know her, and that's her boyfriend Jake." They all said hi. Zach wrapped his arm around her shoulders. I don't know why but I felt so jealous. Ann stop it. Remember you can't like or love anyone! Sometimes I just wish that my mind would shut up.
"Ann you okay?" Emily said looking at me worriedly. I looked at my hand. I was gripping the cup so hard I think if I would've held onto it any longer it would have broke. I immediately let go of it.
"Yeah. Just. Fine." I said trying to smile but I think it came out as a forced one... Oops. "So what are we gonna do?" I asked excitingly. "Oh how about we watch scary movies!" Said Annalise.
"A movie night!" Timmy said. Everybody agreed and we went to the living room to decide on the movie. We all picked insidious chapter 3. Dammit I'm gonna scream my ass off if there's any scary parts. We made popcorn and sat down. Me and Zach sat next to each other on one couch.Timmy, Camila, and Emily sat on another. And last but not least Annalise and Jake on another. Zach sure had a lot of damn couches.

Damn this movie is scary! I jumped and screamed at least 3 times! Zach has his arm around me. He's pretty smooth lol. But I feel for some reason... safe. I feel like I can be happy. But that's impossible. I leaned into Zach's chest, but what distracted me was the fact that Annalise was making out with Jake! I was shocked. He was laying down with her next to him and of course they can't seem to keep there lips off of each other. But what disgusted me was that I saw a lot of tongue and he bit her lip. I coughed. Everybody snapped there heads towards me. "Can you guys get a room?" I said laughing. Annalise blushed. "S-Sorry." Annalise said. We all continued to watch the movie. No interruptions this time. But then I felt a hand on my thigh. Drawing circles on my skin. Zach. Oh god. His hand went up and down. Up and down. I felt lightheaded. I gulped. Continue watching the movie Ann. But how could I when his hand is driving me crazy!? His hand started going up. Dangerously higher. I gasped quietly when his hand was right at the seam of my shorts. He smirked. God he's hypnotizing. Those eyes, I can just get lost in. There so unique. There full of hope, wonder, and love. Something I will never have. Something I never did have. When his hand rubbed against my flower I bit my lip to stop a moan from escaping. I put my hand on top of his so he can stop. But he grabbed my hand and kissed it. Looking at me. I bit my lip. He whispered in my ear "I want to bite your lip so bad it hurts." I shivered. He winked at me. I don't think I can control myself with him anymore. He drives me insane. Wait. That's exactly what I said about Hayes and look where that ended. Zach is probably the same way. Every guy just wants sex. I learned that with Hayes. He acts like he wants you and needs you and wines and dines you and blah blah blah. But at the end all he wants is sex. I pulled my hand away and continued watching the movie. There's no way I'm falling for that again.

Damn. Ann has changed since Hayes. She needs to understand that not every guy is like that. Anyways hey guysss! Love you all! Thanks for reading my book and voting! Hope you guys are enjoying my book! One more thing! Please check out my other book " Kiss me Mr. Bateman" that book is gonna be more intense than this one. Trust me. Thanks! Bye loves.

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