Chapter 32

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Andrea's POV

He took off my shirt. I took off his. We kissed and my hands found there way to his hair. I pulled and he groaned. I was panting when he was kissing my neck, biting, licking, nipping. "Zach" I moaned.
I can't believe I'm actually doing this. With Zach. I never thought it would come to this. And I'm actually glad it did. Soon I was only in my bra and underwear. Zach was in his boxers. He laid me down and positioned himself on top of me. "Are you sure?" He asked. "Positive." His lips came crashing down on mine. He slowly took off my bra. I covered myself. "Don't." He said. "Don't hide yourself from me." He pulled away my hands. "God your a goddess Ann." I blushed. He kisses down my neck, going down to my chest. I gasped when he put his mouth on one of my breasts. I moaned when he sucked. "God Zach." I panted. His hands slowly trailed down my body, gripping my underwear and pulling them down. Oh shit. This is actually happening. Then I pulled down his boxers and he grabbed a condom from his dresser and put it on. He positioned himself in between my legs. Oh my god. He slowly put himself inside me. I moaned. For once in all my life, I felt close to someone I want. Someone who cares about me. Someone who loves me. I felt so close to Zach. And tonight, I feel amazing. He's amazing.


I woke up with Zach's arms around me. We're spooning. I smiled. I can't believe we did that last night. I looked at myself. I felt so... So naked. Probably because I am naked. I turned around to face him and just stared at him. He sleeps so peacefully. "Enjoying the view?" He asked opening his eyes. I blushed. "Very much so." I said smirking.
"Good Morning my love" He said as he pulled me closer to him. "Good Morning." I don't think I can say it yet. I can't say good morning my love yet to Zach. I don't think I'm ready. "You are so hot when your naked babe." He said kissing my neck. "And you look hot as well" I chuckled. "Ready for round two?" I giggled. "How about we eat first?" I questioned sitting up and covering myself. "Your right. We need all the energy we can get. After all, I need you to be ready because I'm not stopping this time." He smirked. "Zach stop!" I giggled and hit his chest playfully. "What? You want it to be a surprise?"
"Yes I do" he raised an eyebrow. I gasped when he grabbed me and got on top of me. "Did this surprise you?" He whispered in my ear. He grind himself against me and I whimpered. "God Ann can we just skip breakfast." He said while kissing me. "I don't think so. We need all the energy we can get remember?" I smirked. I gasped when I felt his member poke at my thigh. "Looks like he doesn't need energy" he smirked. "Very funny." I said getting up and grabbing the sheets to cover myself. "How many times do I have to tell you, not to hide from me Ann?" I walked towards the door and faced him. I gasped when he took off he covers that were covering his hot body. I turned around quickly. "Ann c'mon. You've seen this already."
"Zach your unbelievable you know that?"
"I know love. Go make breakfast then since your so shy." He said sighing dramatically. I smirked. Oh I'll show him shyness. I turned around. "Okay." I shrugged and dropped the cover on the floor. His eyes widened. I smirked. "I'm gonna go make breakfast babe. Join me if you want." I winked and walked out. I can't believe I just did that. Wow. I laughed. Wow. I went into Zachs kitchen and looked around to see what I could make. Hmm. What should I make? Got it! I'll make Pancakes! Just like the first day I came over his house! I smiled at the memory. I began making pancakes and took out the whip cream, strawberries, chocolate syrup, and ice cream. Oh hell yes. We're gonna enjoy this meal. I stacked the pancakes neatly on a plate. I set the table and took out the milk. "God something smells delicious!" Zach said coming into the kitchen with boxers on. Oh shit I forgot I was naked! I quickly hid behind the counter. "Zach get me clothes please!"
"I told you not to hi-"
"Just get me clothes so we can eat in peace!" He grabbed his shirt from the couch and tossed it to me. I put it on. "Thank you." He nodded. "Now to find out what that amazing smell is..." I frowned. He knows damn well it's pancakes. "I can't tell if it's you or the pancakes. You both smell delicious." I blushed. "C'mon let's eat." I said putting everything on the table. Zach helped me. We sat down and began eating. "God you make the most delicious pancakes ever!" He groaned. I giggled. "Why thank you!" I smiled.


We put away the ingredients but Zach left out the whip cream, syrup, and ice cream. I frowned. "Don't tell me your still hungry." I laughed looking at him.
"I'm hungry for you. I plan on using this on you." My eyes widened. Holy shit. "W-What do you mean?" I stuttered. He smirked. " You know very well what I mean babe." He said coming closer to me. I froze. He's gonna put that on me? "Why don't we go upstairs and start? Shall we baby?" He said leading me into his room again. He put me on the bed and took off my shirt. "If you even try to cover yourself, I swear I won't make love to you for a week." He said looking deep Into my eyes. I whimpered. Hell no. I cannot go a week without him. I'd go nuts. He kissed me and I kissed back. This is something different. This outta be fun..


"What time?" I asked Annalise. She called me saying that there was this dance thing today at 8. It's on a short notice but hey I wanna go. I hung up and turned towards Zach. "Can we please go!" I begged him. He rolled his eyes. "Why? It probably isn't gonna be any fun Ann" I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around him. "C'mon. Pleaseeeee with whip cream on top!" I smirked. "I promise it'll be fun." I told him. He sighed. "Okay fine." I grinned widely and jumped up and down. "Thank you!" I kissed him. "C'mon Zach we have to go get ready." I said while going up the stairs. "I have a better idea!" He said to me and winked. "No! I don't think so! We are not gonna be late!" He pouted. I laughed. Let's do this.

Wow. That was... Crazy. I tried to keep it PG-13! Lmao cause I have my sister reading this so... I had to keep it PG-13. But I'm thinking on doing another book and that one I will NOT hold back. So if that's your thing then I'll let you know about that book soon! As you know this book is coming to an end. NOOOOOO lmao so hopefully my next chapter will be the last but I can't make any promises. I'm trying to think of a way to end this but I haven't got any ideas. Let me know if you guys want a sequel. I'll do it if you want me to. Anyways! Vote! I love you guys!

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