Chapter 28

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Andrea's POV
"I'm gonna have nightmares at night. I don't know how I'm gonna go to sleep!" Annalise said. Everybody laughed. It's funny when she's scared.
"It's just a movie." Jake said. "Yeah but when you see shit at night don't come crawling to me." She said crossing her arms. He whispered something in her ear and that made her blush and giggle. "So you guys hungry?" Zach said. Everybody agreed on pizza. I fucking love pizza! I sat next to Zach. Why do I get butterflies when I'm around him? It's so weird.
His hand rested on my thigh which made me kinda jump. He smirked. Oh god. "What do you guys wanna do this weekend?" Timmy asked taking a bite out of his pizza. "How about we go to the lake? I miss the water!" I suggested trying to get the fact that Zach has his hand on my thigh out of my head. His hand started squeezing my thigh. My breath hitched.  "I think that's a great idea!" Zach said looking at me. He winked. I looked away and I couldn't help the blush that was crawling up my neck. He knows the effect he has on me. His hand started going dangerously high and I put my hand on top of his. "S-Stop" I whispered to his ear. He smirked. "Ann stop fighting the feeling you have for me. Why do you push me away?" Why do I push him away? We'll because every guy is the same thing. Once they get what they want they leave. "I'm not having this conversation with you right now Zach. Later." I glared at him. He pulled his hand away and continued eating. That's better. "So it's settled. We're going to the lake tomorrow. Since school is out!" Annalise said grinning widely.
We all decided to have a sleepover at Zach's, so we can all just leave all together. We all got our clothes and swimsuits ready for tomorrow. So we're good. It's gonna be a lot of fun. The only thing that I hate about this whole sleepover thing is that everybody gets there own little spot in different places with the people they want to be with but and I got stuck with Zach. Isn't that just lovely? Right now I'm putting my bag at the corner of his room. Oh did I mention that I have to sleep in his room? On the same bed? I sat down on the bed and went on Instagram while Zach was in front of his dresser. I looked up when I noticed Zach was taking off his shirt. Holy shit. I think I was drooling.... "Like what you see?" He said turning towards me. Dammit. Why does he always catch me! "Pfft please." I said. He smirked and walked towards my side of the bed. No. Please. Control yourself Ann. Remember he doesn't love you, he just wants sex. One part of my mind was telling me that but the other was telling me that go for it. If you wait to long or give up you'll never find love. Stop being so stubborn. But me being me, I have to be so damn stubborn. "What was that Ann?" He said stopping right in front of me. I turned off my phone and put it on the dresser. Someone please walk into the room! "Nothing. Can we go to sleep now? It's getting late." Zach took a step toward me again so I was looking up to him now and he was coming lower and lower. His lips were centimeters away from me. My eyes were closing on there own. I tried keeping them open but it was hard. "Are you really tired Ann? Or is that just an excuse." He said smirking. "I honestly don't know." I said whispering. Where the hell is this coming from? It's like my mind isn't working. It shut down. My hearts taking over now. Is this what I want? I don't know. Can I learn to love again? I don't know. Can I try it and see what happens? Maybe. His eyes widened. Indicating that he didn't think I was gonna say that. Well I just did. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna give it a shot. I'm gonna kiss Zach. I was leaning up towards his lips. He was leaning down. Our lips inches away.
"Hey! Do you guys wanna go to the sto-" Annalise's voice interrupted. I immediately turned my head and backed up further down the bed. "Sorry if I interrupted anything.." She said backing away.
"No! You um didn't interrupt a-anything." I said too quickly. "Except the fact that we were gonna you know....French kiss.." Zach said shrugging like it was no big deal. My eyes widened. "We weren't!" I said. Zach smirked and Annalise giggled. "W-what was it you were saying A-Anna?" I asked to change the subject. "Ookayy..... I said if you guys wanted to go to the store to get some stuff for tomorrow..??" She said. This is just so embarrassing! "Yeah! I'll go. Zach is busy with that Um thing he has to do." I said hoping he'd get that I don't want him coming.
"Oh don't worry that thing is taken care of. I'd love to go. Let's go" he said smiling at me and then when Annalise walked out he smirked. Fucking ass.
"Why would you say that Zach?!?" I exclaimed as soon as she left the room. "Because that's exactly what was gonna happen!" He chuckled. "You wanted me to lie?" He asked. "Yeah! I don't know what I'm feeling! Doesn't that matter to you?!" I yelled. He looked at me surprised. "That's. All. That. Matters. To. Me." What? "Wh-What?" I stuttered. He rolled his eyes. "Haven't you noticed?!? I thought I made it super obvious!" He yelled back. Why is he mad at me? Probably because I'm being so stubborn right now. "I-I don't know!"
"Your unbelievable you know that Ann!!" He exclaimed at me coming closer to me. "I'm unbelievable?!? Your more unbelievable than me!" I said coming closer as well. We were inches apart. "You know what else is unbelievable?!?" He exclaimed back. "What?!" I exclaimed back. "This." Was all he said before his lips came crashing down on mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his round my waist. Grabbing me like I was his air. Zach was an amazing kisser. I moaned into his mouth when his tongue slid into my mouth. I feel lightheaded. Then his lips were no longer on mine. I suddenly missed the warmth of his amazing lips.
"Let's go before something more unbelievable happens." He whispered in my ear, making me shiver. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out the doorway. I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. I don't think I will be able to get that out of my head.
"You two ready? You guys sure do take forever!" Annalise said smirking. Jake of course was right next to her. "Sorry I was um texting my um mom" I said nervously laughing. She winked at me and I rolled my eyes. We headed our way out. Then I felt a hand on my ass. Staying there while we walked out the door. I slightly gasped. He smirked. "S-Stop it!" I whisper yelled. "You know you like it Ann." He said squeezing and I gasped and smacked his hand off. I glared at him and I stood by the car door waiting for him to go in first because I sure as hell was not going in first! When he came in I smirked because he was upset that I didn't go in first so he can smack my ass. Haha Zach. Who's smirking now! Then he kisses me his tongue coming into my mouth and my eyes widened. "Who's smirking now love?" He whispered into my ear and smirked and went right passed me into the car. I stood there, still in shock. "Are you coming in Ann? Wouldn't want you to be too cold." Zach said smirking. I glared at him and got in. Fucking Asshole. Oh watch he's gonna get it later on. I smirked to myself. What I have in store for him is very, very, seducing..

Listen to the song while reading!! Thanks bye!
         Xoxo~~~~ Ivette^~^

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