Chapter 3

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Andrea's POV
Fuck. How the hell did he get my number?! Did I give it to him? Hell no I wouldn't give it to him. Why is he texting me? He was hot and all but I wouldn't do that. Cmon Ann you can resist him. Did I just call myself Ann? Awe I miss Zach. I need to call him later. I need to deal with this asshole first. A hot asshole. Wait what? Think Zach Ann. Zach. Zach. Zach.
"Hey babe ;) "
"How the hell did you get my number?!?"
"Well good morning to you too"
"Answer my damn question!"
"I have my ways ;) "
"What do you want from me?"
"Then why the hell do you keep messing with me?!"
"I'm not messing with you babe. I'm seducing you."
"Well it's not gonna fucking work so you can stop"
"See that's the thing love, it is working"
"It sure as hell isn't working for me. I don't even know your fucking name!"
"And you will know soon what my name is"
"Why can't you just tell me?"
"Because I'd ruin all the fun "
"What fun?!?"
"Of you wondering and thinking about me ;)"
"You asshole I'm done talking to you bye."
"Leaving so soon babe?" I threw my phone on the bed and screamed into my pillow. He knows exactly what he's doing. Why doesn't he go for any other girl? Why me I'm not that pretty. Ugh. I look at the clock and its 5:40 a.m. Ugh time to get up for school. I got up and walked into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and took off my clothes and jumped in. The water feels so relaxing. I got out and brushed my teeth and wrapped a towel around me and walked into my room. I put on some skinny jeans and a white crop top. I curled my hair just so I can look nice for my first day. I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket. Then I grabbed my book bag and ran downstairs. My mom was making biscuits with gravy. My mom loves to cook by the way lol. She's making home made ice cream today. She's making Oreo. Omg it tastes the shit! Anyways I sat down and began eating. "Morning Hun" mom said sitting down and eating.
"Morning mom. Where's dad?"
"He's sleeping. He came home pretty late last night."
"Oh. So school is for sure on today?"
"Yes it is! Are you excited?!"
"Why not?!? It's gonna be so much fun Hun. Trust me"
"Everybody's gonna be looking at me. I'm the newbie."
"So you look beautiful. If anything why would they not look at you"
"Thanks mom. So are you taking me?"
"Yup lets go it's already 7:10 we need to go"
"Okay" I say as I put my dish in the sink and grab my book bag and head out the door. I walk into my moms car and wait for her to start the car. We arrived at the school. Wow. It's huge. I get up and my mom says "bye sweetie have a nice day at school! Make friends!"
"I will mom." I wave by as she leaves the parking lot. I make my way towards the entrance when I spot Zach. He's wearing a yellow shirt and some jeans. He looks hot. He turned my way and smirked. Oh no I think he caught me staring. Shit.
"Hey there Ann"
"I know I look so hot you just couldn't look away!" He said while winking
"Actually there was a spider on your shoulder but okay"
"AHH WHERE?!?!?!?" He jumped and screamed.
"HAHA it must've left. It probably thought you smelled to bad."
"God Ann don't do that! You gave me a heart attack!" He chuckled
"It was funny"
"And I do not smell bad!" He said while smelling himself.
"Keep telling yourself that Zach" I laughed
"Haha very funny. Let's go classes are about to start." He said guiding me into the school. Once we got in everybody was at there lockers. "Okay I'm gonna go get my stuff the office is straight down and first door on your left."
"Thanks. I'll see you later then." I said as I walked towards the office. I took a seat and waited. The first bell rang. God that was quick. I was hoping I would get to my locker and be able to go to class on time but I guess not. Ugh. "Sorry dear I had to take care of a student." The tall lady said. She had on a black dress with high heals and her hair was straightened. I'm guessing she's the principal.
"It's okay I'm in no rush"
"I'm the principal her at stony point high . My names Mrs. Hansen." She held out her hand to me.
"My names Andrea Conners. Nice to meet you Mrs. Hansen"
"Okay so here's your schedule and locker number and combination." She says leading me into her office. I step in the her office but suddenly I see him. Oh hell no. Shit. I try my best to focus on Mrs. Hansen. "Can I go Mrs. Hansen?" He says. God his voice sound so hot. Stop it Ann!! Remember don't give in! "You think you can get away that easily Hayes?!? I do not think so! You can't just start fights and think your gonna be off the hook so easily!" Omg he's the bad boy in the school. His name is Hayes? God even his name sounds sexy. What? "Look I just want to go to class so I can just relax."
"Oh really?!" Mrs.Hansen says while tapping her chin thinking on what task to give him. "I want you to show Miss Conners around the school during lunch." Oh hell fucking no!! Why the hell would she do this!! God I need help!! I turn towards Hayes and see that he's smirking. I roll my eyes. "Alright that sounds perfect Mrs. Hansen."
"You may go now Hayes." She says while looking for my combination. Then I felt a hand contact with my ass. "See you at lunch babe" he whispers into my ear. God I'm gonna need a lot of fucking help. I walk out of the office and go to my first class. Math. I hate math. It was never my best subject. I walk in and automatically see Hayes. Shit. "Why hello there you must be Miss Conners? Am I correct?" The man with brown hair and green eyes says. "Y-Yes I am." I stuttered. I was trying not to look at Hayes. "Well have a seat next to Mr. Clayton over there. He will let you know what were talking about."
"O-Okay Sir."
"Oh and please call me Mr. Bond." I took my seat next to Zach. I had no idea his last name was Clayton but the seat next to him was the only seat empty in the room. So I assumed that was my seat. "Hey Ann. Thank God we have math together."
"Hey Zach. I'm happy we have this class together too because god so far my day has been quite a show. When is lunch?"
"Hungry all ready Ann? It starts 4th period why?"
"I'm not. That Period I have to go with Hayes so he can show me around the school." For some reason Zach looked like he was gonna punch a damn wall. It really scared me. "Zach are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fucking perfect." Was he upset that I was going with Hayes? No he wouldn't be upset because of that. My Schedule goes like this :
3~Language Arts
7~Studio Art
And of course I dread 4th period. Well just for today. Lunch is one of my favorite periods. Anyways I'm in 3rd period right now. Ugh 10 more minuets till 4th period!!! No!! Of course I have to eat first then I have to go with Hayes. Just thinking about him gives me goosebumps. I feel so nerves to go with him. I have no idea why but its like this feeling in my stomach. I need to hang out with Zach more. Like i have no idea what I feel for Zach. Its like I think he's cute and all but Hayes, Hayes gives me this feeling of excitement. Yeah he's a complete perv but I think if I get to really know him, maybe I can see the real Hayes Grier. God just thinking about him is a turn on. Okay that's enough thinking about him for now. Just then the bell rang. Shit. Fuck. The moment I've been dreading for the past 3 periods. I'm with Zach and the rest of the crew ( Rudan, Edwin, Maddie, and Camila ) heading to lunch. we get our lunch and walk towards our table. Then Hayes is next to me whispering in my ear "Can't wait till I Show you around." Then he walks off with his crew to the table in front of ours. Damn. Were eating and laughing right now. Oh and Zach Introduced me to their other friend Timmy. He's really nice. He can be quite a goofball but other than that he's perfect. Suddenly I felt someone's hand on my lower back. "Time to go babe." Then he tells Zach who's right in front of me, " Mind if I steal her for now?" He says while smirking. Zach just nods. "You hurt her I swear to god I will beat the living crap out of you!" Zach says standing up. I stood up next to Hayes. "Don't worry we won't be doing anything inappropriate Zach. That's if she doesn't lead me on like the other day at the park right babe?" Oh no he fucking didn't!! Shit now what am I supposed to tell Zach. "Listen here Hayes I'm this fucking close to beating the shit out of you!!"

"Well look who's manning up. I can beat the shit out of you so quick you won't even know what hit you." Hayes said getting closer to Zach.

"Hey both of you stop it now!!!" I shouted. Everyone's attention was on us now. I walked in front of Zach and hugged him. I whispered in his ear "I"ll be fine. Don't worry about me. I'll see you after school. We can hang out for a little bit." I gave him a kiss on the cheek. Which made him blush.

"Okay Ann." He sat back down and watched us leave until we couldn't see each other anymore. Shit I forgot I was with Hayes. God help me.

"Well what's first babe?"

"I don't know you tell me. Your the one one leading." I said crossing my arms.

"Trust me if I were the one leading, we wouldn't be walking through halls we'd be in a room with the doors locked." He said in my ear sending shivers down my spine. Someone please help me.

"Hayes stop it please just show me around." I said as we were going up the stairs to the second floor where the gym was.

"Okay babe. So here's the gym. Next I"ll show you the locker rooms." He said as we walked into the huge gym. The gym was huge. It had four basketball nets on each side. The locker rooms were right at the back of the gym. right side boys and left side girls. In the middle of the two doors leading into the locker rooms was another door leading into the gym teachers office. On each side of the gym are bleachers.The walls are white. Next we went into the girls locker room. It had five bathroom stalls and five sinks with a huge mirror in front of the sinks. In front of the sinks are the lockers. There was six rows of lockers. The lockers were colored Red. As I was walking towards the lockers,Hayes hand touched my lower back. Jesus Christ he needs to stop before we both do something were not supposed to do. I turned around to walk out but he was right in front of me. Hayes started to come closer and closer till we were chest to chest. He stepped closer and I stepped back. Then he stepped forward again. I stepped back but my back hit the lockers. Hayes stepped forward again and we were once again chest to chest. he leaned closer to my ear. "God Andrea I can't take it anymore. I need you." He said into my ear. Then he put my earlobe in between his teeth which made me gasp. Then he kissed down to my neck. My breathing became heavy. Jesus Christ. "Hayes s-stop." I groaned. Then he kissed his way back up. His lips were inches away right now. Then he leaned in and I found myself leaning in as well. Until his lips crashed on mine. His lips were so soft. Smooth. He grabbed my waist pulling me closer. I grabbed a fist full of his hair. His tongue on mine. His hand trailing down my back till he reached my ass. Squeezing it. I moaned. I couldn't stop myself. I felt amazing. Then he pulled away. Catching our breaths. Then he went to my neck kissing and licking it. I bit my lip holding back a moan. Then he sucked my soft spot. I couldn't hold it in anymore I put my head back and moaned. Then his lips were on mine again. His tongue exploring my mouth. God his lips we amazing. Then the bell rang. I pulled away. Trying to catch my breath from what just happened. Then girls came into the locker rooms. we back up and got out. The girls were looking at us. They were saying "Is that the new girl?"
"She was with that hot ass?!?"
"They were having sex in here!!!" Oh shit.
"They were making out!!" Dammit I hope they don't start shit. We left to the hallway that was now cleared. "H-Hayes um I'm gonna go to my next class n-now."
"What's your next class?"
"S-Science." I stuttered. Remembering what we just did in the locker room.
"I'm going there too. I"ll Walk you."
"O-Okay." Shit now what.

Well hello there. That was intense lol. Tell me what you think. Comment and vote. I love you all!!!✌🏼️✌🏼💖 bye loves😘

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