Chapter 10

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Annalise's POV

Ann picked out my outfit perfect! I'm wearing Leggings that hug my curves just right, and A blue long shirt that ended at mid-thigh. She curled my hair and I wore some beige flats to complete my outfit. I was gonna wear heels but, who the hell goes to an amusement park in heels? I sure as hell don't. It's too uncomfortable.

"Wow Annalise you look Hot!!"

"Why thank you! I wouldn't look this good if it weren't for you Ann."

"If I was gay I would so Date you. Haha What time is he coming?"

"Well he said he'd come at 11:00 a.m. So we can get there early and spend the whole day there."

"Oo He wants to spend all day with you.... Awe maybe next time we can all go."

"What do you mean by we Ann?" She's bringing Zach? Cause I know she doesn't have a boyfriend..

Andrea's POV

Shit I forgot I didn't tell her about Hayes yet! Well I guess I can tell her now.

"Y-Yeah, I'm kinda dating um H-Hayes now.."

"WHAT?!?!?!?! OH MY GOD! "

"I know I should've told you and I'm stupid for dating a bad boy it leads to know good-" I said in a rushed tone.

"What? No I'm happy for you silly! When did this happen!!? How? Spill Ann" Well I'm Happy she took that well. Unlike Zach.

"Haha It happened Friday. He asked me out on a date. And I said okay. And he asked me at the end of the night if I could be his girlfriend and I said yes."

"Awe, If he does anything to you, you tell me so I can beat the living crap out of him."

"Okay. Well It's almost time for your lover to get here!!"

"I know. I'm really nerves."

"Don't be. Just relax, have a good time, and don't have sex with him"

"WHAT?!? I'm not that stupid! Ann! Plus I don't think Jake's like that anyways."

"I'm just saying be careful." Trust me I will.

"Okay I will." Just then the doorbell rings. He's here! Me and Ann run to the door and I open it. Jake was wearing jeans with a black shirt with a beanie. He looks sexy. "Hey Annalise" God that voice. The way his name rolled off his tongue. "Hey Jake, This is my Best friend Ann" He shakes her hand. "Well we should get going now, Ready?", "Yeah I'm Ready" Just as we were about to leave Ann grabs his arm. "You hurt her I swear I'll beat the shit out of you." He nods and motions me to follow him. Here we go!

We got on so many rides so far. Oh my god I swear I thought I lost my voice! My favorite so far is Raging Bull. But the next one were getting on is Goliath!! I'm beyond scared! Were next in line. Were sitting on the 3rd seat. "Jake I d-don't think I can do this. I-I'm scared." He turns to me and says "Don't worry I'll be here the whole time. I promise you your gonna like this ride okay?"

"O-Okay." We got in the cart and we started to go up. "God Jake I can't do this!!"

"Hey hey relax I'm right here okay?" He held my hand. His touch sent chills down my spine. "Okay. Please don't let go."

"I promise." We got to the top and Jesus fucking Christ it was high as fuck.

"Oh my fucking god! HOLY SSSSHHHIITTTTT!!!" I screamed as we went down. Jake started laughing. Pretty soon I started laughing too. I couldn't hold it in. "See it wasn't that bad right?"

"Huh easy for you to say! That was so much fun!!" We started to laugh as we went down the exit."You hungry?"

"Just a little."

"Okay wanna go get something to eat?" He's such a gentlemen.


"Okay lets go then." I just noticed our hands are still connected. I couldn't help but blush." I like having my hand connected to your too." He whispered in my ear. He noticed I was blushing! We continued to ride the rides and when I looked at the clock it was 9:30pm. The park closes at 10. Wow we spent the whole day here. "Hey Jake I need to use the bathroom is that okay?"

"Yeah I'll wait for you by the superman, well in front of it okay?" I nodded. Once I was done doing my business I walked out but someone grabbed me and pushed me to the side of the bathroom. He covered my mouth so I couldn't scream. "Hey baby. I couldn't help but notice how hot you look in those leggings." He said as his hand was trailing down my hip.

"Leave me alone you perv!" I tried to get away from his grip but he was too strong.

"I have a better idea.." He said as he leaned and started kissing my neck.

"JAKE HELP!! SOMEONE HELP!! Please stop!!" He slapped me.

"Shut the fuck up." He started to lift up my shirt. "Please stop!!" Then Jake pushed the guy and started punching him. Oh thank god. "Jake c'mon let's go." He got up and punched him one last time. "If I ever see you touch or even look at her I will make sure you get it worse than today!" Jake came towards me and hugged me. I couldn't help but start to cry. "Shh don't cry, I'm here now. I promise that will never happen again."

"O-Okay. Thank you for saving me J-Jake."

"Your welcome Angel. Let's go now." He just called me Angel. I'm his Angel. We left hand in hand to the car. When we got home he walked me to my doorstep. "Today was so much fun, Thank you Jake."

"Your welcome Angel." We stared at each other and then he started coming closer. Then we were only inches away. He looked at my lips and I bit my lip. Then before I knew it his lips claimed mine. I put my hands in his hair and he groaned. He put my bottom lip in between his teeth and I gasped. His tongue entered my mouth. Exploring. "Jake w-we should stop before this leads into something else." I breathed. He pulled away. "Your right. God your lips taste amazing Angel. I don't know how I will be able to sleep now" I giggled. "Just one more taste." Is all he said before his lips were on mine again. I moaned as his tongue entered my mouth again. He groaned. God now how am I supposed to sleep? We pulled away. Catching our breaths. Trying to at least. "Goodnight Angel."

"Goodnight" With that he left. Wow. That was amazing.


Update!! Lol. This is a short chapter. I think I'm gonna try and make the chapters shorter just because I think I should. But I highly doubt I can make the chapters shorter but here goes nothing. Vote and comment~~ That picture I put for this chapter is Annalise's outfit!! She looks Amazing!

Bye Loves^~^

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