Chapter 24

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Zach's POV

"Wait. Why am I doing this again?!?" Annalise said sitting on her bed.
"Because, Ann is in a big ass problem. Hayes doesn't love her. He's just using her for his own selfish reasons. If you don't believe me, it happened to me."
"Okay so can you tell me the plan again please?" Annalise said standing up. Em nodded.
"So your gonna call Ann and tell her you need her help. If Hayes wants her to come over, than you need to call her before Hayes does." Annalise took a deep breath in.
"What do I tell her?" Annalise said.
"Your gonna tell her that you need to talk about... Whoever your currently Dating or whoever you like. Do you have anybody?" Em asked.
"Yeah I do."
"Okay just tell her about him."
"Okay but what if she doesn't want to?"
"She has to. Your her best friend. If she doesn't than, we have to go after her before she gets there." I'm so nerves right now. I'm shitting bricks. What if this doesn't work? What if Hayes gets her before we do? Stop Zach think positive. Okay. Positive. Positive. We can do this.
"Okay where are you guys gonna be?" Annalise asked sitting down.
"We are gonna be in Zachs car across the street. When we see she's in here, we'll keep tabs on you." Annalise nodded.
"So basically all I have to do is make sure she doesn't go to Hayes's house?" Annalise asked.
"Yeah. I hope to god this girl doesn't fall for him."
"Me and you both" I muttered with my head down.
Em turned towards me and smirked.
" you like her don't you?" She asked me.
"N-No I don't I-I just want her s-safe." I stuttered.
"Yeah right. It's okay Zach. I won't let her fall for him. But you have to help me." I nodded knowing if I said anything else I would probably stutter more.
"Okay call her." Em said nodding towards Annalise.
"Ann?" Annalise said. She put Ann on speaker so all of us can hear her.
"Hey Annalise! What's up?"
"Nothing I just wanted to tell you that.. If you wanted to come over right now... I wanted to talk to you about um Jake..."
"Um I was gonna go to Hayes's house today to chill... But I guess I can go another day." We all sighed in relief.
"Okay I'll see you when you get here."
"Okay bye Annalise!"
"Bye Ann" and she hung up. "Okay now our plan is working out just fine." Em said gladly. Thank god. I thought she was gonna go with Hayes.
"Someone's knocking!" Annalise said whispering.
Shit! "Dammit! Zach cmon were gonna sneak out the back!" We all ran towards the back and Annalise opened the back door for us. Once we got out me and Em went into the car quickly.
"That was close!" I said trying to catch my breath.
"Yeah it was." Em said.
"So do we leave?"
"Yeah. I think that's enough planning for today." She said smiling.
"Me too. Heh it's pretty cool doing this."
"It is but sometimes it's scary when your planing and scheming things to save your friends and family from danger..." She sighed. Her eyes showed hurt, emotion. "Hey, are you okay? Anything.. You need to tell me??" I asked grabbing her shoulder.
"N-No I'm fine. We can go now." I nodded. We drove away and I stopped in front of her house.
"Thanks Zach. I appreciate it."
"No thank you. For helping me. You shouldn't be thanking me."
"I should be. You listened to me. Everybody doesn't believe me. They think I'm.... That I'm crazy.."
"I don't think your crazy." I said. She looked at me. Her eyes so deep and lost in mine. She is a very interesting girl.
"Thanks." She said. I leaned in and kissed her forehead. "Don't listen to what other people say. Your amazing and not crazy." She smiled. She left and I didn't leave till she got into the house.

Andrea's POV

"You honestly think you guys can be more than friends?!?" I asked excitedly. Annalise blushed.
"I mean he kisses me and stuff..... I think we already are more than friends. But I don't know I have to see.." I smiled widely.
"Awe Annalise!! You two are fucking adorable! You know damn right you guys are way more than just friends. All the things you guys do confirm that." I said.
"No. Maybe we're not. I don't know."
"Cmon Annalise! Making out in the hallways and him touching your ass and other things say otherwise." I pointed out. She blushed.
"I hope so. So what's been going on with you?" She asked me.
"Well Me and Hayes were actually supposed to meet today but I came here. Which is fine because I think we were gonna you know what-" I was cut off.
"WHAT?!?! ANN!!" She said.
"What I'm glad you called me. I don't think I'm ready for that yet..." I said.
"I'm glad I did call you than. I just think you should wait a while." She said worriedly.
"I know. But with Hayes it just feels so... So right."
"I get it. But Ann?"
"Be careful okay? Don't get attached" I frowned.
"What are you talking about?" Please don't tell me she thinks Hayes is cheating on me like Zach thinks.
"I'm just saying. I'm looking out for you." Zach told her.
"I don't need your help. Did Zach tell you about Hayes?!?" I said.
"No. Zach hasn't been here."
"One minuet your telling me go for it and the next your warning me about my boyfriend! What the hell is that?!?"
"Ann I'm just saying to be careful. I think your rushing things here. I'm just trying to look out for my best friend." She defended herself.
"I'm rushing things?!? This is fucking ridiculous. IF YOU WERE MY BEST FRIEND YOU WOULDN'T BE CAUTIONING ME AND MY BOYFRIEND. YOU'D BE HAPPY FOR ME!!" I yelled.
"YOUR ANYTHING BUT MY BEST FRIEND!!" I yelled. She had tears in her eyes. Shit. I didn't mean that. "Annalise I'm sor-"
"Get. Out." She said tears coming down fast.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean-"
"GET. OUT!!!" She yelled. I flinched.
"I. Don't want to see. You. EVER. Again." She said through clenched teeth still crying. Her voice cracking with every word. My heart feels so guilty. I walked out. Tears streaming down my face. I'm walking away from her house.  I decided to call him.
Yes babe?
Can I come over?
Yes. Sure you can babe. What's wrong? Are you okay?
No. I need you.
Okay come to my house I'm home alone.
Okay. I-I love you.
Be careful Babe. I don't want you to get hurt. Bye
I ended the call. He didn't say it.

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