Chapter 16

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Andrea's POV

Wow I can't believe the last day of school is next week. I'm happy it's on a Friday too. I'm in the mood to go skateboarding. I grabbed my board and went outside. I guess I'll just skate around. It's only 4:00pm so I'll be back like 6. I started skating and I decided to pass by the park. I brought my sketchbook in my bag so I'll just sit, listen to music and draw. I love to draw. I looked up and saw Hayes. I smiled. He was playing volleyball with his friends. Damn he's hot when he's shirtless. Then I noticed him. Oh no. Shit what do I do?!? I'm beyond scared right now. I haven't seen him since middle school. Why the fuck is he here all of a sudden? I put my head down and pretended I was on my phone. I looked up and he was staring at me. He smirked and winked. Eww. Disgusting pig. I would never go back with him. I looked down and pretended I didn't see him. Okay I feel like I'm being watched. I looked up and he licked his lips. This fucker thinks I still want him. Well I'm gonna show him I moved on and don't want or need his perverted ass. I walked towards Hayes and grabbed his arm and kissed him. Roughly. I put my tongue in his mouth. I can be sexy too. Then he started putting his tongue in my mouth and I felt like I couldn't stop. I pulled away. Panting. "Somebody's really happy" I smiled.
"What I can't kiss my boyfriend?"
"Babe we had our tongues in each others mouth, I'm pretty sure that's not a kiss." I blushed.
"Well I'm gonna head home call me?"
"I will. Get home safe babe." I love it when he's so caring. "You too babe" I gave him one last kiss and he squeezed my ass making me squeal. He smirked. I started walking but was stopped when somebody blocked my path. Oh no it's him. Great. " Hey there Andrea! Haven't seen you in quite some time. You look.... delicious." He licked his lips. Pig.
"Your a fucking pig you know that? Now if you excuse me I'm leaving now" I moved to the side and he did the same. Again and again. "This is fucking ridiculous let me fucking leave!" I raised my voice just a little.
"Who the fuck do you think your talking to?!? I can hit you so damn hard you won't even feel it coming!" He said coming closer. He grabbed my waist. I jerked it away. "Don't. Touch. Me." I said taking a step back. "I see you moved on" he said glancing at Hayes. "You put on quite a show" Well now I know he saw. "You know damn right you want me back Andrea."
"Hell no. I sure as fuck don't want you back. I'm happy with who I'm with. I'm sorry you haven't moved on. " I tried to walk away but he didn't let me. "Can I please just go!? "
"Be with me again."
"WHAT?!?" I exclaimed
"You heard."
"Hell no I am NOT going back to you. Do you think I want to be your rag doll again?!? No I don't fucking think so." I winced remembering what he used to do to me. "Watch your mouth" I'm done. I don't have time to listen to his ass. I ran. He grabbed me and pulled me back. " STOP! Don't fucking touch me you dirty disgusting pig!" I pulled my arm away. "I wanna hit you so damn hard righ-" he was cut off by Hayes oh thank god. "Is there a problem here?" He glared at him. I walked to Hayes, holding his arm.
"No everything is just fine." He looked at me and turned around and walked away. "Who is that? And why the fuck was he looking at you like he wanted to fucking kill you?!" Here come the questions. "Hayes it's nothing can I go now? I'm tired its been a long ass day" he looked into my eyes searching.
"Not till you tell me who he is and what's your beef with him"
"Hayes please. I don't want to talk about it. It's in the past. "
" why won't you tell me? Do you not trust me?"
"No I do it's just I rather not talk about my past. I- Can I just go home?" I don't feel like explaining. He sighed. "Fine. But you are gonna tell me about this guy. " I nodded. I hugged him. I really needed a hug right now. He brought back things I tried to forget. We kissed and said goodbye and I skated home. I laid down and just relaxed. Why the hell is he here? Why is he trying to get me back? All these questions came to my mind. I would never go back with him. I'm gonna avoid telling my past. If its the last thing I do.

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