Chapter 9

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Andrea's POV

What?!? He can't like me! I-I have a boyfriend! Do I even have the same feelings for him? No or else I wouldn't be with Hayes. What do I tell him? What am I supposed to say? Wait. How dare he tell me that he has feelings for me! When he just found out that I have a damn boyfriend! Why the hell would he tell me?! "Ann?"

"Zach. I-I have a boyfriend. You know that. Why would you tell me this?"

"Ann I just have to get it off my chest. Please don't get mad at me."

"Damn right I'm mad! I thought you had a damn girlfriend!"

"W-WHAT??Why? I would've told you! I'm not like you!" Now I'm pissed.

"You fucker. I saw you with that damn girl at the pizza place! "

"That was my fucking cousin!" oops....

"How was I supposed to know!?!?''

"I don't know!" He yelled and I sighed.

"Look Zach, the point is, I have a boyfriend, y-your gonna have to..."

"To what?" He was stepping closer to me.

"M-Move on..." His lips were only centimeters away..... I backed up and snapped out of it.  

"Okay. But can we still be best friends?" Thank god.

"Yes we can. I'm sorry Zach."

"No I'm sorry for saying I have feelings for you when you have a boyfriend and calling you a lair."

"Its okay. I'm sorry I called you a fucker.."

"Haha its okay I deserved it." You sure as hell did. lol

"Haha. I guess I'll see you Monday."

"Okay. Goodnight Ann" He gave me a hug.

"Goodnight Zach. Promise me we won't fight like this again?" 

"I promise Ann"

He left to his house and I came back inside and went to my room. God my feet are killing me! Heels can be a pain in the ass! I took off my dress and went in the shower to take a bath. I got in the bathtub and just relaxed. Wow. Zach just admitted his feelings for me. I don't know how I feel about that. I'm shocked, that's for sure. We almost kissed. I'm glad I stopped it before we did or else I would be considered as a cheater. I decided to forget it and put on some music. The song that played was 'Crazy in love' by Beyonce. It was the remix. I love the remix. It was from fifty shades of grey. That movie was very interesting. It wasn't just the sex, it was about Christians past and stuff. Anyways I finally got out and dried my self and put on my pajamas. I walked into the room, and my phone buzzed. It's him.

"Hey Babe ;)"

"Hey babe :)"

"Wyd?" Texting him felt kinda weird. I almost felt as if we weren't together. I forgot. oops....

"Nothing just finished getting out the shower, you?"

"Mmm... I wish I was there."

"Hayes stop." God he's doing it again.

"Why? You know damn right you don't want me to stop Babe" I don't....

"Hayes you didn't tell me what you were doing." I hope I changed the damn subject.

"I'm thinking about you. How I can't wait till Monday."

"What's on Monday?"

"The day I kiss you in front of everyone and hold your hand in front of everyone. To make sure Everyone knows your mine and mine only. If I see a boy touch you I swear to god I'm beating the shit out of them." Awe he cares.

"Relax Mr.Grey no need to get all fifty shades of grey on me now." 

"Hmmm.... Doesn't seem that bad.... Having you as my submissive actually sounds sexy ;)" Its actually not that bad........

"Oh really Mr. Grier. Do you want me to call you that?" Now I'm playing with him...

"Only when I'm taking you" Jesus.

"When are you gonna take me Mr. Grier?" Hehe

"Soon My love"

"How bad do you want to take me?" Teasing him is fun and ...... arousing.

"So fucking bad. You have no idea what I'm going to do to you babe"

"What are you gonna do to me Mr. Grier?" 

"If I tell you it wouldn't be fun. Stop teasing me or else I'll be over there so quick and I'll take you then and there." Please do.

"Okay Babe. I'm gonna go to bed now. Goodnight Babe"

"God I wanna be there laying next to you so bad right now Babe ;("

"I wish you were too ;("

"Goodnight Babe"

"Goodnight" I put my phone to charge next to my bed on my night stand and laid down. Hayes made me want him so bad. What's tomorrow? Oh yeah Sunday. I forgot. Maybe I can chill with Annalise tomorrow.


"Hey Annalise!" I said talking on the phone. While eating breakfast.

"Hi Ann"

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing just getting ready , you?"

"I'm eating haha, Getting ready for what missy?"

"Haha Um Jake wants to take me out on a date..." OH MY GOD!!

"OH MY GOD!! I need to come over to help you get ready!!"

"Okay! Can you come now so we can just hang and then get ready?"

"Yeah sure, Need anything?"

"No I'm good thanks."

"You want me to stop at the gas station and get us some slushies ?"

" Yeah if that's okay"

"Yeah no problem." I arrived at her house about 10 minuets later. I gave her her slushie and we went towards her bedroom.

Annalise's POV

What am I supposed to wear? 

"Did Jake tell you where he was gonna take you? So I at least know what your gonna wear?" 

"He said we were gonna go to six flags" 

"Wow! That's the cutest date ever! Awe make sure to hold his hand!" Oh I will. lol

"What? No. I can't. I'm kinda scared to get on the rides" I know for a fact I'm gonna scream my ass off.


"Because there gonna go super fast and super high!" Well I am excited to get on the Goliath.

"God your gonna have a blast!"

"I know I'm pretty excited!"

"Okay lets get you dressed." Let's do this!


Here's an update!! Annalise and Jake are goals! Hayes is being protective of Ann. Vote and comment!

Bye Loves^~^

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