Chapter 8

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Andrea's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling happy. It was weird because I'm not a morning person. I found out last night that the paper Hayes put in my bra... was his number. Which is weird cause I already have his number. I have to ask him when I see him. Which is soon hopefully. Oh I forgot today is the dinner with Zach!! Oh wait I have that blue dress I can wear.I ate breakfast, took a shower, Brushed my hair and I looked at my clock on my phone it was 3:00 p.m. I went down stairs to each lunch with my parents. They made some sandwiches. "Hey hun"

"Hi Mom, Dad"

"I'm excited for your friend to come over!!" Oh boy.

"Me too. I feel like it's gonna be pretty cool. Please don't make this embarrassing mom and dad"

"Why would we make this embarrassing?"

"Mom, Dad please."

"Okay fine." They said. I went upstairs and decided to curl my hair. When I finished curling my hair it was 7:00. Okay I have enough time to look for the dress and my heels and some bracelets. I put on my backless strappy mini dress. Then I put my bracelets and grabbed my phone. Then I put on my blue heels on. I looked really pretty. I think I actually looked nicer then yesterday. Then Zach texted me.

"Hey Ann"

"Hey Zach"


"Just finished Getting ready for this dinner you?"

"same. I'm nerves a little nerves tbh"

"Me too. But don't worry we'll be fine. I hope...xD"

"Haha very funny Ann -.-"

"Lmfao Well I'll see you in about 10 min. Zach lol"

"Bye Ann"


Zach's POV

I put my phone down and just relaxed for a minuet. I'm kinda nerves for this whole dinner thing. Ann told me not to worry so I'm not gonna worry. I was wearing a black suit. I thought I should look extremely hot so I wore my suit. I turned on my xbox and started playing a video game to keep my mind off of things. My cousin recently came yesterday from Canada. She hasn't been here since she was 5. I decided to take her out to eat yesterday at this pizza restaurant. She loved the pizza there. That pizza place I've gone to since I was a baby. Anyways we caught up and I took her back to her hotel and said goodnight. I saw this really hot girl at the pizza place. She was wearing a red dress. I only saw her from behind but from what I saw, she was hot! I hope I see her again. Anyways, It's almost time for me to go. I wasn't that nervous anymore. I mean it's not like I'm her boyfriend and meeting her parents. I'm just her friend and meeting her parents that are curious. That's it. But god I wish I was hers, and she was mine. But I want to get to know her more and then maybe we can become more than just friends. Hell I don't even know if she likes me! Only one way to find out. I get up and grab my phone and start heading out the door. Here I go.

Andrea's POV

My mom finished cooking, she went upstairs and got ready. I went to my moms room to see if she was ready. When I went in there she was by her mirror putting on red lipstick. My Mom was wearing a backless red dress. It stopped at her knee's. I hope mines is fine. Mine stops mid-thigh. My dad was wearing his black suit. My parents looked hot. "Hunnie your dress is way to damn short, go change."

"Dad it's fine."

"She's alright Jose leave her. It's not like were going to the club or something." My mom said. He sighed.

"Okay fine. But If something falls or is on the floor DO NOT pick it up. I'll pick it up." It's funny when he gets like this.

"Okay dad."

"Wait lets take pictures so I can upload them on Facebook!" My mom said taking out her phone from her bra. I took a picture of my parents first, then me and my mom, me and my dad and then I put a timer and took a picture of all of us. Then the door bell rang. "I'll get it!!" I said as I ran out the room and down the stairs to the door. He's here!!! When I opened the door I saw Zach. He was wearing a black suit, black shoes, and might I say, he looked hot!

Zach's POV

Wow. When she opened that door, I was immediately blown away. She looked amazing. She was wearing a Blue dress. It looked hot on her. God I wanted to grab her and take her on the table. Zach stop. I need to control me and Johnny... when she motioned me to go come in, she turned her back to me and told her parents that I was here and to come down. That's when I noticed her back. Jesus Christ. It was a backless dress!! And her dress stopped like at mid-thigh. God how am I supposed to control me and Johnny now!?! This is going to be a long ass night.....

Andrea's POV

Me and Zach took a seat at the table. Just waiting on my parents to come down.

"Are you still nerves?" I asked Zach.

"Not really. I calmed myself down. Haha you should've seen me. I was talking to myself."

"Haha me too. I was nerves but now I'm more of let's see what happens next."
"Yeah me too. What'd your mom make?"
"Um I think she made some lasagna with mashed potatoes."
"It smells delicious." As soon as he said that my parents walked in. Zach and me stood up. "Why hello Zach!!!" My mom said walking up to him and shaking his hand, and hugging him. Then my dad walks up to him. "Nice to meet you Zach, I'm Andrea's dad" They shake hands and everyone sits down. "You guys ready to eat?!" My mom says while getting up. "Yes!!" We all say. Which makes us laugh. "All this getting ready stuff made me hungry " I giggle. "Me too" Zach said. My mom comes back and sets the food on the table. And she bring out the pop and serves me and Zach while my parents get wine. We serve ourselves and begin eating. "So Zach what do you wanna do when you get older?"
"Um well I actually wanted to become a lawyer."
"Oh that's good. We actually have some people in our family are lawyers. They live in New York and California. We're actually supposed to visit them next year during summer break. Maybe if you wanna check it out still you can come with us?"
"Oh my god. That'd be awesome.are you sure?"
"Yeah I'll ask my mom."
"Which one are we going to? The one in Cali or New York?"
"The one in New York. He's a really good lawyer.I think he can help you join programs here."
"That'd be so awesome."
"What made you get so interested in that area?"
"Well My uncle from my mom side is a successful lawyer too and I used to watch him work and stuff and I liked it ever since." Wow I didn't know he wanted to become a lawyer. I also didn't know we were going to New York!! With Zach. Well that's till next year. My mom put the plates in the sink and sat back down.
"I told Andrea to invite that other boy to come too but she didn't want too." Ah shit no mom please I didn't tell Zach were dating yet. Shit.
"Mom I only wanted to do one at a time."
"Well I think I deserve to know who my daughters boyfriend is!" Zach said face looked shocked. " Oh no ma'am me and Andrea are just best friends." Wait what?
"I know dear I'm talking about that other kid, um I think his name is Hayes? Hazel? I forgot" ugh no! Zach looked at me. His face was mixed with mad, upset, sad and confused. I did not plan for him to find out like this.
"His name is Hayes." Zach said.
"Yeah that's his name! Right Hunnie?"
"Yes mom. That's his name."
"Um it's getting late I think I should go now. Thank you for the dinner Mr. And Mrs. Conners. " and he got up and started walking away towards the door. "Bye dear!" My mom said. He didn't say bye to me. He's mad. I got up and ran after him. He was at the door opening it. "Zach wait please." He walked outside ignoring me. I shut the door.
"Zach please just listen to me." I grabbed his arm.
"No Ann let me go." He snatched his hand away.
"Zach please listen to me!!"
"Is it true?" I looked in his eyes.
"Y-yes. I was gonna tell you! I swear!"
"When Ann?!? When?!? When you were done telling EVERYBODY else and then me right?!" I've never seen him like this before.
"N-No I-I was gonna tell you tomorrow. And you know I would tell you before ANYBODY else. Why would you think that?" I was getting mad now. What the hell is his problem!? " Yeah okay Ann. Whatever I have to go."
"Zach! Please can we just be okay? I promise I'll tell you things first from now on. Please I can't lose you. You were my friend first than anyone else. Please." I started crying while saying that. Zach turns to face me. He steps closer to me.
"Ann, I like you"
Here's an update you guys. Love you ! Bye!❤️❤️ vote and comment! Mainly vote.

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