Chapter 19

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Andrea's POV

Another bad dream. This one wasn't as bad. I'm so glad it's Saturday. I thought I had school. Oh my god today I'm hanging out with Hayes! I'm excited. We're gonna have fun. Hayes is funny. But mainly unexpected. He acts all big and bad but deep inside he's caring and loving. He needs to understand that being caring and loving isn't being weak. It's being stronger. I looked at my phone and it was 1:00 pm. Shit! I need to get up! I got up and ran to the bathroom. Did I really sleep that long? My dream didn't seem that long. I turned on the water and slipped off my clothes. The water feels so relaxing. I feel like I can forget everything and just drift. The warm water on my skin is soothing. I never want to get out. Once I was finished, I turned off the water and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body. I walked out into my room. What should I wear? Hmm. I looked through my closet and found some shorts with a white crop top. I put on my clothes and started blow drying my hair. Once I was done I straightened it out. I love it when my hair is straight. I put on some mascara and put on my white sandals. I put my phone to charge. I still have a good 45 minutes till he gets here. My phone was at 80% so I had enough time to charge it. I went to grab my laptop from under my bed. I have this website where I order my iPhone cases. Oh my god it's bomb. I wanted to get this glow in the dark case. It's so cool. It's only $17 dollars. It should be here in like two days. I'm excited. I checked on my phone it was 100% already so I took it off. I ran downstairs when the bell rang. I opened the door and Hayes was smiling wearing shorts with a red tank top. Showing his strong arms. Holy. "Hey babe" I blushed.
"Hey Babe" he walked closer to me kissing me slowly, tenderly. I put my arms around his neck as he kissed me. His hands were on my waist, making circles on my exposed skin. Causing me to get goosebumps. I bit his lip. He groaned. "We better stop before we never make it to my house and end up doing other things." He said breathlessly. I nodded. We walked out hand in hand. I closed the door, locking it. We got in his car and drove off to his house. He lives four blocks away from me. I walk by every time I feel like going for a run. I like to run. It clears my head. Gets my mind off things. Or sometimes I'll just jog. "Your awfully quiet. What's wrong?"
"No. Just thinking. Why are you so quiet?" He grinned. "I'm thinking too." He looked at me and winked. "About?" I asked curious. He smirked.
"Things" hmm.
"What kind of things?"
"Things I want to do to you." My eyes widened. I was probably as red as a tomato. I gulped. My stomach is getting butterflies up the ass right now. Hayes parked and unlocked the door. We went inside his house and sat down on the couch next to each other.
"It's just us babe, what do you want to do?" Hayes asked me while turning to face me.
" I have No idea. A movie maybe?" He smiled.
"Yeah sounds good." He got up.
"What movie do you want to see babe?" I don't know why but I got all giddy when he asked me like that.
"Um I don't know. What movies do you have?" He grabbed a handful of movies and sat down.
"I have White chicks-"
"Yes!! I love that fucking movie!!" He chuckled.
"I'm gonna go make some popcorn you can put on the movie." I said while getting up and walking towards the kitchen. He nodded. I grabbed the popcorn from the cabinet and put it in the microwave. "Okay babe I put in the movie!!" Hayes said shouting from the living room. "Okay babe the popcorns almost done!" I shouted back. He didn't respond. I screamed when Hayes grabbed my waist and spins me around so I was facing him. "HAYES YOU GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK!!" He laughed. I crossed my arms over my chest. "That's not funny." I said backing away every time he tries to kiss me. "Awe I'm sorry babe. I won't do it again I promise." I looked away. Not giving in. Then he started kissing my neck. He sucked on my soft spot. "Oh god Hayes s-stop" he groaned. "Stop me." He said kissing me roughly. I gave in. I couldn't take it. He lifted me onto the counter. My legs wrapped around his waist. "H-Hayes" I moaned. "Yes baby?" He said breathlessly. "We-" he kissed me. "Should-" "stop"
"Never" I moaned.
"Finish the m-movie." He groaned. "What's wrong with that?" He pulled back panting. I chuckled. Honestly I wasn't ready to have sex yet. He helped me down. "Sorry I'll control myself next time." He said grabbing a big bowl for the popcorn that was now ready. I opened the popcorn and poured it into the bowl. We sat down on the couch and cuddled while watching the movie. This feels nice. I never thought me and Hayes would be like this.
One minute we were laughing at the end of the movie and the next I fell with Hayes on top of me, and we were making out once again. "Ouch!" I said when he gripped my arms. Shit. The bruises. Fuck.
"What?! What's wrong? Did I hurt you?"
"N-No it's just I have-" he looked at my arms and his mouth was open. Shocked. Puzzled. Confused.
"What the fuck. Happened." He said. Fuck he's mad.
"I-I just um fell down the s-stairs.."
"Bullshit. Tell me. Now." He stood up and helped me up. "I'm serious Hayes. I swear." He frowned.
"Yeah sure and you just fucking got two bruises on each arm that looks like fucking fingerprints. I wasn't born yesterday Andrea." I could tell he was mad cause he used my name. "I know. Nobody has hurt me Hayes. Can you just leave it alone!" I raised my voice. He flinched. "No. Your not gonna shut your past out this time. Your gonna tell me who that fucking guy was and your gonna tell me who gave you those fucking bruises." Past. I'm not telling my past. I can't be reminded of that. I ran for a reason.
"No." He frowned.
"Excuse me?"
"I said no." He stepped closer to me, his tall figure way over mine.
"Why not? Why can't you just tell me-"
"I said NO!!!!!" I shouted. I walked past him. He grabbed my arm which made me hiss and wince.
"Let. Me. Go."

Falling for who?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang