Chapter 23

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Zach's POV

I can't believe she thought that I would lie to her like that! I mean yeah I get jealous but I would never take it that damn far! Only a fucking psycho does that shit. I can tell I'm fucking pissed off because I can't stop fucking cursing. I'm beyond fucking pissed. I need to cool down. It's Wednesday, I have to be excited because schools almost out! But I can't be because I'm too fucking pissed to be fucking excited! I sighed. Okay I need to calm my shit. There I go again. It's lunch and I haven't even looked at Ann. It really hurt me that she thought that I was capable of doing that to her. Remember Zach, try to forget. Okay. Try. Try. Oh shit I forgot I'm hanging out with Emily today! Thank god I remembered. Or else I wouldn't have remembered till the next day. We've been smiling at each other all day. She seems like a really nice and innocent girl. I kinda don't want to take that away from her.


Andrea's POV

Zach hasn't talked to me all day. I'm starting to feel guilty. Maybe I should apologize to him. No. He's the one who made up that unbelievable ass story about Hayes! He would never do that. Right? He hasn't said I love you though. When he didn't text me 'I love you' back to me, I felt hurt. Maybe because I'm moving too fast on him. Damn it is me! I've been pushing him too fast. I need to slow it down. I sighed. I don't know why I moved so fast with him. Maybe because he's the first that has actually cared.

Zach's POV

I just got out of school and I'm on my way to my bus.
"Hey Zach!" Emily said grinning.

"Hey Emily! We still up for today?"

"Yeah, of course. Your gonna pick me up still or?"

"Yeah I am. I'll see you then Em" I smirked. She blushed.

"Y-Yeah okay. Bye" she winked and walked away. Wow. Feisty one. I arrived home and changed into some shorts and a black tank top. Need to show off my sexy arms. Lol I went to my car and turned it on. I texted Emily
I'm on my way. Your address? She texted me her address and I drove there. I got lost but I arrived like 10 minuets late. Oops.. She came out in short shorts with a white crop top. The white crop top reminds me of Ann. Stop it Zach. She doesn't want you. She wants Hayes. Yeah Hayes is the one that doesn't want her. He's gonna break her heart. But she's too damn stubborn to listen to me.
"Hey Zach" Em said grinning.
"Hey Em, ready?" I smirked at her.
"Always." She smirked back. I stepped on the gas pedal.
"It's okay if we hang out at the park right?" I asked.
"Yeah sounds good." She said. When we got there I unlocked the doors and opened the door for Emily.
"Such a gentlemen" she said smiling. I smiled.
"I'm not gentle in other things.." I said smirking at her. Her eyes widened and she blushed. We sat down on a table. "Are you dating that girl in our math class? I think her names Anna or??" Em asked.
"Um No she's not. We're just.." Damn I don't even know if we're friends. She doesn't trust me.
"Just??...." Em said.
"Well I don't know honestly... We got into a big fight and idk what we are anymore." I said quietly.
"What did you guys argue about?" I sighed.
"Well she's with this guy and he's a real player and-" she cut me off. "Hayes Grier?!?" She gasped.
"Wow. He's hot and all but he's a jerk." I frowned.
"How do you know when you just got here?" Em sighed. "Because before Hayes came here.. To Texas, we used to live in California and we used to go out. And he used to tell me all these... Nice things that made me feel good about myself... And protected me. He cared for me when no one else did. I trusted him.. One day he told me his parents were gone and they wouldn't be back till really late. And he told me if I wanted to hang out. Usually he would take me to the park or we just hang out. But this time" she looked at her hand which were on the table and folded together. I put my hands on hers.
"It's okay." She nodded.
"This time when we made out we would just stop and go home. But when we ended our movie, we made out but he started... Taking off my clothes.. And I let him. I trusted him. Once we were only in our um underwear and I was in my bra and stuff.. And we went into his room and on from there... It was my first. And after that he stopped talking to me. Ignored me. I was so upset and worried. Mainly sad. I was afraid I did something to get him upset or I did something wrong. So I just went home and I called him. I told him what's wrong and he said and I quote 'I can't do this. We can't be together anymore its not you its me' I got him pissed off because I wouldn't let him go. He was my first. And I thought he was my last. But then he told me 'I used you bitch! I just wanted to take your virginity!! I used you for my needs.' I started to cry. And he told me 'Don't worry babe. For what it's worth.... You were amazing and so tight.' " tears came out her eyes. I got up and went to her side. "Hey it's okay." I said to her as I hugged her. "I was so pathetic" she cried into my chest. "No you weren't. He was. Don't cry." She stopped and I wiped the tears off her face. She smiled. "Why is she with him?" She asked.
"The same reason you went with him." She looked like she was thinking. In deep thought.
"We need to do something.." She said thinking.
"Like what? I told her already. She doesn't listen to me."
"When is she going to his house?" She asked.
"Today. He said the same thing he said to you. Her friend Annalise told me."
"Shit we need to distract her from going!!"
"Like what? She won't come for me."
"This Annalise girl? She's her best friend?"
"Yeah why?"
"Cause she's about to need Ann's help right now."
There you go lovelys!! Feel free to make covers for me!! I would really appreciate it!

This Em girl must really have a plan..

Wonder what it is..?? Zach is so caring! I really hope that Zach beats the shit out of Hayes! Let's pray he does guys!! I'd be like GOOOOO ZACHARYYYYY!! BEAT HIS ASSSS!!! Lmao xDD

Hayes is getting on my nerves!! Like why would you do that to a poor innocent girl!?! I would so punch and beat the shit out of him if he did that to anybody that I knew or anybody for that matter. Anywho....
If you guys see any errors or anything let me know down in the comments and I will edit it! Thank you!! Hope you guys had a great day and I will see you soon!! Vote and comment!!
Laters baby^~^

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