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Scarlett's POV

"No red cards today." Jasmine says as she runs her fingers through my hair.

"Fine." I playfully groan. "But one of you better score today."

"We'll try Scar." Leah says as tonight's line-up for the title decider with Chelsea is passed to us.

1-Madeline Sow
2-Jasmine Johnston
6-Leah Williamson(C)
4-Naomi Girma
12-Emily Fox
5-Lena Oberdorf
18-Kyra Cooney-Cross
17-Jessie Harris
23-Alessia Russo
14-Scarlett Blondeau
11-Sophia Smith

After I look at the line-up, I pass it behind me then I relax for the rest of the drive while snuggling with and talking to Leah and Jasmine.

Once at Arsène Wenger Arena, the bus pulls underneath the stadium and parks then everyone gets off and heads to the locker room.

When we get to the locker room everyone puts their stuff down in their respective lockers.

Once my stuff is in my locker, my teammates and I head outside for the pitch inspection.

When I get onto the pitch, I stand with Leah and Jasmine as we talk to our teammates for a few minutes then we head back to the locker room to get ready for the game.

Once I get to my locker I take out my nose ring then I take off my necklaces, earrings, bracelet, and my rings.

After my jewelry is off, I put my jewelry in it's safe then I put my jewelry safe, phone, and wallet in my bag.

Once I'm jewelry free I take off my tracksuit and put my long dark brown hair up in a ponytail then I put on my warm up top and my game shorts.

I then sit down in my locker and put on my socks, my shin pads and my red boots.

Once I'm dressed, I stand up, walk out of the locker room, and head onto the field with the outfield players.

When I get on the pitch I run through my warm ups with the starters for a while then we head back to the locker room.

Once in the locker room I change out of the training top and change into my red jersey while Tobin does her last minute talks.

When the last minute talks end we are told to head to the tunnel so I hug and kiss Leah and Jasmine before I head out to the tunnel.

Once in the tunnel, I line-up in-between Madeline and Jasmine then I wait for us to be called out.

Minutes later we are told to head out onto the field for the prematch stuff so I follow Madeline out onto the field.

Once on the field we stand in line for a few seconds then we shake hands with the Chelsea players.

After we shake hands we take a starting XI picture, Leah does the coin toss, then we do our team huddle before we head onto the field.

"You two Ready?" Alessia asks as she, Sophia, and I huddle.

"Fuck yes." Sophia says.

"So ready Lessi." I say. "So fucking ready."

- - - - -

"Fuck." I mumble when Mia Fishel scores the first goal of the game in the 85th minute then I turn and walk up field.

"COME ON LADIES." Katie shouts from the bench then I see the ref motion both teams to their benches.

"What's up?" I ask the ref.

"One of the group of flood lights is out so we have to stop and fix it." The ref says.

"Ah." I say then I head to the bench.

Once at the bench I get handed a water bottle so I rehydrate while listening to Tobin talk about our plan.

After like five minutes the flood lights come back on so everyone heads back onto the pitch.

Once on the pitch everyone of my teammates and I, except Emily and Madeline, line-up on the halfway line in preparation for our set play.

A few seconds later the ref blows her whistle so Emily kicks the ball back to Madeline then all of us sprint towards the Chelsea goal.

A couple seconds later I hear the boom of Madeline booting the ball up field then I look up to try and find the ball.

Before I lay eyes on the ball I hear the ref blow her whistle so I look towards the sound of the whistle and see Sophia lying on the ground while one of the Chelsea players his pleading with the ref.

"It worked." Alessia says then I walk with the blonde woman over to where Sophia is.

"That shit hurt." I hear Sophia say.

"Well you got kneed in the back so I'd expect so." Lena says.

"Geez." I say then myself and Sophia stay near the foul area so we can take the free kick while everybody else heads to the top of the box.

Once Sophia and I are alone we cover our mouths with our hands then we discuss which set piece to do.

After we decide what we're doing I give the signal to my teammates on what we're doing then everyone sets up.

"Hope this works." I say as Sophia and I wait.

A couple seconds later the ref blows her whistle so Sophia runs to the ball first and jumps over it then I run at the ball and launch it into the box.

After the ball leaves my foot I watch it fly through the air then I watch my right-back head the ball into the back of the net making the score 1-1.

"YEAH." Sophia shouts.

"GRAB THE BALL." I shout then I jog up field with my teammates.

Once we're all on our side of the field the game resumes then my teammates and I go into little kid mode and swarm the ball to try and win it back.

A minute later I win the ball back then I get fouled right outside the Chelsea box.

"Well that was unnecessary." I say as I rest on the ground.

"That's my girl." I hear Leah say as she and Jasmine appear over me.

"That was such an unnecessary foul." I say.

"Yes it was." Jasmine says as she and Leah help me up.

Once I'm on my feet I dust myself off then I set up for the free kick.

After I'm set up Jasmine and Leah stand with me.

"So." I say as I cover my mouth. "Looks like we get to do our fantasy."

"Yes it does Scarlett." Jasmine says with a smirk then I hear the whistle blow.

"Excuse me one moment." I say then I do my run up, kick the ball up and over the wall and into the goal making the score 2-1.

"YEAH." I hear Leah shout then she jumps on me.

"You cheeky girl." Jasmine says.

I chuckle then I enjoy getting hugged by my teammates.

After I hug my teammates we head back upfield then Chelsea restart the game.

Once Chelsea kick off the ref blows her whistle so I hug my girlfriends.

"We won the league." I say.

"Yes we did Mama." Jasmine says. "Yes we did."

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