The Tailor and the Owl Redo

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Hi everyone!

As the title shows. Now some parts will be the same. Others taken out. Or new details hidden ever since we learn a few things. Still following some of the basic plots from the beginning until later on. So, it's optional to read.

Note: In this time line Moxxie age is a little closer to age Stolas. Compared to canon and the story. (I think yall pick that up by now but gotta make sure.)


Warning: OOC, random craziness, Error past dark abuse, many other troubles if mention, cursing, killing, dark themes, sexual interaction and themes, racism mention, stuff children/teen shouldn't do, profanity, self-harm, suicidal moments, cheating, violence, smoking, drugs, alcohol, guns mention, animal death, cringe, bullying, yandere, musical/singing moments and bad flirts.

Error/Moxxie speaking


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"I'll be back Madre." A young imp rechecks their bag. Sees they have what they need for now. Suddenly pick up. Let loose a low growl, a lack of viciousness in it. "Madre."

"I know you little runt." Maria chuckles and nuzzles her child. Smirk as she hears another growl from the small imp destroyer. "Don't let trouble follow your back. All ready finished cleaning up another rat trap."

"Wasn't my fault." A low grumble.

Maria found out a little earlier who Moxxie use to be. Her and the Doc. When? How? That first Doctor visit for one. Moxxie was still trying to understand all that was happening along with an overload. So, their magic basically exploded along with their strings. The pair were lucky to survive. But then confused at this glowing heart that was very broken over the past-out imp child.

Gave them a choice to SEE.

They both pressed it and saw everything of who Moxxie once was. When it was over the little imp was just look so terrified to stare at them. Moxxie was terrified and thought they would just die. Accidentally even summoned a Blaster.

A lot of damaged but got repair

Maria asked them if they could give them a hug.

Only being in Hell, still doesn't get it, for almost two days. The pounding headaches of fuzzy memories they couldn't remember before. Even after looking over the codes the other day with all the Intel. Along with their situations. Just was waiting for that fear, worry, disgust or anger. Even physical pain to get rid of the glitch.

But it never happens.

Maria asked them if they could give them a hug.

Error broke down on that spot with it all piling up. Allowing the hug from the Wrath Imp that took them in. While they still have the mind set of Error. They still have a mind that was childlike. It could be the new body, memories or just the drama all together. Error doesn't know. It did feel natural over time to call Maria, Madre. Maria did not once correct him and embrace the role.

Were there challenges? Many.

So, many for both sides.

Yet, wouldn't change it.

It was a change for both of them, along with the Doc as well since he was a part of it too. It a deep-rooted secret nobody was allowed to know. Unless Moxxie wanted to tell someone.

Which is in the negatives.

Right now, Moxxie main focus were other problems. It was odd for Moxxie at times and kept his paranoia up. The ups and downs of physical contact became too much. But knew when to step back and not overdo it. Kept chocolate on board. Never was pushed to talk about what happened. Sleep they rather not talk about as they're still working on it. Same with food. Always kept their neck covered. It was even something Moxxie couldn't understand besides thinking it just having their scarf around them for so long.

Error/Moxxie Drabbles and Request!Where stories live. Discover now