Get Out!

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Hello everyone!

Request sent by blacknbluecrystal

Request: Ink and some other Sans somehow finding their way through Moxxie's universe.

Warning: OOC, random craziness, Error past, dark abuse, many other troubles if mention, cursing, killing, dark themes, racism mention, under-age flirting, profanity, self-harm, suicidal moments, cheating, sexual moments mentioned, violence, smoking, drugs, alcohol, guns mention, animal death, cringe, bullying, yandere, possible musical/singing moments and bad flirts.

Error/Moxxie/Puppet speaking


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Ink, Dream, Sans, Fell, and Reaper were on a time limit so to speak. Science warns them they should be lucky if the machine even sends them to the right spot. Let alone if they could find Error.

After the Destroyer jumped from the Void. It just been celebration after celebrations not having to deal with Glitch. Well, not everyone celebrated.

Until things started to get hectic.

Ink going wild on his creative spree, the many copies and just not stopping to take a break. He couldn't help it. Yes, they are in way 'sadden' Error not here. After that last battle when the destroyer ran off. Nothing they could do was destroy the destroyer. So, ready to just lock him up. Lock up away, not be around their creations. Then hopefully we can find a way to fix them. Or anything. They think this whole 'balance' excuse was just stuck in their mind. Were talk of voices. So, maybe we were schizophrenic?

Yet, it never came to be. Maybe it was for the best the Destroyer jumped.

Jump into that void with a happy smile.

Until worlds started to disappear and gone.

Many panics and try to blame the Bad Sans. Until one mission Nightmare literally asked them how? None of them have that kind of ability even if they would gladly love to erase every last thing the squid made.

It was getting out of hand. Fights on many sides. Anger. High tension all around. Thoughts even another destroyer.

If only they knew the truth that everything was being 'fixed'. How a new balance is being redirected to get rid of what does not need to be here. In time we can create again but need to learn patience. Find other ways for the Creator to use their ability. Yet, it won't be known till later.

Now whoever commented about Error possibly being alive? Not sure. But then it became a mission to see if they could pull them back. After that I was not sure but all this started to happen after he jumped. They'll figure out something along with a house arrest. To keep a close eye on the destroyer. After long, long hours of engineering and research a machine was built and ready to lock on Error magic. Then they can transport them to wherever Error could be at that moment. But there was a time limit.

Go in. Grab Error. Leave.

Easy and simple right?


The moment they were teleported. It looked like they were outside some forest. Notice a few homes not too far away covered in trees. It looks like nighttime began to approach. Then it was a small figure that was the first sign of life. A bit confused as it wasn't Error.

It caught them off guard as they didn't recognize this type of monster. Small looking. Skin a red tone with a hint of gray. A tail. Strip horns. White hair with a side ponytail. White freckles. A pair of eyes behind these wide glasses that look crack. Then he was giving them this looks.

Error/Moxxie Drabbles and Request!Where stories live. Discover now