Bundle Madness Drabble Part 17 (A Part 3)

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Hi everyone!

Here you go like any asked for! Remember these don't really have certain plots and can go different directions.


Warning: OOC, random craziness, Error past dark abuse, many other troubles if mention, cursing, killing, dark themes, sexual interaction and themes, racism mention, stuff children/teen shouldn't do, profanity, self-harm, suicidal moments, cheating, violence, smoking, drugs, alcohol, guns mention, animal death, cringe, bullying, yandere, musical/singing moments and bad flirts.

Error/Adam speaking


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((E. Adam meets one of the angels that seems to make it their goal to get Adam to fight.))

"Hey Rabbit."

"Yes, Adam?" Peter looks at him while on gate duty. He still has no idea to this day why they are nicknamed 'Rabbit'. But can't complain as he finds it cute. Along with got one the 'nicer' nicknames compared to other that Adam gives.

Watch him just laying on one the colored clouds that were fully white. He doesn't mind when Adam is out here with him. Doesn't bother him at all when greeting the souls. Plus, if anyone asked who the one wearing a mask is. He just says to a friend.

"That girl here again." His eyes closed behind the mask.

"Girl?" Blink and then smile big. "The one who mad you beat her?"

"I didn't beat her. She was too loud during her training and I dodged her attack."

 It was an accident really when they were going to the closest thing they had as a forest here in Heaven. She was just training. She got snippy why they were looking. I told her posture was bad. Wrong blade. Well, let's just her swing needed to be work on. Dodge every attack while eating a chocolate bar. Only stop until she was completely exhausted.

"Aka beat her till she passed out."

"You making it sound terrible."

"Well, you should have just accepted the challenge. Even if violence wrong."

"Nothing wrong with learning self-defense." Lean up and stretch.

"I think self-defense pushing it."

"Whatever. " Got up.

"Bye, Adam!" Watch Adam, just wave goodbye and just walk on through the gate. Really should just fly over.

Adam keeps walking as his mind wanders a bit. There was that new batch of thread he hadn't brought yet. Maybe I can go now before the store gets occupied. "Stop following me."

"Huh! How you know I was following you?"

"You talk."

The angel blink as she came out from behind a building. Her white hair in a low ponytail. Not in that off gray uniform but a jacket. Look a little embarrassed like she made a terrible mistake and called out. Which was true.

"Do you need something? I'm a bit preoccupied." Not bothering to look at her while walking and talking.

"It's considered rude to not look at the one challenging you."

"Rude is one of my middle names. Just like it rude to stalk someone. Well, creepy actually."

"I'm not stalking you!" Face very bright when she notices heads looking at her direction.

Error/Moxxie Drabbles and Request!Where stories live. Discover now