Bundle Madness Drabble Part 33

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Hi everyone!

Some random ideas bundle that pop in my head.


Warning: OOC, random craziness, past dark abuse, many other troubles if mention, cursing, killing, dark themes, sexual interaction and themes, racism mention, stuff children/teen shouldn't do, profanity, self-harm, suicidal moments, cheating, violence, smoking, drugs, alcohol, guns mention, animal death, cringe, bullying, yandere, musical/singing moments and bad flirts.

Error/Moxxie speaking


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((Summary: Moxxie finds a Fizz bot that Fizzbot. This Fizzbot is about an interesting personality change .))

Moxxie like living alone.

For obvious reasons. Does it get lonely? Not really for them. Not like they're really alone back home. They don't mind it at all.

Right now, currently, Moxxie in the Pride ring taking care of a delivery business for their boss. Usually, they would have been shipped out but he didn't like how they got ripped off. So, after a bit of negotiating Moxxie went ahead to bring it to Pride. Not the first or last time doing a delivery like this. Just not their favorite thing to do. Were in a part of Pride they are used to that Hellborns live and work around.

After dealing with traffic, some attempts start with an accident or some ridiculous turf war. Able to drop the package to a business and get the payment. Already driving back to the elevator. A long time as the traffic was being horrid. It was getting late as well. When they were able to finally move went in a different direction. Didn't care if it taken too long.

Yet, it was a part of Pride they're not use too. Very techie, bright and flashy. Stay in the truck the whole time. Sent unsettling glares whenever someone tried to approach at a light. It can be a little amusing when the sinners actually step back or turn around. Either realizing they are an imp and not waste time.

Which is part of it. Another was the look they would send that was uncomfortable.

Now at one point we did pull up a parking lot. To recheck the GPS on their phone. Possible not the best spot to pull up into. But it didn't matter to them. Nothing here is considered safe. Got out the truck for a few seconds to make sure everything was good as well like no surprises hidden.

Well, no one in and out of the truck.

But the sound of static from the dumpster did when they saw it was bot.

It looks like a wreck.

Destroyed, mangled, torn apart and random glitches. Stare at the ruin bot. The face seemed a little familiar but couldn't put it were. Debate about to just go or at least see about shutting it off. Those glitches and movements wouldn't be safe. Move closer than notice a piece of stickie note on them.


Don't want the old model.

Roll their eyes at that. Could have at least made sure it was taken care of. But no. Look back at bot arms twitching. Walk closer and touch the cold metal face.

Crack optics look up at them. A wide smile still on their faces. A crack glitch up voice could be heard.


Shook their head no.

"MaZZZteZZZZ?" Try to cling to them while moving your head around. Their heads almost came off their necks. "Im Zorrry Cann Cannn hommmmm?"

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