Bundle Madness Drabble Part 7

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Hi everyone!

Enjoy these next bundle requests!

Warning: OOC, random craziness, Error past dark abuse, many other troubles if mention, cursing, killing, dark themes, racism mention, stuff children/teen shouldn't do, profanity, self-harm, suicidal moments, cheating, sexual moments mentioned, violence, smoking, drugs, alcohol, guns mention, animal death, cringe, bullying, yandere, possible musical/singing moments and bad flirts.

Error/Moxxie speaking


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((Request by Ericavon_1029 Request: what if yeti had a child and that child is nightmare. And mox felt nightmares presence and tried to look for him. And baby nightmare is giving yeti a hard time since the mother just left the egg to him. So, he asked stolas for help and Octavia just witnessed her cousin being born. But stella is not part of this since she is banned. And stolas told mox about yeti having illegitimate child and is struggling and needs help.))

Stolas never expected Andrealphus to be a father. For well obvious reasons. But to hear his soon-to-be -ex-brother-in-law calling him. He sounded like he was ready to tear his feathers out.

"I don't know what to do!"

"Why not asked your amazing sister?"

"Don't start with sarcasm bullshit! We both know she didn't take care of the egg!" Didn't trust her around the egg. Don't get him started of the hypocrite shit she yelled. Kick her out to live at one of their homes.

Along with a lovely threat if she runs her beak open. He will freeze her mouth shut.

Touche. Stolas took care of Octavia egg along with a servant when he needed to focus on work. "Are you sure not a dud?"

"I'm damn well positive and checked!"

"So, you're going to keep them?"

"I'm in a bind right now!" Andrelphus staring at the egg just bundled up warmly. "I'm already going to have word spread around me having a bastered child!"

"I'm very tempted to call your uncle to take the egg."


Stolas raised an eyebrow at that. It's possible Andrealphus instincts were triggered now. He took a deep breath. "Andrealphus just make sure the egg is warm and has things prepared for when they hatch. Things like you were peacock or possibility if are another kind of avian- "

"I don't remember who I slept with." Andrealphus muttered.

The owl prince facepalm while his servant looks at him wearily. "Why are you contacting me? You have other friends and companions who had children? Aren't you worried about other words being spread that the ex-brother-in-law asking me for his help? Hmp? Why not- "

"Because unlike everyone else you're not going to be a judge bitch about it. Plus, as much as you may hate to think. This little one will also be Octavia cousin. You...You actually knew what to do and take care of her."

Jeez. Andrealphus must be that desperate to admit it. Stolas isn't trying to be cruel for the child's sake. Divorce or not, that is still Octavia family. Won't shun them away. "I'll be there soon and ill asked Octavia if she wants to come by."


Six days later the egg hatched.

It was a peacock.

Error/Moxxie Drabbles and Request!Where stories live. Discover now