Bundle Madness Drabble Part 23 (E. Paimon Continuation)

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Hi everyone!

A Continuation for Error Paimon drabble.

There are drawings at the bottom.

Warning: OOC, random craziness, Error past dark abuse, many other troubles if mention, cursing, killing, dark themes, sexual interaction and themes, racism mention, stuff children/teen shouldn't do, profanity, self-harm, suicidal moments, cheating, violence, smoking, drugs, alcohol, guns mention, animal death, cringe, bullying, yandere, musical/singing moments and bad flirts.

Error/Moxxie/Paimon speaking


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Ars Goetias.

You either hate them, despise them, envy them or love them. Hell, the whole different families in general can hate each other guts. So, many assassination attempts, fights when another duty clashes into another. Higher class of the Hellborns. Yet, at the end of the day they do all agreed, seat or none seat, that their job is to serve Hell. That will never change even from the beginning. The originals who severed Hell.

Many think the current Goetias are the 'First'. The 'originals.


They died a long time ago or some of the current seats are just very, very old.

Even before Lucifer, Lilith Fallen to Hell. Which change many things mind you like the ring they fell in not only became 'Pride' but the destination for sinner. But before that it was still Hell after all. It's just you stay on your side Heavenly gates and we stay on our side of Hell. It doesn't mean it always was like that. There were wars after all. Deaths. Drama. You get the drift.

The Goetias. The 'Firsts' you can say. The only ones who do remember them, or care too, are the sins, certain Goetia members who are still alive and just won't die, or historical ancestry books.

Many seem to forget, or at least for like let's say sinners or Hellborns who don't know the whole history. That the current seats aren't originals. Why? All because of names.

No, some family members just want to hold tradition and give them the names. The only one who is still around and still the first Kings is like Bael. Yes, you could say their Asmodeus too but he is a sin first. It can get confusing at times with names and then complains like if someone adopted, or you're technically not related to that one anymore because of bloodline. But they still have Royal Blueblood or personally train the other to take the seat.

Paimon, our resident former destroyer, wasn't the first Paimon. He would be considered the 'third' one to ever have been given the name Paimon from their ancestor.

Paimon really thought they only picked this name because of their mother craving for pie.

Which now their craving chocolate and really can't get out the carriage. I mean they could but their father would be one step away. 

So, where are they going, you may ask. Simple. A party. That they are forced to go to the Glutton Ring. Really Orlok thought it was time they went interact with others, besides the ones that do come by. Probably the first one in many years many will see their face. Unless they can get away from that and not be targeted. Hopefully since this will be outside there won't be one of those demons that just announced their names on arrival. The party focuses outside in some big but will be inside too at the venue. The party was for one of the Kings.

"Sit up straight."

"Use less of that perfume."

Visha scowled and looked at Orlok. "I told you he won't take this serious."

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