Even better than the real thing.

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Following on from the last chapter, Carina is the first one home.
Carina: Bambina!! Hey careful.
Mia: I'm fine Carina just a knock to the head.
Carina: If it was a knock to the head I should really get you to the ER.
Mia: No, No way im fine look no blood.
Carina: Bambina please i know your angry with me.
Mia: I'm not angry with you! Your angry with me which I completely get. I'm fine.
Carina: If you wont let me take you to the ER, at least let me give you a check up now myself.
Mia: Okay, but I've gotta put the twins down for the night first.
Carina: Come on I'll help.
They put the twins down, let the house staff out and the police know about the break in, nothing was taken. Its a couple of days later. This is where the episode starts.
Replace Beckett with Sullivan, Beckett still knows the lieutenant that dies and its still Becketts fault. When the lieutenant of 88 sets up he asks Sullivan if he can take Beckett with him. You have to remember in this story Beckett has already been in the department nearly 20 years same as in the show. He just took some time off so when he got assigned to 19 he became their probie. Its their setup that was the fail and thats what causes the lieutenant's death. When Maya shows up to help Carina, James and Mia are just coming out of school.
Mia: Miranda?
Miranda: Hey don't panic but when you get home you may have to look after Carina i think she's got food poisoning.
Mia: From what? Where is she?
Miranda: Said she was going home I called Maya she should be there soon.
Mia: Okay thanks for the heads up, I've gotta get the twins first then we'll go straight home.
Miranda: Will you keep me updated?
Mia: Of course, speak to you soon. 
Miranda: Bye.
Mia: Bye.
James: What was that about?
Mia: Carina's got food poisoning, she's at home with Maya which isn't great.
James: Please let there not be blood.
Mia: Your not funny.
Once Maya realizes she needs to go back to work and they have their scene.
Carina: Hey don't cry.
Mia: Okay im here, what oh. I did not expect to see this.
Carina: See i won't be on my own anymore.
Mia: What?
Carina: She needs to get back to work.
Mia: Yeah I just saw Uncle Jack, go Maya I'll look after her.
Maya: Okay just call me if you need me any of you alright?
Mia: We got it.
Maya: What about the twins?
Mia: James has got them downstairs if he needs help one of the house staff will jump in.
Carina: What about your exams?
Mia: You are more important okay. Maya go, I'll call you later.
Maya leaves.
Mia: How did you get food poisoning?
Carina: Maya's lasagne.
Mia: I didn't think she could cook.
Carina: Evidently not. She didn't give the lasagbe enough time to cook properly.
Mia: Thats because she's always in a rush.
Carina: You've always been good at advice what do I do?
Mia: I get that you need space I really do, what she did and said was horrible, but she seems to be really trying. Its not gonna go back to how it was straight away but I want you back together. When she was in the hospital you said that I had to be the bigger person and give her a second chance. Maybe its time for you to be the bigger person. I dont want you to break up, I love you both and you're great with the twins both of you are.
Carina: Bambina, your gonna make me cry.
Mia: Come here, are we okay after the other day?
Carina: Yeah we are, I wanted to talk to you actually about that.
Mia: Where better than on the bathroom floor?
Carina: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gotten angry at you, I shouldn't have shouted at you, I shouldn't have balmed you. It wasn't your fault.
Mia: I should have told you when she came to talk to me on Friday, I just didn't know how to I wanted to make sure she was doing better before telling you.
Carina: Can we just put it behind us?
Mia: I would like that.
Later that night after the episode finishes.
Maya: Mia, you and Carina alright?
Mia: Yeah were fine, Carina said she told you she was gonna call in a few hours so here you go, im gonna go help James put the twins down for the night. Play nice, the both of you.
A couple of weeks later.
Nick: Exams are finished!
Darcy: Woo!!!
Tao: That was loud.
James: They're right we get our freedom back for another 9 months.
Tara: Why 9 months??
Mia: Because that when our real exams start.
Elle: Noo, I dont want to.
Charlie: We should do something.
Lilly: I already though of that, my mum and dad have a vacation home down in LA they said they can take us for the week we have off soon.
Darcy: Omg seriously?
Lilly: Yeah they said we should all get together including our parents or guardians and talk about it soon.
James: Until then we could all have a movie day on Saturday at mine, get pizza's and stuff.
Tara: Omg yes please.
Lilly: Yeah cause then Sunday we could all go round mine start pencilling some things in.
Isaac: Can I bring some books?
Lilly: I mean there's lots of other things to do there but yeah I dont see why not.
Charlie: I doubt my parents are gonna pass up an opportunity to be child free for a week.
Mia: I don't know if I will be there, who's gonna have the twins?
Lilly: This is what Sunday is for, at least say you'll come Sunday.
Mia: Yeah, i'll be there i'll talk to Maya and Carina.
Nick: Are you talking to Maya again?
Mia: Ish. We're seeing how it goes.

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