Could i leave you

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Its now Saturday the gang are round at James' and The twins are with Carina at the moment.
Elle: When do we get to see Andy and Aaron i bet they're getting big now.
Mia: Yeah they are 8 months old now, that's so wierd like I have two kids at 8 months when did that happen?
James: They're upstairs with Carina at the moment.
Mia: But if she gets called into the hospital then they will have to join us.
Tara: What if she doesn't get called into the hospital?
Mia: Then I'll go get them in abit.
Carina does get called into the hospital so they abandon movie day and spend the day with the twins.
Sunday morning.
Laura: So Lilly said she'd already mentioned it to the kids so we just wanted to meet the parents and answer any questions you might have.
Charlotte: Are you really agreeing to take 10 teenagers away for the week to LA?
Leo: Yes we are. They've all been studying really hard and they need a break.
Emma: Will it just be the two of you?
Laura: Yeah but Lilly has been to the beach house before so she knows where most things are.
Tonya: And what about cash?
Laura: They would just need abit of spending money, we will be cooking at the house and it's our house so there's no fee there.
Maya: What about Mia and the twins?
Leo: We were gonna talk to you about that.
Laura: We wanted to take the twins in a couple of years.
Carina: But with our jobs and lives we can't look after the twins by ourself for a whole week.
Mia: And I wouldn't expect you too.
Maya: But I dont want you to miss out, let me talk to Robert maybe I can come up with something.
Laura: When will you know?
Maya: I'm back Tuesday Morning so I will let you know.
Leo: In the meantime can everyone else come?
All: Yeah.
Laura: Great so we will see if Mia can come and then book to hire a minibus.
A little bit later once everyone is outside and leaving.
Maya: Mia, Carina can I talk to you?
Carina: Are you okay?
Maya: I wanted to ask you both something. I know what I did and said was wrong and I shouldn't have said/done it. But I needed help and I got that help working with Diane. But I need more help and I was hoping that would come in the form of all 4 of you coming back home.
Mia: I don't know Maya, the twins are older now they pick up on more stuff.
Maya: I get that.
Mia: Can we take some more time to think about it? Maybe we can start slow.
Carina: The bambina has a point why dive straight in? Lets just try talking to eachother first before jumping in. In the future Bella i hope to be back home with you.
Maya: Yeah we can start slow.

On Tuesday Maya speaks to Robert, they agree that Maya can have the twins at the station on the days she's working and that she will be on desk duty that week. On the phone Wednesday.
Maya: Mia guess what?
Mia: What?
Maya: I spoke to Robert you can go with Lilly, your friends and her parents to LA. Robert has said that I can bring the twins to the station and be on desk duty.
Mia: Omg really?
Maya: Yeah, you're still young I dont want you to miss out on experiences just because of the twins. Go with them the twins will be okay for a week.
Mia: Omg thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.
Carina: Why don't you go let Lilly and your friends know. Go on.
The episode starts.
After the whole Beckett situation. Yes the Beckett situation still happens and they all could get fired because there was another person in the barber shop who died. On the phone.
Mia: But tía you could all get fired for this. Everyone apart from Auntie Vic.
Andy: I'm hoping it doesn't come to that.
Mia: You will be in my prayers. All of you. I feel sorry for Natasha.
Andy: You should feel sorry for us.
Mia: You guys brought this on yourself your going to have to deal with it. And I mean that in the nicest way.
Andy: I know what you mean.
Mia: I gotta go the twins are being fussy tonight so I gotta go deal with them. How's Maya?
Andy: You could text her or call her.
Mia: Maybe if I have time afterwards.

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