Never gonna give you up

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3 days later. All of this is after they rescue the two people from the cave. Mia and the others are at school and the twins are at nursery, Carina was supposed to pick the twins up but when Mia gets home she hears about the car crashing into Grey Sloane so she starts freaking out.
James: I'm so glad I got that off it was literally sticking to me.... woah whats up? What's going on?
Mia: Carina was supposed to pick up the twins and i think she has because I haven't got a phone call or text from the nursery but I just saw the news and a car ploughed into the hospital. What if the twins were there James?
James: Wouldn't Carina have called you? Whats the plan? What do we do?
Mia: I'm gonna go to the hospital see if I can get to see them you stay here.
James: What? No I can come with you right?
Mia: The hospital is gonna be on high alert just stay here.
Mia heads to the hospital to see of she can see Carina or the twins or get any information. Maya and Ben have also just get there after running from 10 blocks away and the station.
Maya: Mia, what are you  doing here?
Mia: I'm gonna guess at the same thing as you, looking for Carina. She was supposed to pick up the twins I just need to know if she did or not and if she did that their safe.
Maya: A car ploughed through a group of people outside the hospital earlier today, we could only just get here.
Mia: Yeah I know, have you spoken to her?
Maya: Not a word all day you?
Mia: Nope nothing.
Ben: I've had nothing from Miranda either.
Security guard: Essential personnel only.
Maya: We're first responders!
Security guard: you guys got patients with you?
Ben: My wife runs the clinic. Miranda Bailey. Our daughter is upstairs in the daycare.
Mia: Can you just tell me of my twins Aaron Deluca-Bishop and Andy Deluca-Bishop are up in the daycare.
Security guard: I can't release that information and this entrance is closed.
Maya: Dr Altman!
Ben: Teddy!
Teddy: Its okay. They're with me.
Security guard: Essential personnel only.
Teddy: I'm chief of surgery. They're essential.
Maya: Have you seen Carina?
Teddy: She's in surgery.
Maya&Mia: Oh, my god.
Teddy: She's-- She's doing surgery. She's okay.
Mia: Do you know if she managed to get the twins?
Teddy: I dont know, maybe go check the daycare. Before you ask Bailey's okay too.
Ben: Oh, thank god!
Teddy: If anyone else gives you trouble, just have them page me.
Ben: All right. Thanks, Teddy.
Maya& Mia: Thank you.
They all go to see Miranda first once they know she's okay they head for the daycare where they find Pru and the twins with a member of staff.
Mia: Oh thank god.
Staff: I'm sorry we can't let you in until Dr Deluca tells is that okay.
Maya: But they're her kids.
Staff: Hospital policy.
Mia: M-Mummy loves you. Sobbing.
Ben: Okay come on this way.
After a little bit they go searching the hospital for Carina.
Maya: Are you okay?
Carina: I-I have a patient at 6cm so i-i have to go.
Mia: Carina please will you just tell the daycare to let me in they won't let me in to see the twins without you saying its allright.
Carina: I'll come up or call them as soon as I can Bambina. Maya thank you for coming.
A little bit later.
Mia: I just want to hold the twins in my arms is that too much to ask?
Maya: I know this has gotta be hard for you.
Ben: I thought we might find you here.
Maya: Carina's delivering a baby and she is freaking out.
James: Mia!!
Mia: I told you to stay home.
James: No offence but like I was gonna listen to that. Where are the twins?
Mia: its okay their safe they're in the day care I'll take you up there in a minute. They won't let us in there to see them or take them until Carina tells them its okay but Carina is in the middle of a delivery.
Maya: She operated on the doctor that got hit. She delivered that doctors baby, and now she's delivering another baby, 'cause she's a miracle worker. I dont stop to think about it enough, but my wife is a bringer of life. I'm sorry, I just needed to hear her voice. What are you doing?
Mia: That's the stuff Carina needs to hear, that's the stuff you need to be saying to her face.
Ben: Laughs. I get it, I get it. Its a scary day. Guess this is what it feels like.
Maya: What do you mean?
Ben: To be married to us. When you and I found out that something had happened at the clinic, we both ran here. We had to... we had to know that they were okay. We had to... he picks Pru up. We had to see it.
Maya: Yeah. my stomach literally went upside down. Like i-i felt it turn. Like I actually might need surgery.
For the rest of this conversation watch Greys anatomy S19 E12.
Mia: We're gonna go be with the twins.
Maya: Okay i'll get Carina to come up as soon as she can.
James: I can't imagine how hard this is for you.
Mia: I just wanna take them in my arms but I can't.
Amelia: Hey, how you doing?
Mia: I'm all right just wishing I could go in there and be with my kids.
Amelia: They won't let you in?
Mia: Nope and they won't let me take them until Carina has told them its okay but she's in the middle of a delivery.
Amelia: Okay give me 5 minutes.
Amelia gets Jo to finish the delivery whilst Carina comes and sorts the daycare situation out.
Carina: Hey bambina I'm so sorry I'm here.
Mia: Its okay, are you okay?
Carina: I will be when I get home tonight, hey this is the twins mum she can take them.
Staff: Oh okay, come on in.
Mia and James run up to the twins and take them in their arms.
Staff: She is so young and she's amazing.
Carina: Yeah she is.
Mia: We will see you at home later?
Carina: I'll be there.
They go to find Maya and Ben.
Mia: We're going home but you and the rest of 19 or welcome to come round tomorrow.
Maya: I will pass on the message. 

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