Chapter 40

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"Glad you could make it, Adele." I leaned on my cane so I could walk properly, I still had holes and wounds all over my body from that psycho's experiments but I'm slowly healing.

"I'm glad I could help, now tell me what is it that you need Lilith?" The french woman sat on the couch I had in my office making herself comfotable. I huffed at how slow I felt, and was before sitting down on my chair.

"I need you to keep what I'm gonna tell you next a secret, neither Lola or Aurora know about this, not even Vivienne." Adele sat up straight realizing how serious this was, she nodded her head slowly agreeing.

"A few months ago, before any of this happened, before Aurora and Daisy started fighting..."


I walked through my mansion's large doors sighing loudly tired from the long morning I had at work, I was sure nobody was home, the girls were at school and Vivienne was working late. Surprisingly, I heard footsteps upstairs and a faint scent which caught my attention, I slowly made my way to the first floor following the scent until I found myself in front of Daisy's room. 

"Daisy?" I called but no reply, I put my hand against the door and gave it a little push slowly opening it, her bed wasn't made up like it usually was, it looked like she slept in the whole morning. I went to her bathroom and walked right because i felt like something was wrong. 

"oh my god..." I ran to the girl's side pulling her head out of the toilet, she looked like she's been throwing up a lot and not just normal puke it was all bloody. I grabbed a nearby towel and wiped her mouth and the sweat off of her forehead, the little girl was burning up unnaturally, she wasn't okay for a vampire.

"Daisy darling can you hear me?" She slowly opened her eyes and I saw her physically relax in my presence, she leaned her head against my chest and sobbed, too tired to say anything. I brushed my hand through her hair and I felt my chest tighten in pain in realization when her hair easily fell out right into my palm.

"Shit.." She can't be sick, she was fully turned many years ago, why is this happening to her right now? what is going on with her? Did it come back? That can't be normal, something must've triggered it the illness.

"Daisy my dear, how long has this been happening?" I gently kissed her head and picked her up to go lay her on her bed, she was shivering even though her body was burning up.

"A-a few days.." she mumbled in a barely audible voice, I sighed and sat down next to her. I put my palm to my mouth and put a small cut on it. I gently grabbed her face and let a few drops of my blood reach her lips, that would ease her pain and let her find some rest.

"He..triggered it, Lilith" she said her eyes still closed shut, I tilted my head to side a little confused on what the girl was saying. She extended her arm out and showed me her palm seeing two tiny holes. Snake bite like wounds.

"What do you mean darling?" She gulped hard not even able to swallow her saliva, 

"He looked lost, h-he came to me and asked for directions..So I helped him.."

"yeah? and what happened next?" I asked feeling my anger start to build up, this poor baby she's just an innocent little girl and I hate watching her suffer, she doesn't deserve this.

"He thanked me, and t-tried to shake my hand..that's when I felt something sting me, like a bee or a wasp.." My blood had given her a little bit of strengh so she sat up and laid her head against the wall.

"I didn't think much of it that day, but a few days later I started to feel sick and tired which isn't normal for us, right?" I nodded, so this random man injected her with something and that triggered her illness. 

"Do you remember what he looks like?" she shook her head no, I sighed and stood up to leave I was going to call Dalida, she'll find him for me. I felt Daisy's smaller hand grab mine and gently turn me to look at her. 

"Please don't tell Aurora, please ma'am. I don't want her to be worried more than she already is. She'll freak out and act like I can't even walk on my own.."

"Well" I stated matterfactly and gave her a look, the state she was in was horrible, her begging eyes looked up at me on the verge of crying. I sighed and sat back down, I pulled the kid to my chest and held her tightly. 

"We'll find a cure my dear, stay strong okay? I won't let anything happen to you, I'm going to find this guy and make him regret it"

*end of flashback*

Adele had her hand over her mouth in surprise, I sighed and rubbed my face in frustration. I need Adele to get that antidote out of me, I need her to do whatever it takes to save Daisy. She's still too young, and has so much to live for and so much to see and...feel.

"Please Adele, I am the cure, take it and help the poor girl..please." Adele stood up and made her way to me, sitting on the desk a soft smile on her face.

"I'll try my best, Lilith. I promise" all I could do was nod and agree, Aurora will lose her mind if something bad happens to Daisy she's madly in love with the girl and has finally built up the courage to confess just to find out Daisy is on her death bed. 

That's why Daisy has been acting weird towards Aurora lately, she doesnt want my daughter to get too attached just to be heartbroken. And it was one of the main reasons why Daisy moved out, but at the end  faith has brought them back to each other. I need to save that girl for the sake of my daughter and because Daisy means so much to all of us.

"I'm so tired Adele, I'm so tired of losing the people I care about. I am so done with this cycle of pain, I try so hard to keep them safe but somehow shit follows us wherever we go.." I complained to the woman, she patted my arm softly and stepped away to let me get up.

"Well why don't we stop this cycle of pain this time, let's save the girl" 

Both me and Adele made our way downstairs, we'll be heading to her lab and hopefully she'll be able to extract the cure, we'll give it to all our kind to avoid being threatened by another asshole like Douglas.

"Mom?" I heard Aurora call for me, she saw me grab my coat so she took it from my hands and helped me put it on.

"Yes sweetie? What is it?"

" I was thinking, I wanna..take Daisy on a..Date? Yeah, a date, and I want to take your car if you're okay with that?" She asked nervously, I smiled softly at my daughter and put my hand to her cheeks gently caressing it. I don't ever want that smile to leave her face, I want her to be happy, to be happy with Daisy.

"Of course baby, just drive safely okay?"

"Yes ma'am" she saluted me, I rolled my eyes and was about to leave but she again stopper me by wrapping her arms around me.

"I love you mom.." she whispered before untangling herself from me and went running upstairs. I sighed, and left the house after Adele.

This cure has to work on Daisy...

Only a few chapters left..



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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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