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The next day Michael decided to stay after school to watch the football match, only to avoid his parents. He sat under the bleachers in order to hide from the rest of the supporters there, and just watched through one of the cracks. He had his notebook open and was writing lyrics as they came to his mind.

Two boys above him were talking about a party that was happening at the weekend, and how it was at one of the jocks houses. He heard them laughing and the sound echoed through his ears, covering his ears slightly, not liking loud noises. Despite it being cold out he still was in a thin sweater and his black skinny jeans. The only pair of shoes he had were his worn black converse he got for his sixteenth birthday.

Unfortunately the game was nearly over and Michael did not want to go home, knowing his parents would be mad that he was late. He didn't mind the dark, in fact he found it peaceful, although he did not like the not knowing part of it. Fear of the unknown. He didn't like not knowing what was out there, he always feared that since the incident.

When the game finished he watched the hazel eyed boy run up and hug Calum, the star football player and also Michael's crush. He knew the crush was dumb and they'd never date, considering Calum was straight, and way out of his league.

Seeing them hug made Michael wonder what it was like to have a friend, he used to have one but it was years ago and didn't like talking about him. He saw Calum happily dancing round next to his hazel eyed friend who had the surname 'Irwin' on the back of his football shirt. He wished he could be the one to jump into Calum's arms and have him hold him tight.

He tried to block the memories of him and Will, not wanting to think about how alone he was. That's when realisation hit him, he didn't care. He didn't want friends.

When you give up, that it. He stopped trying to make friends after Will died, he didn't want to waste time on anyone else. As bad as that sounds, it's sadly true. He realised if Will truly cared about him he wouldn't have died, but he did and he can't change the past but he can learn from it. He can learn that people are going to leave him, so to distance himself from getting attached to anyone. As drastic as it sounded he thought it was the only way to save him from getting hurt.

When everyone started leaving he decided to stay hidden from everyone and wait until they all left. As the last remaining supporters left, he walked out and breathed in fresh air. He could hear the laughter of the team members in the changing room, it soon becoming quieter as he walked further away.

He ran his hand through his black hair, he dyed it a lot. He recently changed it to black, the darkness had already faded, so you could already see little parts of his natural colour. He didn't know why he dyed his hair so much, but he guessed it was a way of saying something without having to say anything.

He walked through the vacant car park, and towards the front gates he saw the silhouettes of three people. He immediately quickened his pace seeing as he didn't know who they were, but had a good idea. He saw them under one of the flood lights, leaning against the wall with cigarettes hanging limply in their mouths. He heard them shout something and recognised their familiar voices in an instant. He looked round frantically for somewhere to hide but due to the lack of lights his sight was limited.

His heart started pounding in his chest as he heard Mitchell, Dillon, and Jack run over to him. Laughter ran through the silence and Michael instinctively curled into himself, wanting to shrink and die. The three boys looked at him with amused expressions on their smug faces.

He gasped as they shoved him to the ground and looked up seeing the boys hovering over him. They dropped their cigarettes on him and grounded them into him with their shoes. He silently hissed in pain, not wanting them to see his pain.

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