thirty seven

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When Michael woke up the next morning he didn't think he'd be in his own bed in England. He didn't know how he got there considering all he could remember was falling asleep on the plane, next to Calum. Just the thought of Calum taking him home terrified yet somehow relaxed him. Thinking of Calum putting him to bed despite it being really early in the morning made his heart flutter like it always used to, yet the fact that Calum even went near him after what he did to him breaks him.

He looked over at Calum's  bag and sighed seeing one of Calum's jumpers on top, he knew it was his favourite one as well. He slowly got out of bed and went over to it, he couldn't stop himself as he pulled with over his head and hugged himself at the warmth. He could smell Calum's familiar cologne and couldn't help but occasionally smell it, for it only to remind him of when he was happy.

He had to start unpacking his things out of Calum's suitcase, even though he didn't have a lot. Once he had emptied the bag he took all his dirty washing out he took that and the bag down stairs. His parents stared at him as he walked into the kitchen and towards the washing machine.

After he had put everything into the washing machine and put Calum's bag by the front door, not really sure with what to do with it, he went into the kitchen to get some food.

"Was Paris good?" His father asked him, the first time talking to him since before he left.

Michael nodded, not really in the mood for talking as he just wanted to disappear into nothing, and not exist. However his father wanted him to reply, and Michael should've known he got really angry.

"I said was Paris good? I paid good money for the trip!" His father suddenly yelled, although surprisingly his mother held him back when he tried to reach for Michael.

"Y- yeah, it was g- good." Michael muttered before grabbing some random food and running off upstairs.

When he got to his room his slammed the door shut then leaned against it panting. He saw his phone had a notification and saw that it was a calendar reminder.

Reminder: 2 month of dating Cally 💖

Without warning tears started watering in his eyes and he found himself choking back a sob as he was reminded of everything all over again. He dropped his phone and crawled onto his bed. He just lied there tears streaming down his cheeks wondering why it happened to him. Why the world hated him so much that he was losing everyone he loved.

He heard his phone ring and glanced down at it to see it was Luke, who was probably making sure he was okay. However he decided to ignore it and go back to his unstable, self hating state of mind. It seemed everything was against him as a bit of light from the corner of the window fell onto a picture from a photo booth him and Calum went to, where they were smiling and kissing happily.

He practically jumped out of his skin when he heard someone knocking at his door. He mumbled a shaky 'come in', and surprisingly his mum came in with a glass of water.

"I heard you crying and I wanted to make sure you're alright." She said in a voice that was as sweet as it used to be when Will was alive.

He nodded his head and took the water from her and took a sip.

"Is everything okay? Did something happen on the trip?" She asked concerned as more tears fell from her son's eyes.

"Ch- cheated on." Michael stuttered looking down to avoid his mum's eyes.

"C- Calum." Michael said before lying down and rolling away from his mum.

He really didn't expect his mum to slowly pulled up and bring him closer to her, then pull him into a hug and start rocking him. He felt like he was seven years old again and he had just fallen over and cut his knee. He didn't realise how much he missed his mum for who she really was until she was holding him in her arms again.

"I'm so sorry for everything Michael, I can't explain how sorry I am. You're my son and I love you, and I'm sorry I never treated you like one." His mum said almost crying herself.

"B- but you, D- dad hate m- me." Michael replied, confused as to what was happening.

"I got a call from your school saying we weren't treating you right, and then I guess I realised what I had been doing this whole time. I'd been hurting my own son to replace the hole in my heart from where I lost my first son." His mum started explaining, "look I know you'll probably never forgive me for what I did and for so long, but I do love you and I'll support you through everything."

"I- I don't k- know if I c- can trust y- you, you h- hurt me." Michael responded shakily, scared his mum would hate him.

"It's okay, I understand I haven't been a parent to you. I'm going to classes and support, I want to be here for you Michael. It just took someone else to open my eyes and realise that." His mum reassured, before pulling him into a hug then letting him go.

His mum made sure he was okay once more before leaving to start making him some comfort food that he wanted to make him feel better. He never thought in a million years his own mother, the one who beat him till he'd pass out actually apologised. He couldn't forgive her yet, some people never would, but she's his mother and even through the worst parts; he still loved her as a mum.

He wondered which teacher it was, and what they told his mother to dramatically make her change her ways, or if her apology was even sincere. It sounded as though she was sorry but currently he couldn't trust himself, let alone anyone else. He tried to think about the positive side of the apology, maybe he won't get beaten up? But he knew his father wouldn't listen to teachers, he never had. He desperately wanted to talk to Calum about eventing but remembered they 'broke up', if they even ended their relationship.

His mum called him down for food and he smelt a smell he didn't smelt since he was ten years old. He walked down the stairs and the familiar scent of his mum's home made tomato soup intoxicated the air. He immediately sat down and started eating the bread and soup in front of him. It tasted so familiar yet so foreign. He didn't think he'd ever have again, but then again nothing stays the same.

His mind drifted to the quote he wrote a while ago 'nothing lasts forever', and it was scary how true it was. Everything changes whether it is good or bad, and you can only make the best out of the changes. Right now he wasn't seeing any good things about watching his boyfriend cheating on him, but he could easily think of positives to his mum apology.

However, despite everything, he still only wanted Calum.

AN: Yeah...... So that happened.

Michael doesn't trust his mum like 100% because he can't but like he is going to try to, ya feel??

Comment, vote, fan girl, enjoy :)))

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