thirty one

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The four boys were all awake by eight o'clock in the morning. Michael was still exhausted from last nights adventure and Luke and Ashton were both blissfully unaware of everything that happened. Calum and Ashton went straight to Luke and Michael's room, Calum giving Michael a cheesy grin when he saw him. Michael returned a drowsy smile then shoved his head into the pillows around him. Calum came over and started tickling him, Michael trying to move away not in the mood for laughing. Calum pouted and tried to kiss but Michael put his hand in front of him and shook his head.

"N- no." Michael said grumpily, wanting to stay in the duvet forever.

Calum chuckled and tried to fluff Michael's hair, however received a scowl and watched as Michael hid under the covers. Calum didn't take anything to heart and carried on pettily bullying his moody boyfriend. Ashton and Luke were having an argument because they both had the same pair of sun glasses and both had decided to wear them, however Luke got mad because he couldn't have someone wear the same thing as him. Although the argument was quickly resolved by Ashton just getting frustrated and taking them off. Soon the two boys left Calum and Michael alone because it was time to leave soon.

"C'mon Mikey you have to get up, we're leaving soon." Calum groaned tired of Michael's attitude.

"No." Michael replied, refusing to move.

"C'mon you little moody Kitten, you have to get dressed." Calum told him, then ripped the duvet of Michael.

He then threw a pair of jeans and a sweater at him. He turned around but saw in the mirror Michael put the sweater over his still bruised, but fortunately fading stomach. He made sure not to look when Michael put his jeans on but checked when he thought he was finished. He went over to Michael and put his shoe in while Michael put his other sock on, making the process faster. Once Michael was finally Calum went to take his hand but Michael pulled away and just walked down the corridor next to Calum.

When they got down to the lobby the teacher tsked them as they were five minutes late, the two boys shrugging in reply. They went to stand with Ashton and Luke who still had tension between them after the argument. Luke looked at the one moody boy and the other pissed boy and then whispered something to Ashton.

"Okay spill, what did you two do last night?" Luke asked and started giggling. "I don't think Michael could be that exhausted if we went to bed at ten o'clock."

"We sat on the roof and talked?" Calum replied, unsure what relevance their late night adventure had to with anything.

"You two are too cute oh my god." Luke squealed, receiving awkward smiles from Calum and Michael.

The four boys were talking, well Michael just listening, about random things that were going on. All quite excited about the guided tour of Paris they were going on. Soon the teachers called them all to get onto a open aired bus which they were going to be travelling around Paris on. Ashton managed to get on first and save the other boys seats, as they weren't as fast getting on.

There was a huge argument between the teachers and the bus driver which no one understood as the were yelling in fluent French. All the students were yelling the teachers on and eventually the bus driver gave up and let the students who he had previously not allowed on the bus on and just muttered in French under his breath.

The tour started and Calum sat next to Michael who had already given up trying to be grumpy towards Calum and cuddled into him as they took selfies. They took multiple with Luke and Ashton, ignoring the funny looks the teachers gave them. They drove past loads of landmarks which everyone tried to take pictures of.

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