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Michael woke up at the inconvenient time of six am on a dreary Monday morning wishing he could sleep forever. He got up despite the usual aching, painful feeling from his parents and as usual got on as if nothing happened. As he was getting dressed he already knew it was going to be a bad day, sighing at this realisation. He wore his old sweater because it was his favourite and pulled the sleeves over his hands like he always did. He grabbed his phone and turned it on to see if no one had texted him again. Surprisingly he saw a text from Calum saying he would pick him up because it was cold out.

Instead of replying he headed downstairs and ignored his parents as he grabbed his school bag and note book, before rushing outside to avoid his parents. The November air was harsh and Michael's breath was visible in the air. He slightly shivered and wrapped his arms round himself to keep warm. He received another text from Calum saying he was on his way and would be there soon, thankfully for Michael.

Sure enough, soon the familiar car pulled up and Calum looked at Michael like he the brightest star. Michael rushed over and quickly clambered inside the car next to Calum.

"Good morning, Kitten." Calum said cheerfully, giving him a quick kiss on his cheek.

"Morning." Michael muttered, although blushing from when Calum kissed him.

Calum drove them both to school, picking Ashton up along the way. When Ashton got in Calum started chatting away to Ashton about something or other, leaving Michael alone just looking out the car window. He still would think about his life before Calum came in and messed everything up. He still sometimes regretted telling Calum anything, and falling into Calum's trap but he just didn't know if he would of chosen Calum if he had the choice.

As soon as Calum parked Michael got out, not wanting to disrupt Ashton and Calum's conversation. He sighed sadly seeing as Calum hadn't even noticed that he'd gone, and just carried on talking to Ashton, who was also oblivious.

When Michael was walking down the hallway he bumped into Luke, looking at him with a sorry expression.

"Hi Mikey! Can I call you Mikey? I would call you Kitten but I think that's what Calum calls you." Luke blabbered, leaving Michael quite shocked.

He shrugged at Luke's suggestion who immediately smiled, "Mikey it is."

Luke started chatting to Michael as they walked to their first class, which they had together, while Michael just nodded in agreement. Michael liked Luke. Even though the boy was obnoxiously loud and outgoing, he knew he had a kind heart. He was glad that Luke didn't hate Michael because he didn't speak to him, but he had a constant voice in his head saying that Luke hated him.

When they got to the changing rooms for PE, Michael just stood outside and waited till all the boys were ready to go on to the pitch. When the coach came over he just nodded at Michael who was ready with his notebook and pen. Soon the boys came out and Calum gave a small smile to Michael as they walked down to the pitch.

Michael went straight to the bleachers and started working on some random song lyrics that came to mind. He hummed the tune under his breath as he poetically wrote down lyrics. He didn't notice that occasionally Calum would look up and gaze at Michael, until his Dad would blow the whistle at him.

At one point the football landed right next to Michael would looked scared for his life, but then saw Calum running up the steps to get it and gave him a small smile. Calum retrieved the ball then ran back down, secretly blowing Michael a kiss. Michael blushed and looked down ignoring trying to ignore his too cute for words boyfriend.

After the games lesson Michael was just about to grab his bag from outside the changing rooms where he always left it, when he was dragged under the nearby staircase. He clenched his eyes shut when he heard a familiar voice.

The Only Reason [Malum] boyxboyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें