twenty four

117 11 33

Normally at the weekends Michael would try and sleep most of the days away, mostly to avoid his parents, and because he never really got sleep during the week. He didn't really know what he preferred, the week where he had to deal with all the judgemental looks and comments, or the weekend where he was left with his own judgemental thoughts, which did more damage than a look ever could. Michael never thought he'd prefer school over his home but his happiness was at school, even if he was mostly hated there, Calum made everything balance out.

However today Michael woke up at the surprising time of nine o'clock to a text message from Calum.

Cally x: hey Kitten, be ready for nine thirty, I'm taking you on a date

Michael stared at the message then jumped up he picked up the sweater he got for his birthday and put it on after pulling his bed top off, he then pulled a pair of jeans on. He looked in the mirror and sighed, he knew it would have to do but he wished he had a more clothes, like Calum. He went into his bathroom and looked at his messy hair, he thought about dyeing it again soon and decided he would before Paris. He brushed his hair and his teeth, making sure he looked alright, despite not even knowing where they were going.

He went down stairs to put some shoes and saw that Calum was just pulling up. He quickly shoved his shoes on and walked out the door without a second glance. Calum looked at him from the car and gave his a smile and unlocked the car for him.

Michael got in the other side of the car and Calum gave him a quick kiss. He took Michael's hand in his and started driving off in a direction away from everything else. Michael was confused because he didn't see any familiar signs or anything but he trusted Calum so he stayed calm.

"Cally, where are we going?" Michael asked, playing with Calum's fingers.

"Mhm... It's a surprise, I promise you'll like it." Calum replied smirking, but giving Michael a quick kiss.

Michael sighed and leaned against the window, desperately looking for a sign. After a while Michael saw a sign and focused completely so he wouldn't miss it when they drove past. As they drove past Michael almost screamed after reading the sign.

"We're going to the zoo?" Michael asked excitedly.

Calum nodded and looked at Michael to see he had the biggest smile on his face, Calum laughed and leaned over to give a quick kiss to Michael who was still smiling like an idiot. Soon they turned a corner and the sign for the actual zoo was in view and Michael nearly passed out from excitement. Calum went into the car park and easily found a car parking space near to the entrance.

He got out then opened the door for Michael who hugged him so hard, and kissed him all over his face. Calum laughed and took Michael's hand kissed it before walking them to the entrance.

"Two tickets please." Calum asked when they got to the ticket booth. The lady nodded handing them the tickets, then taking Calum's money.

Calum led Michael into the front of the zoo. "What do you wanna see first, babe?" Calum asked looking at Michael who was already in love with the place.

"Lions." Michael smiled.

Calum nodded and they started walking to the lion enclosure. Calum kept looking at Michael who had a smile on his face like he'd never seen before. He looked like a little child, but not in a creepy way. Calum wished the walk to the lions would go on forever because he'd be able to spend forever looking at Michael's happy face. Michael nearly always had a small little smile on his face but today even his eyes were smiling. Soon they saw the sign for the the lions and Michael's pace sped up and he was practically pulling Calum along behind him.

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