twenty eight

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Calum's Dad came into Calum's room where the boys were sleeping to wake them up. Ashton and Luke got up first and went over to Calum's bed to see Calum and Michael cuddled up in each other's arms. Ashton woke Calum up who looked pissed off beyond belief, flipping Ashton off. Calum knew they were going to France and that they had to get up, and Michael wasn't awake and he knew he had to wake him. He started kissing the boy all over his face so that he'd stir, which he fortunately did, but just cuddled back into Calum.

"Don't want to get up." Michael said tiredly, trying to pull Calum who was sitting up back down so he could sleep.

"Mhm, I know but you have to Kitten." Calum replied, standing up and pulling Michael up with him.

They started putting their clothes on, not really sure what they were wearing. Michael was shivering so Calum handed him a black sweater that was a lot thicker than his and told him to put it on. Once they had finished they dragged their bags downstairs and got Calum's Dad who was sat on his phone.

"You boys ready?" Calum's Dad asked, standing up and grabbing the keys.

They all nodded and followed him out to the car. Ashton called shotgun and everyone was too tired to protest to all clambered into the back of the car without a sound. Michael flopped onto Calum who instinctively wrapped an arm around him and played with his hair. Luke sat on his phone, annoyed that none of the weird boys he talked to were messaging him, obviously forgetting the fact that it was two o'clock in the morning. The four boys all just sat in silence listening to quiet music and wishing they were sleeping again.

By the time they had arrived at the airport where they were meeting the school Michael had fallen asleep on Calum and had no intentions of moving. Calum had to wake Michael up again and practically drag him out of the warm car and into the harsh weather. They pulled everything out of the boot and Calum took Michael's hand in his and pulled his case with the other hand. The teachers waved them over and the boys all trudged towards them.

Once inside the airport they had to go through security which Michael hated as he got pulled over for a random check. Calum made sure to never leave Michael's side and held his hand through all the security checks. Ashton had Abbie dragging along behind him saying how she was tired and that he should carry her bag like everyone else's boyfriends were, however Ashton pointed out that Calum wasn't holding Michael's who was equally or even more tired than her. Luke was happy because one of the boys finally texted back so he was have a nice conversation with them about how sexy French boys were.

Soon they got to the airport lounge and Calum made Michael and Luke sit down at eat breakfast with him because he was hungry. They were sat a table across from Ashton and Abbie, which Calum found humorous as Ashton looked ready to throw something at her. However whilst they were sat there Calum noticed Abbie looking over at him with loving eyes which honestly creeped him out and made him keep Michael closer to him. Luke kept giggling at whatever the boy was saying which annoyed Calum because no one should be that happy in the morning, so threw an empty water bottle at him.

Michael flinched as well as Luke who looked up with an annoyed expression on his face. "What did you do that for?" Luke asked actually looking up from his phone.

"Be quiet, you're too noisy." Calum scolded before cuddling into his boyfriend who was dozing off again.

He nudged Michael who just let out a small groan and tried to snuggle into Calum's shoulder. Calum moved away so Michael practically fell onto him, looking up and giving Calum a hurt expression. Calum kissed his cheek but shook his head, and then handed him some of the coffee he got.

"You can't sleep yet, when we get on the plane." Calum told Michael who slowly took a sip from Calum's cup.

"Ew you shared a drink!" Luke exclaimed making a disgusted face.

"Well done dipshít, his tongue has been in my mouth I'm sure we can share a drink." Calum replied sassily, then took a sip of his drink.

Luke went somewhat pale but decided to ignore his comment and looked back at his phone. Calum just chuckled and got his phone out to show Michael some funny YouTube videos in hope they'll help make him stay awake, and not drift off again.

After what felt like forever their flight was finally called and all the students grabbed their things and followed the teachers to which terminal they had to go to. Calum's hand was intertwined with Michael's as they walked down the corridors. Luke was third wheeling behind them but was still messaging one of the weird boys, probably texting him that he going on a plane and that he'd talk to him afterwards, including a winky face.

Calum couldn't help but love tired Michael because he was just so cuddly and his face felt somewhat squishier. All Michael wanted was hugs and to be protected with Calum found adorable and happily walked with Michael wrapped tightly in his arms, even if he struggled to walk. He almost died of laughter when he looked behind him and saw Ashton and Abbie barely holding hands and Ashton desperately trying to catch him and Michael up. Soon Ashton was walking next to Calum and Michael and found it equally adorable how cute Michael was being. When they got to the terminal Calum grabbed a chair and pulled Michael onto his lap, Ashton doing the same with Luke. Luke struggling against Ashton holding say he was 'being violated'.

After half an hour of waiting the four boys finally managed to get their seats on the plane. Calum and Michael were sat together, Michael sitting by the window then Calum in the middle and a teacher on the aisle seat. Michael managed to stay awake during take off as he wanted to actually feel as though he was getting further away from his parents. However, soon after that he was completely asleep leaning against Calum. As for Calum, he spent the flight awkwardly leaning over the teacher to talk to Luke and Ashton who were sat in a row with Abbie. At one point the teacher actually asked if she and Calum wanted to swap seats but he motioned to Michael who head was literally in Calum lap, and declined politely. It was creepy as throughout the flight Abbie kept looking at him and made him feel so uncomfortable that he stopped talking to his friends and put headphones in to try get some sleep himself.

After a couple of hours they finally coming into landing in France and the teacher next to Calum and Michael had the awkward job of waking the two boys up. She shook Calum awake who immediately went red and tried to wake Michael up, however he was having none of it. He whispered into Michael's ear causing him to squirm and move about. Calum chuckled and pushed Michael into his seat so they could descend safely.

Michael looked out the window excitedly and kept pointing out and telling Calum which made Calum laugh as he was acting like a young child, which Calum found equally adorable. Soon the plane landed and everyone grabbed their things off the plane. Calum took Michael's hand and they walked off the plane and down the steps. At the bottom they waited for Luke and Ashton and Calum turned to Michael who was looking around in awe of the place.

"Welcome to Paris." Calum said, pulling Michael from behind into a hug.

AN: Guess who's back? It's me.

I didn't update because I was chilling in foreign lands and it was noice

I'm either going to write a lot tomorrow or not, who knows

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