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Michael couldn't wake up to anything better than the sun beaming through the window and a Calum next to him cuddling him. He smiled and turned to look at Calum who was fully dressed but still holding him in his arms. Luke was chatting to Ashton about something quietly and turned to look at Michael and smiled at him. Calum looked up and saw Michael smiling lazily on his pillow, and pressed his lips to his cheek. He moved away so Michael could get up and get changed, making sure everyone had turned around before he did; even Calum. However Calum peeked and saw all the dark bruises scattering his pale body.

Once they were dressed they all made their way down to the hotel eating hall where they practically ran to get the food provided for them. Michael hung back and waited for the queue to go down before going to get his breakfast. Calum realised so walked out the queue and went to stand with him, making Michael laugh because he had half a breakfast but not the other half. When they did join the queue Michael wasn't taking very much to eat so Calum snuck extra strawberries onto his plate so that he'd eat some more busy were having a busy day that day.

The teachers called them all over for a chat about what they were going to do today and splitting them up into groups for the activities. Ashton, Luke, Calum and Michael were all put into the same group, luckily, and Abbie was alone, which Michael found hilarious but didn't say anything. Everyone was allowed to get everything they needed for the day before getting back to the lobby so they could get into the coach.

On the coach Ashton and Calum called shotgun and sat next to each other at the back, whereas Michael and Luke sat further forward. The journey was hilarious for Calum and Ashton because they had all the sporty people around them and were making jokes, however Luke and Michael say in silence as Luke was texting three boys at the same time and had to 'concentrate' so that he didn't send a message to the wrong person. Michael tried to text Calum but he didn't answer and he'd forgotten his head phones, so he just leant back in the chair wishing for them to get there sooner.

However Abbie had other ideas for the journey and spent it subtly for her, but obvious for everyone else, flirting with Calum who was sat close to her. She made sure to do it when Ashton wasn't paying attention but Calum was getting a bit creeped out and tried to move away every time she moved closer. Soon Calum was almost in Ashton lap from moving away from Abbie who was equally as close to Calum.

"Why the fućk are you sitting on my lap dude." Ashton suddenly shouted, causing Michael to turn around.

Michael literally saw Calum half huddled on Ashton's lap but his legs were sticking out in random places. He chuckled when Ashton pushed him over after seeing his girlfriend next to him, however he felt sick to his stomach when he remembered what Abbie had said to him, like he ever forget.

Calum was annoyed and wanted to sit next to his friend again but Abbie was sitting next to him and planting kisses all over his face. Unhappily Calum had to move but smiled when he saw there was a space in the seat opposite his boyfriends. He skipped down the coach and sat down in the seat, not caring who was next to him.

"Hey babe." Calum said, causing Michael to come back from a day dream. "You excited for the museum?"

Michael nodded and Calum smiled sweetly at him. The rest of the journey was spent by Calum asking Michael questions and generally talking to him and Michael shaking his head or nodding, still a bit nervous to talk in front of so many people, even if they weren't listening. Luke joined in a some parts which was always funny as he literally always had something funny to say, about literally anything.

Eventually they got to the museum and all scrabbled off the coach for fresh air. They went off in their groups and all had special guides showing them around the dreary place. Calum and Michael held hands the whole time causing some people to look sweetly at them and others not so sweetly. Luke was chatting up one of the workers there which worked with the only line of French he knew, "Vouvez-vous coucher avec moi?", Which the employee found hilarious and started speaking perfect English to him, and gave him his number.

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