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Michael left like a thousand knives we're going through his body as he tried to move, after waking from his slumber. He wanted to scream out in pain but held it back and just collapsed in a painful mess on his bed. He knew he had school today but he also knew that he wasn't going to be able to move at all, so should just stop trying all together. He had never missed a day of school before, even when Will died he was still forced to go the day after.

The thought of Will and what his parents said last night stayed with him. He tried to shake the memories away, but they stayed in his mind as a constant reminder of what a terrible person he was. He shut his eyes as a way of blocking the thoughts, and inevitably fell back into a deep sleep.

Calum on the other hand was stressing out. He knew he had tutoring with Michael but the boy wasn't in school, plus he didn't want to go to the boy's house. He went to Ashton to ask if he'd seen the boy.

He saw Ashton by his locker talking to Abbie, one of the schools biggest sluts. He ignored the thought of Ashton trying to get with her, and focused on finding out where Michael was. From what he's seen the boy has never been off school, even when he's really ill, he still comes in.

He has been in school everytime he's been sick, like when England was going through a heat wave he came in, despite him almost fainting multiple times, due to the fact he'd never experienced weather so hot. He was told to go home and to not go to school for a couple of days, however came in the next day. Also he's fainted multiple times and no one knows why, he just goes to matron for half an hour, then goes back to his normal lessons.

Calum attempted to catch Ashton's attention, however instead he caught Abbie's and she smirked before moving in Calum's way so Ashton had no chance of seeing Calum. He groaned, getting angry and anxious.

He stormed up to where Ashton and Abbie were talking, and coughed really loud and obnoxiously. "Uhm...Excuse me but I really need to talk to Ashton about something." Calum said, with annoyed tone to his voice.

Ashton looked at Abbie before quickly saying goodbye to her, then turning to Calum. "What's up my Asian buddy?" Ashton chuckled as he opened his locker.

"One, don't you dare call me that again. Two, have you seen Michael because he's not in school but he's always in school, plus I am meant to be tutoring him tonight." Calum rambled, running his hand through his hair.

Ashton went pale and shook his head.

"No I've not seen him, sorry." He said, looking apologetic.

"I'mjust worried because he left pretty quickly yesterday and now he's not in school, I don't know I'm probably over thinking everything." Calum sighed.

"But it  shows you care." Ashton told him smiling, then shifting awkwardly. "Although... Actually, no it doesn't matter."

That was the problem with being popular, being associated with a sports team, or being called a 'jock'. People automatically assume that you think you're better than everyone and everything else and don't care about anything, when actually you do. Calum knew he was equal to everyone at his school, and he showed that he knew that, however some people thought they were royalty of some sort. All Calum would think was 'after high school this will mean nothing' and he just went by being the person he was, not who he was made out to be.

Even though Calum didn't say anything he knew Ashton was hiding something; something about Michael. Just the thought of Ashton hiding something, about Michael, made him mad. He wanted to look after and care for Michael, although Ashton wouldn't tell him something.

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