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It was a couple days after finding out about the Paris trip and Calum and Luke were still hyped for it. They were constantly discussing what they could do and everything. However for Michael it was horrible. His only two friends were leaving him out of the conversation completely. Although Calum sensed his sadness and wanted to make him feel better about the situation. He didn't know what to do to cheer the boy up but he had a slight idea he hoped would work.

He subtly watched Michael who was across the classroom from him, as they say in their last lesson together. It was weird as a couple of weeks ago he didn't even really acknowledge the shy boys existence, but now he even has had thoughts to ask the boy out.

He could see the boys eyebrows crease in confused at the sums that were written on the board, and decided to make an note for tutoring do he could teach him through it. He also saw the boy repetitively scribbling his work out and trying again, only to scribble again.

As soon as the lesson was over Calum ran over to Michael who was leaving the classroom, and pulled him over to the side. Michael had a momentary face of fear but relaxed when he saw it was just Calum.

"Hey you're coming round mine and I'm cheering you up." Calum told Michael grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the exit.

"But I'm not s- sad." Michael tried protesting.

"Shh, calm down it'll be fun." Calum said to Michael as they reached his car.

Michael slumped in Calum's seat once Calum had opened the for him and looked out the window. Calum got in the other side and began driving out the school.

"Y- your house isn't t- this way." Michael stuttered getting nervous again.

"I know Kitten, we're just going to the store quickly." Calum reassured him as they pulled into Target car park.

Once they had parked Michael followed Calum out the car and stayed close to him as they walked into the shop. Calum walked straight to the baking aisle and started selecting different ingredients while Michael stood next to him, confused as to what he was doing.

Michael then followed Calum to the checkout where Calum paid and grabbed the bag which contained the ingredients. Calum gave him a quick smile as they left the shop and headed back to the car.

"What are we doing?" Michael asked still confused as to what was happening.

"Don't you worry, okay." Calum told him as he drove down the road, only half looking at his surrounding but focusing more on Michael.

Calum subtly put his hand on Michael's thigh not sure if he'd be comfortable with it, however Michael didn't comment and just continued to look out the window. Calum could see Michael had a small smile on his face, his cheeks looking all cute and chubby. Calum just wanted to kiss every part of the beautiful boys face and tell him that he was loved, but he knew he just couldn't.

Soon Calum pulled onto his drive and got out before opening the door, like always, for Michael. He then grabbed the shopping and lead Michael up the steps like normal. Once they were inside Calum when straight into the kitchen, Michael followed close behind, although he took his shoes off before helping to unload the shopping. He then got a baking book out and opened it to the right page.

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