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A couple days after Calum and Michael had made their cupcakes, Calum received a call from his boyfriend. He could hear Michael sniffling a bit and coughing a lot. He just about heard Michael splutter down the phone about being ill and not wanting to see anyone forever. Calum just chuckled and told him that he'd be there soon. Michael tried to persuade him not to but Calum just shushed him and said to get blankets ready. Michael sighed knowing that he wasn't going to be able to stop Calum from going, so reluctantly told him that he'd bring his blanket downstairs for them.

Calum shouted to his parents that he was going to Michael's and just heard his parents sigh. The only people who knew him and Michael were dating were themselves and Ashton, he was pretty sure his parents had guessed but he hadn't properly told them. Ashton only knew as ever since Calum started liking Michael, Ashton would constantly ask if they were dating yet so it was only fair that he knew his otp were cannon. Calum thought it was quite weird that his best friend was obsessed with him and his boyfriend dating, but he could only thank him for being supportive instead of hating him. Before he left he grabbed his Xbox from his den and put it in a bag incase they wanted to play a game, that being what Calum did when he was ill.

On his way to Michael's house he stopped off at Starbucks being the cool kid he was and bought them both a coffee and a muffin each. He smiled thinking of himself as a good boyfriend to his sick one. He sipped his drink as he drove along the road that had become extremely familiar, yet he was always scared he was going to see Michael's parents again. He had only seen his parents that one time when Michael fell asleep at his house, so he took him home, and Michael's Mum let him in.

When he reached Michael's, he got out his car balancing all of the food as he knocked on the door. Soon a sleepy looking Michael answered the door and let him inside.

"Hey Kitten." Calum said, still using the nickname he gave to him the first time he really saw Michael, "You okay?"

Michael shook his head, but smiled when Calum handed him his drink. Calum smiled when he saw the boy happily drink the hot beverage. He followed Michael into the living room, and by living room, a sofa and a TV. He heard Michael sigh and sit on the couch, crossing his legs. Calum sat next to him and Michael's head immediately flopped onto his shoulder and into the crook of his neck. Calum quietly laughed as his hair was tickling him and moved so both him and Michael were more comfortable.

Soon they were both lying next to each other on the sofa cuddling and watching shítty daytime TV. Michael wanted to watch cartoons, however Calum wanted to watch the football, although Michael won because he was ill. Calum didn't mind though because it made him happy when he heard Michael chuckling along to something a character said.

Calum was more weary about Michael being sick and kept making sure that the boy wasn't too hot or too cold. He was also constantly checking the time for when Michael could have another pill that he'd had that morning. To Calum this was what his Mum always did for him and that's just how it was when he was sick, however Michael had never felt so pampered, whilst being sick, in his whole life.

Michael started getting fidgety after watching a couple of episodes of different TV programmes. Calum wasn't really that interested and just held Michael in his arms. Michael turned to face the ceiling but stayed curled in Calum's arms.

"You okay?" Calum asked him.

"Mmm... C- can you make pancakes?" Michael questioned, sounding hopeful.

"I've never made them but I know how to." Calum told him, "I'll make you some if you want?"

Michael nodded his head with a smile on his face. Calum chuckled before kissing Michael's cheek and moving to get up. He walked into Michael's kitchen, looking around at the bare room. He opened the fridge and saw eggs and milk which he grabbed and put on the counter. He started opening random cupboards in hope to find flour, fortunately finding it right at the back of one.

After mixing everything together he got a frying pan and put it over the hobb. When he'd let it heat up he poured a bit of mixture into the pan and waited until it had cooked, before putting it on a plate a poured another one. Calum kept doing this until he had a neat little pile of them. He the poured lemon and sugar on them and grabbed some pills for Michael.

As he walked back into the living room he saw Michael curled up under the blanket slightly shivering but sweat forming on his forehead. He looked up when he saw Calum and gave him a small smile.

"C'mon Kitten try eat some pancakes." Calum said softly as he sat down next to the shaking Michael.

Michael slowly sat up so he was next to Calum and Calum slipped his arm round Michael's to keep him close to him. Michael took a bite of the pancake and nearly died of happiness. He wished he could kiss Calum all over his pretty face but he didn't want Calum to catch his illness so quietly thanked him before continuing to eat the pancakes which were the best he'd ever had.

After another hour of watching the terrible daytime TV Calum nearly lost it. He didn't think he'd ever gone so long without doing something he wanted to do, and it was tiring him. He wanted to do what he wanted to do, and that was not watching one hundred episodes of Jeremy Kyle. Michael was totally oblivious to Calum's near death boredom as he was sleepily resting his head on Calum's lap and half watching the TV.

"I cannot take this." Calum exasperated, causing Michael to look up confused, "I'm going to get my Xbox and I'm teaching you how to play FIFA."

Michael was confused but moved his head off Calum's lap before he ran off and got his Xbox. When he came back he figured out how to plug it into Michael's TV and set up FIFA. He then went back to where Michael was sitting and sat down next to him.

"Have you ever played FIFA?" Calum asked Michael.

Michael shook his head. Calum patted his lap so that Michael would sit in it. Michael awkwardly climbed into his lap and moved round so he was comfortable. Calum placed Michael's hands on the controller and rested his on top, and his chin rested on Michael's shoulder.

Calum directed Michael through what to do Michael just nodded and let Calum move his fingers, not really taking in what was happening. For a while he understood but soon he got tired and snuggled more into Calum's chest, completely giving up on playing. Calum didn't move Michael from his position and just played against Ashton with Michael sleeping in his arms.

Ashton: Bro what's up with your playing? You keep missing open goals

Calum laughed when he received the text from Ashton as the boy didn't know he was playing whilst being slept on. As he was about to reply Michael moved causing Calum to silently die of cuteness as Michael was rubbing his head against Calum's chest to find somewhere comfortable.

Calum: If you didn't know Michael is currently sleeping on me so I can't really play as well

Ashton: Aww I wanna see a picture that's so cute

Calum: >Insert image< he's like a little kitten


After about an hour Michael started waking up and Calum was almost numb from being laid on for over an hour. Michael looked up at Calum who was on his phone whilst coming his fingers from Michael's pink hair. When he saw Michael was awake he looked down and gave him a small smile.

"You feeling better babe?" He asked him softly, as he adjusted himself so Michael could sit next to him.

Michael nodded and smile. He glanced at the calendar they kept and saw his birthday was in a couple of days, he'd completely forgotten.

"It's my birthday soon." Michael told Calum smiling.

"Really, when?" Calum asked, surprised at this sudden information.

"20th." Michael replied quietly, taking Calum's hand and playing with his fingers. "I never really c- celebrate my birthday anymore."

"What? You don't celebrate your birthday?" Calum practically shouted, causing Michael to shift backwards. "What kind of shitty par-"

There was suddenly an awkward tension in the room and Calum wanted to shoot himself. He knew how shitty Michael's parents were. He didn't know what to say so just kissed Michael on the cheek and pulled him in for a hug.

"This year you'll have the best birthday."

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