thirty four

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Ashton wasn't talking to Calum, no one was. It wasn't surprising considering he cheated on his boyfriend with his best friend's girlfriend. He missed Michael but he knew it was his fault. He knew he shouldn't of kissed Abbie, despite the fact she came onto him, he could've pushed her off but he didn't. He also knew that Michael was probably hurting more than he was and that made everything ten times worse. At first he didn't think anyone saw it happen apart from the girls that were cheering them on, but when he looked down the street and saw Michael running away, and Ashton and Luke with shocked faces he knew they did.

He didn't know what to do. If he could've gone back he wouldn't have let it happen, but now he was trapped. Ashton hadn't spoken a word to him since they met up with the French family, and only occasionally got glares from him. Calum didn't know whether Ashton was concerned about Michael, pissed off at Abbie and him, or both. Calum thought it was just him being pissed off at them kissing, mainly because Ashton never seem to like Michael that much. Even the French family avoided him, so he mainly stayed in the room they let him stay in, even though he was sharing with one of their children because Ashton wouldn't sleep with him.

The first night at the French family's home was when Calum first cried about everything. He hated himself and just cried into a pillow while the boy next to him slept soundly. His mind kept drifting back to Michael and how stupid he really was. He knew even if Michael accepted the apology he was planning to give, Luke wouldn't be so easy. Luke wouldn't let him mess around with Michael as easily as Michael would let him.

When he woke up in the morning he still had tears stains on his cheeks, and didn't bother wiping them as he went down for breakfast. The family and Ashton stared at him as if he was so alien as he silently sat down at the table a took a croissant. To say the least he looked terrible. He didn't get much sleep so he had bags under his eyes, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked so pale. Even Ashton looked concerned as the boy sniffed and shook, like what normally happened after crying. The whole breakfast was awkward as no one knew where to look, so they just focused on their food and didn't make a sound.

After breakfast was over Calum and Ashton followed the two French children up stairs so they could get changed, as they were going to go on a picnic together. Calum went into the room where John, the family's eldest son slept, and grabbed clothes to start changing into them. At first they got dressed in silence but soon John spoke up for the first time since meeting him yesterday.

"Why were you crying last night?" He asked in a sweet French accent. "Are you homesick?"

Calum shook his head, "I just cried because I'm stupid." Calum replied, not really sure how to say he cheated on his boyfriend.

"Why are you stupid? Was someone mean to you?" The boy questioned further.

"No I was mean to someone, I made a mistake." Calum told him, then pulled a jumper over his head and left.

As he walked out he bumped into Ashton, "Sorry." He muttered then carried on.

"Sorry for what? Kissing my girlfriend? Ruining my relationship with her? Completely ignoring me?" Ashton shouted at him, Calum flinching at the words.

"Take your pick." Calum mumbled, before trying to leave but Ashton holding him by his sweater.

"No. I won't let you get away. You think this is okay? Well it's not. You kissed my girlfriend, I didn't go kiss Michael did I?" Ashton yelled, causing the family to gather at the top and bottom of the stairs.

"She kissed me!" Calum yelled back, his voice cracking as tears threatened to fall, "And you think I don't know that. I shouldn't have kissed back but I did, and I fúcking regret it. How do you think Michael is taking this? You're not the only one who was affected by mine and your girlfriends stupid mistake."

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