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Only a few hours later Calum was woken up by the sound of Michael thrashing in his sleep, tears rolling down his cheeks. He immediately got up and crouched down next to Michael, and started gently whispering his name and shaking him. Soon his eyes shot open and he looked at Calum with a feared look.

"Shh, calm down Kitten I'm here." Calum whispered to Michael soothingly, "Did you have a bad dream?"

Michael just nodded his head as he tried to get his breathing back to normal. He was clenching the blanket with his fists and shakily wiped his tears from his eyes, although only using the back of his hand. Calum however moved Michael's hand away and used the soft hem of his shirt to dry his tears.

After a while, when Michael had calmed down, Calum climbed back into his bed but decided to stay awake until he knew Michael had fallen asleep to make sure he was alright. He watched as Michael tossed and turn restlessly in his light sleep, but soon he opened his eyes in defeat.

"Do you, uhm... Want to come up here with me, it's more comfortable?" Calum awkwardly asked Michael, who looked extremely sleepy.

Michael just nodded, so Calum shuffled towards the wall to let Michael crawl on to the bed. Michael immediately curled up next to Calum and soon after he was quietly snoring. Calum pretended that Michael wasn't there so that he could try and get some sleep as well. And luckily it worked as soon he was also fast asleep, although during the night he draped an arm round Michael who was in a deep sleep next to him.


When Calum woke up he felt his lower regions pressing against his boxers tightly. He immediately realised what it was and awkwardly struggled to climb over Michael, who was still peacefully resting after his nightmare, in attempt to get to the bathroom. Once out of bed he rushed into the bathroom, leaving Michael asleep.

However the desperate movement awoke Michael, although he only saw Calum quickly run out the room. Instead of getting out, Michael just snuggled more into the comfy duvet; not use to having a proper duvet. It was then that Michael could properly look at Calum's room, not really seeing it apart from tutoring. He saw a lot of pictures of Calum with various different people, especially his friend Ashton and a girl who looked like him.

Suddenly the bedroom door, and Michael expected it to be Calum, although it was his Mum. The look of Calum's Mums face was a mixture of shock, confusion, and a bit of anger.

"What are you doing in my son's bed?" She asked him, anger in her voice.

Michael froze. He went pale and prayed for Calum to get back from wherever he went. He could feel the woman's stare burning into him.  Luckily he heard footsteps and soon Calum also stood in the doorway.

"Calum, why is this young man in your bed?" Calum's Mum asked him.

"I... Err... He had a nightmare..." Calum replied awkwardly, not wanting to make eye contact with her.

His Mum just scoffed and left the room while shaking her head. As soon as she was gone Calum slammed the door shut.

"I'm so sorry, I went to the toilet and didn't think you'd be awake or that anyone would walk in." Calum rambled on.

Michael cracked a smile at Calum's mumbling and shook his head in adoration. "It's okay."

Calum stripped out of his night top and put on a black top and flannel with skinny jeans. He scooped up his old clothes and threw them into the laundry basket.

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