forty two

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Calum decided to take Michael out for ice cream after school so that he could re ask him out properly. Michael was a bit nervous as he wasn't sure if Calum was going to get angry at him. He knew he loved Calum and there was no denying how much his heart sped up when he was around, and how much he clung on to every word that came out of his mouth. He was always worried that Calum wouldn't love him back. Despite telling him that he did, there was always a voice at the back of Michael's mind telling him he didn't.

Michael waited for Calum at the gates of the school, seeing as they had different lessons and he didn't want to lurk outside his classroom. He watched loads of people pass him who were in Calum's class, and fear washed over him that the boy had stood him up. He immediately wanted to leave. He grabbed his bag to get ready to leave, although, part him wanted to stay. Part of him knew that Calum wouldn't do after, but after everything that happened in past, who knew? Certainly not Michael. He sighed and dropped his bag on the ground and watched anxiously as more people passed.

He saw Luke and the boy ran over him to. He knew about the ice cream 'date' and was ready to murder Calum, seeing as he hadn't turned up yet. Luke decided to wait with Michael so that he didn't look lonely, despite that being how Michael always felt. Luke decided that if the boy didn't turn up in five minutes, he'd take Michael to get ice cream. Michael hugged his sweater as more and more people past, yet there was no sign of Calum amongst them.

However, just as Michael and Luke started to walk away, Michael undoubtedly upset, a car pulled up next to them shouting at them to stop. Michael turned around and Calum quickly jumped out the car with a massive bouquet of red roses and a cheesy smile on his face. Michael immediately blushed and covered his face as people stopped and looked at the two boys.

"Kitten, I know I've made a lot of mistakes but I actually wanna do this right. Sorry I'm late, I had to get the flowers from Ashton and yeah," Calum said, practically thrusting the flowers at Michael.

Michael turned round to look at Luke who gave him a big smile. He then walked towards Calum and gave him a hug, burying is head in Calum's shoulder.

"C'mon, I'm dying for some ice cream," Calum whispered to Michael, who laughed and nodded.

He walked round the other side of the car and got in next to Calum who smiled at him. Michael put the bouquet on the floor and Calum grabbed his hand, intertwining it with his. Calum was still a nervous to drive, and took extra precautions as he didn't want to get hurt again, or even worse hurt Michael again.

Calum gave Michael a proper apology without shouting or arguing with each other. Michael, obviously, accepted it and also apologised for being over dramatic, with Calum laughed at because he'd be exactly the same if it happened to him. Michael also said that he was really scared when he heard he'd been in a car crash, which Calum understood and apologised for scaring him. Calum then told a penis joke, saying that he couldn't deal with the sappy talk anymore.

Michael couldn't help but forget everything Calum did to him when he saw the smile on the boy's face and the way Calum's eyes lit up. When Calum was parking Michael couldn't help but study the serious look of concentration on his face and smile fondly at him.

"I know your staring at me," Calum said, making Michael look away embarrassed, "it's cute, you're cute."

Michael laughed and covered his face with his sleeves, trying to hide the smile that was so obviously on his face. Once Calum parked he turned to Michael who was still trying to 'hide' from Calum. Calum moved both of Michael's hands then kissed both of the boy's cheeks.

"Don't hide your smile, it's beautiful," Calum said, pressing his face up  against Michael, making the boy laugh, "so beautiful."

Calum then got out the car and went round and opened the door for Michael. He casually took Michael's hand in his as they walked towards the parlour. Calum was happily chatting away about whatever came to his mind, whilst Michael just listened and laughed along when necessary. Michael didn't even care what Calum was saying, he was just happy to hear his voice and his laughter, not his tears and sadness. 

When they got inside, Calum went and ordered their ice creams, already knowing what Michael would want. Michael went and found a table booth and slide into one of the sides, and waited a short while until Calum returned. When the boy did return he had a big smile on his face as he placed down the ice cream in front of Michael, and slid into the other side of the booth.

"I chocolate ice cream with extra sprinkles, for a cute kitten who's extra sweet." Calum said laughing, Michael practically cringing at the cheesy words.

"T- thank you." Michael said, before starting to eat his favourite ice cream.

Calum watched fondly as, as Michael took a bite of ice cream some of it got on his nose, causing him to look down cross eyed at it. Calum laughed and leaned over to lick the ice cream of his nose.

"Hey, t-that's my ice c- cream." Michael gasped, before leaning over and putting his spoon in Calum's, and getting loads on his spoon which he then promptly ate.

"Anyway the reason I invited you here is because, even though I've messed up a lot, I still think that you are the best thing that's probably happened to me and I don't wanna lose you again." Calum told Michael, who was blushing but didn't take his eyes of Calum, "please be my boyfriend?"

Michael almost starting laughing as he nodded, just looking at Calum's puppy dog eyes made him smile. "Of course I'll be your boyfriend, boyfriend."

Calum didn't even hesitate, despite it being awkward, getting up and climbing into Michael's booth, before tackling him into a hug and kissing his cheeks and nose and forehead and everywhere on his face apart from his lips.

Once Calum had finished Michael gently pressed his lips against Calum's, Calum kissing back immediately. Calum made the kids deeper, resulting in a make out session for five minutes. When they pulled away Michael just cuddled into Calum, and let the boy run his hands through his hair.

And Michael didn't need anything other than that.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2016 ⏰

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