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Michael vowed to himself to never have another day off school after yesterday, as when his parents got home and found him crying in their living room , they made sure he was in as much physical pain as he was emotional. He had to drag himself out of bed, despite the pain he was going through, and go about his day pretending he was fine. It was sad that he preferred to be at school where he was bullied, than to be at home with his parents.

He grabbed his notebook from under his pillow, the only place it is safe, and shoved it in his school bag. He wore his favourite grey hoodie, the one with extra long sleeves, and a pair of black skinny jeans. After slipping his converse on he ran out the door, throwing his bag over his shoulder in the process. He immediately started walking again, hanging his head low and putting his hands inside the sleeves of the hoodie. Some younger children looked at his hair colour confused, and parents in disgust, but he ignored it as that is his way of expressing himself.

When he got to school he headed straight for his locker, it being in the centre of all the school, also the loudest. He walked quickly and quietly to avoid all human contact, although he could feel people staring at him. Due to last night he had a slight limp to his step which caused more attentions, however he just kept his head down and ignored it.

When he arrived at his locker he put the books in his bag that he thought he'd need, and took the ones that he didn't out. He heard footsteps behind him and he turned around slowly, catching a glimpse of Calum's pretty smile. When he knew it was Calum he turned around properly to face the boy.

"Hey Mich- are you okay?" Calum asked concerned, definitely referring to his bruised and bashed face.

Michael just nodded slowly, not wanting Calum to worry about him.

"Are you sure?" He asked again, receiving another nod from Michael. "Okay, anyway I'm guessing you were ill yesterday so should we start tutoring tomorrow, I have football tonight?"

Michael nodded as a signal for 'okay' and gave him a small smile, which Calum returned immediately. Calum talked to Michael for a bit longer before the bell for first lesson went.

Many people stared at Calum weirdly because of the fact he was spending with Michael, especially the football team. At their school you had your clique and you stayed in your clique, to see Calum the star footballer straying from the unwritten rules left everyone slightly confused, but also annoyed. Calum honestly didn't care, he liked spending time with Michael, the boy having more to him than he let on, and that's all that mattered. He still spent time with his team, not completely ditching them, but he didn't always want to be surrounded by slutty girls and self absorbed boys. And Michael definitely wasn't slutty or self absorbed.

The first lesson of the day, in which they shared, was always long and pretty much always boring, despite Calum sometimes making jokes and snide remarks. Sometimes Calum's eyes would flicker to the boy who sat at the back of the class, his head deep in his notebook. The teacher caught his staring at him at one point, and gave him a mini lecture on not staring at him, although Calum thought isn't that what you do to beautiful things?

Fortunately, but unfortunately the lesson ended and Calum and Michael had to go their separate ways. Calum watched as Michael got lost within the crowds of people before going to his lesson, not wanting to have sit through an hour where he couldn't idly stare at the beautiful boy from across the classroom.

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