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Michael couldn't take his mind off of when Calum first pressed his lips onto his. He couldn't help but love the feeling, craving the feeling of the boy. Thousands of thoughts were running through his mind, majority involving Calum. His head was filled with the beautiful boy and he didn't care. He had never felt this way about someone, and he lusted after it.

It made him feel alive.

When Michael was with Calum he felt like he was more than just another person. Calum made him feel like everything else in the world was irrelevant, like he was actually important, like he actually mattered. He knew all too well about the phrase 'nothing stays the same' and he knew that his happiness wouldn't last but he couldn't help but desire Calum.

Michael was confused as immediately after the second kiss they shared Calum ran off. He didn't know why, but he had endless reasons why he might; he just prayed none were true. It also saddened him that Calum hadn't even spoken to him apart from a text message asking if he wanted to go to a party, in which Michael reluctantly agreed to. It wasn't that he didn't want to go, it just wasn't a place where he normally go, or ever go.

That was why Calum was sat in his car outside Michael's house, obnoxiously honking the car horn, while waiting for Michael to join him. Eventually he saw the pastel pink haired boy emerge and run over to Calum's car with his finger over his lips.

"Shh, m- my parents will hear." Michael whispered as he climbed into the car next to Calum.

"Sorry." Calum replied, and turned the radio on, letting the music blast through the speakers.

Michael shook his head in amusement, considering he just told Calum to be quiet. Like always Calum was oblivious and just sang along to the lyrics. Michael never knew how talented Calum was until he was sat next to the boy who was belting his heart out. He could listen to Calum's voice forever, he had fallen in love with the sweet sound.

Apart the music the drive was pretty quiet. However once the turned a corner they soon heard the sound of drunk teenagers and loud music ringing in their ears. Calum looked over at Michael who seemed a bit nervous, so took his hand and squeezed it gently. The gesture made Michael look up at Calum, and he gave him a quick smile.

As soon as they found a place to park they got out. Michael tensed at the amount of people that were there, and immediately regretted saying yes to coming. Calum saw his fear and took Michael's hand in his, and slowly lead him to the door. As they got closer Michael for more anxious and Calum noticed this, so stopped.

"You don't have to do this if you don't want to, I'll take you home if you want." Calum told him, reassuringly.

Surprisingly Michael just shook his head and continued walking towards the party. They could soon smell the lingering scent of alcohol and cigarettes. Calum could already see Ashton there with his girlfriend Abbie, the fact that she was dating his best friend made him dislike her even more than before. Unfortunately there was nothing he could do about their relationship so just planned on ignoring her.

As they walked into the Luke's house, Calum was instantly called over by several people. Not letting go of Michael's hand he lead the boy through the crowd towards Luke. Michael was overwhelmed by the amount of people and clung to Calum for dear life. When they reached Luke, the boy handed them both a red solo cup full of alcohol of some sort. Calum drank his straight away, but Michael hesitated before soon feeling the burning feeling of the liquid in his throat.

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