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Michael couldn't stop crying as Luke drove to the hospital. He couldn't believe that Calum actually hurt him. It might of been out of anger, but he still hurt him. Luke was trying to be calm but he was panicking a bit because he didn't know how to help Michael apart from go to hospital. Michael was muttering about how he couldn't believe Calum hurt him. Over and over again.

Calum hurt him.

Calum hurt him.

Calum hurt him.

He let out a loud sob as the thoughts controlled and took over his mind. He couldn't bare it - any of it.

Everything was kind of a blur as Luke sped through the rain towards the hospital to mend Michael's arm; not his heart. Luke tried to talk to Michael about what Calum said to him but nothing was making sense. Everything came out as a pained response that said basically nothing. However, Luke was more worried about how Calum potentially broke Michael's arm.

Michael wondered what Calum was doing right now. Was he crying that he lost Michael, or was he celebrating? Was he aching to have Michael, or relieved to have Michael gone from his life? He hoped Calum wasn't hurting, he never wanted to hurt Calum even if he hurt him.

People always said heartbreak is the worst pain, although Michael thought the worst pain was when someone broke your heart, then tried to fix it but broke it more.

Soon Luke pulled up at the hospital and the two boys clambered out of the car. Luke wrapped his arm around Michael and attempted to calm him down a bit. Michael was shaking from the tears as they walked through the entrance of the hospital.

Michael and Luke arrived at the hospital, tears streaming down Michael's pale cheeks. They walked in, Michael clutching his arm, and walked up to the front desk.

"Hiya Lovely, are you okay?" A kind secretary asked him. Michael shook his head as more tears fell.

"What's your name, age and what's wrong? I'll make sure you're seen as soon as possible." The lady asked him.

Michael awkwardly make a signal for a notepad and pens to the lady. However, Luke butted in, giving Michael a small smile.

"His name is Michael Clifford and he's seventeen. His ex pushed him and he fell on his arm funnily." Luke said, the lady nodding along with what he was saying.

Michael nodded at what Luke said and gave the secretary a small smile through the tears. She nodded and told him to sit down in one of the seats, and that his name would soon be called.

He looked around and remembered everything that happened. The fight. The insults. The hurt. The fear. He hated all of it and wanted to erase it all from his memory, however it would just come back stronger than ever. Luke wrapped an arm around Michael and side hugged him to give the hurting boy a sense of peace and comfort.

The two boys didn't care about the looks they received as they held each other in their arms. The stares didn't last long as soon Michael was called and the two boys headed to the nurse who was smiling at them.

She led them to a cubicle and asked Michael to sit on the bed. She asked about what happened which Luke explained. Michael had to wipe away the tears that were threatening to fall and make him feel weaker. She told Michael that he was going to have to have an X-ray as there was a possibility it was broken.

He had to lie on the bed and be pushed to a different room. Luke held him hand the whole time and made sure he was alright. When they reached the room Luke has to wait out side as they X-rayed Michael's arm. It felt like forever before Michael was wheeled out of the room and back to the cubicle.

Although, as they were walking back to the cubicle the two boys hurt something they didn't think they'd hear.

"Calum Hood, seventeen, involved in an RTC, go straight to resuss." A paramedic said, just before they reached the cubicle.

Michael went pale and looked at Luke who was also extremely worried. "C- Calum." Michael said. The nurse was confused at why the boys looked so scared.

"Michael, can I make sure Calum is okay?" Luke asked, not sure what Michael's reaction would be. Michael started nodding and watched as Luke left to find where Calum was.

"What's wrong?" The nurse asked Michael.

"Calum i- is here, my e- ex." Michael said, worry evident in his voice. "W- what is an R- RTC?"

"Calum, the one who hurt you?" The nurse asked, Michael nodding. "An RTC is a road traffic accident, a car crash."

Michael gasped and started worrying about Calum than he did about himself. He zoned out on whatever the nurse was talking about, only hearing the words 'broken arm' and 'cast' in amongst the other words she said. His mind was thinking of what happened to Calum and wished Luke would come back soon.

Suddenly he felt something cold on his arm and looked down to see the nurse covering his arm in cast. He decided he didn't like the cast because it would be a reminder of what happened. He wished he'd just forgiven Calum for cheating on him but he knew he couldn't let Calum just walk over him. Calum meant so much to him but he could only let people go so far, and breaking his arm goes way over. He knew Calum didn't mean and that had it worse, Calum would have to see what he did to him and know he didn't mean to do it.

The nurse could tell Michael wasn't happy and quickly finished doing the cast so she could speak to him. Once she had finished putting it in a sling she sat on the bed next to him and touched his non broken arm comfortingly.

"Do you want to talk about anything?" The nurse asked him, Michael startled that she was trying to make direct conversation.

"W- what do y- you do when t- the person you l- love hurts you, t- twice?" Michael asked, not really wanting to know the answer.

"Do they mean to hurt you? Do they make you happier than they make you sad? At the end of the day do they love you too?" The nurse replied, causing Michael to rethink everything.

Calum made him the happiest he'd ever been. He made him feel worth something, not just another speck in a big world. He liked to think Calum loved him like Michael loved him, that was the only thing he was unsure about.

Before they could talk any more Luke came in and gasped at Michael's arm. "Is your arm alright?" He asked straight away.

"Yeah it's o- okay, I w- wanna see Cally." Michael said, standing up.

"Uhm... Are you sure?" Luke said, trying to give Michael a look but not getting it across.

Michael nodded and Luke sighed and led him to the room. Michael didn't know what to expect but either way he wanted to see Calum.

He was so worried as everything reminded him of when he was in the car crash. He could remember walking down the same corridor, only to meet a white sheet covering his brother. He hoped and prayed he didn't find Calum the same because it would break his heart and destroy him.

Luke opened the door and Michael rushed over to where Calum was lying, tubes going in and out of him and as white as a ghost. Michael felt tears build up again and practically collapsed into Luke.

Luke tried to comfort him but nothing could console Michael like Calum, and not even Calum could do that now.

AN: Sorry for being MIA for like a month but heyyyyy I'm back and this book only has like 6 chapters left which breaks my heart because it's my little baby, but everything will be okay

Sorry it took sooooo long to update and that its crap but that's me so what can you do.

Comment, vote, fan girl on this rubbish :)))))))

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