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Waking up for Michael was a struggled he dealt with every day, most people do. Although many people's excuses are 'they have a hard day ahead' or 'they're hungover', however Michael genuinely didn't want to take part in the day. He'd rather sleep than experience life. To adults that is a thing most teenagers go through, many have been through that themselves, but they didn't understand Michael absolute hatred for getting out of bed. It's not he didn't want to move because of how tired he was, it was more he'd rather be oblivious to the world than have to go through another day.

After finally managing to get out of bed he looked on the floor in search of his grey sweater, eventually finding it curled up in the corner. When he put it on he slightly cuddled it to him, relieving at the warmth. He rummaged for his black skinny jeans as started putting them on. His back still hurt from Friday night so it made it harder to put his jeans on, awkwardly bending down.

He sighed as he looked in the mirror. All he saw was a horrible, disgusting person. He wanted to cry, just seeing his bruised skin, made him see how weak he was. He reluctantly got out the concealer he stole from his Mum and started dabbing around black eye, in hope that it made it a little less obvious. He ran his hand through his fading black hair, and decided he wanted to re-dye it soon.

He went downstairs to grab his schoolbag, and chose not to eat breakfast. He walked to the bus stop, his head down ignoring the world as he normally did. When he did look up he saw a grey, bleak sky and realised that it was most likely going to rain and his concealer will run. He silently groaned at this thought, and soon enough he started feeling raindrops on the back of his head.

He was thankful to get onto the bus, despite the constant teasing it was better than being in the rain. Unfortunately the boys on the bus did their best to make him feel the rain inside the bus, pouring water over his hair multiple times. He ignored their stupid actions but made sure his headphones were okay, not wanting the water to ruin them. He sighed as they cackled a bit, and the music wasn't as clear, but knew he'd have to put up with it.

He went through his morning lessons as he normally did, not paying attention and focusing on his notebook. He knew it annoyed the teachers but there wasn't much they could say to him, classing his 'mutism' as a disability, when actually he just didn't want to talk to people.

That's one of the reasons why people didn't like Michael, he was different. But he didn't try to hide the fact that he was different, nor did he flaunt it, it was just always there. You could tell he was different just by looking at him, the way he was always slightly paler, more day dreamy, how he paid more attention to the sleeves if his jumper than to the teacher. Teachers have tried to help but they've not worked as, obviously, he didn't cooperate. He didn't want someone telling him what was wrong with him, when he didn't even know himself. All he classes him as was sad.

Michael always sat through his lessons knowing that he was going to fail if he didn't start paying attention soon, however that thought made him more stressed and less concentrated. The teachers have thought about giving him a tutor, although they are aware of his lack of communication which would be difficult.

Eventually lunch time came. Surprisingly it was Michael's favourite part of the school day, despite being alone, he found it better than the rest of the day. The only problem was that was when the boys who bullied him took advantage of his solitude and used it as a great time to beat him up.

He stood in the lunch queue, keeping his head low and covering his hands with the sleeves of his sweater. He thought everyone around him was talking about him as he kept hearing the words 'emo' and 'loser', both making him very self-conscious. Soon he heard a cough behind him and he looked round curiously.

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