thirty three

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Michael didn't expect to wake up with Calum's arms wrapped tightly around him, or being able to feel Calum's warm breath on his neck. He didn't expect to not be in his bed, or to be shirtless with nothing to hide the pain his parents inflicted upon him. His first thoughts were to move to get out a top on but when he tried to move Calum just wrapped his arms tighter round him and cuddled into him. Michael smiled and relaxed into Calum's arms, remembering that this was the last day on the trip they were going to spend together.

The school had decided last minute to get in contact with some French families, and they managed to get them to each take a pair of students for three days. Unfortunately the families agreed to it and now Luke and Michael were going to a family, and Ashton and Calum were. At first Michael was really worried but Luke and Calum reassured him that it was alright and that he would even call Michael every night just to make sure. Luke also said that he'd do most the talking which made Michael more happy with the whole idea of it.

Soon Calum woke up and looked over to see Michael sleeping, curled right into his stomach. He played with his hair and traced lines on his chest. It broke Calum's heart looking at all the scars and bruises that littered Michael but he loved him either way, so started gently kissing some of the bruises. Being able to feel this, Michael woke up and smiled Calum who was too focused to notice his boyfriend was awake. When Calum realised he kissed Michael's cheek, knowing not to kiss him because of morning breath. Michael sat up but took the duvet with him so he could see if anyone else was awake.

After seeing Ashton was awake but the blonde hair boy next to him was not he checked the time to see how long they had before they were separated. The time was ten o'clock and the families were coming at one o'clock. Knowing they had three hours together he made Calum get a top for him so they could get dressed. Calum got up and grabbed one of his tops for Michael but held it at the end of the bed. Michael groaned because he knew Calum would make him come get it.

"C'mon baby, come get it." Calum said waving the top in the air.

Michael looked round self consciously as Ashton stared at him, confused as to why he didn't just get it. After one more sigh he jumped out of bed, knowing Ashton was looking at all the bruises, grabbed the top and shoved it over his head. Calum told Ashton to wake Luke up and then get his shit ready so they could go somewhere before they had to leave. Michael finished pulling jeans on, then flopped back on the bed, Calum joined him while smiling cheerily.

Eventually everyone was awake, dressed and packed for when they had to leave. The four boys got the lift to the hobby of the hotel because they decided to go out for lunch. However on the way Abbie and her friends got in the lift and said they were going to join them wherever they were going. Ashton agreed to them coming and held Abbie's hand. One of Abbie's friends tried to take Luke's hand but received a fierce "Bitch I'm gay." Calum took Michael's hand and whispered in his ears, making the boy blush furiously at what he was saying.

They informed the teachers about where they were going and then left. Everyone was chatting to one another and laughing as they walked down the street to find a place to eat lunch. Calum walked ahead with a couple of girls as he was really hungry and Ashton, Luke and Michael kept looking in shops. Michael was laughing with the boys as they pulled out risky outfits that no one should wear, ever. The boys realised everyone had left them so they quickly left and tried to catch up with the others, however it didn't work as they kept seeing things they had to show.

Luke was complaining about how far they were walking and Ashton kept saying how he was being a "whiney little princess", which pissed Luke off as he was a queen not a princess. Michael didn't say much and just laughed along with whatever was said, just happy to be with them. Michael had learnt over the past couple of months that the people he was opening up to and talking to were equally as comfortable in his silence as he words, they didn't mind if he didn't want to talk much or if he wanted to talk loads. Just the thought of that made him smile.

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