twenty seven

99 9 6

It was the day before the year was going on the French trip, and for Michael the first time on a plane and out of the country. They hadn't been told much information about the trip but the four boys were all sat in the French classroom getting told all the important information about the trip they were about to go on. Michael was all fidgety as he was so excited and Calum had to tell him to calm down, something he rarely had to do and was often told that my Michael. Everyone was sat in silence as the teacher read out some of the things they'd need and also gave out maps and passes they'd need to look after if they actually wanted to do anything.

One of the teachers came in with a sheet of paper and handed it to the teacher in charge of the 'meeting'. The teacher nodded and the other teacher left. She read through the sheet of paper whilst everyone was talking then loudly coughed to get everyone's attention. "Okay, here I have the rooms that people will be staying in. It is two per room so don't be annoyed that you're not with all your friends."

She started reading out names if people who were pairing up, hearing a lot of either cheers or groans from the students.

"Luke Hemmings and Michael Clifford." She read out.

Luke turned to Michael with a massive smile on his face, looking at Michael who had an equally big smile on his face. Luke held out his fist and Michael happily fist bumped him, laughing at their childish behaviour.

Calum was paired up with Ashton and they were both really happy and rejoiced with the other two boys about they were all with people they liked. None of the boys could stay quiet through the rest of the meeting and were aching to be able to get out of the classroom and talk about it properly. After a while they the boys got bored and felt like the meeting was dragging on and wanted to leave already. The teacher realised everyone wanted to leave so let everyone leave early, much to the students appreciation. Calum grabbed Michael's hand and pulled him out of the classroom and towards the canteen, Luke and Ashton trailing behind.

Once they found a table Calum pulled Michael onto his lap and the two boys sat opposite them. Like they wanted to, they all started talking about the french trip and how excited they were for it. Michael sat quietly as the boys discussed what they were packing and what they were bringing it in.

"What you packing babe?" Calum asked Michael, who had begun to space out so was confused at the question.

"Oh... I don't really know, a- and I don't have a s- suitcase." Michael replied quietly, slightly embarrassed that he didn't even have a suitcase.

He slouched into Calum, sighing at how unprepared he really was for the trip Calum kissed his cheek and moved some hair that had fallen in his face, "Don't worry, we can go to yours and grab some stuff then you can come to mine and I lend you some stuff. Oh and my Dad wanted to know if you wanted to stay over and then him drive us to the airport all together." Calum said, directing the last part to all the boys, not just Michael.

All the boys nodded and said that they'd come round Calum's at about seven ish as they also had to pack and make sure it was okay with their parents, which they pretty much knew it was.


Calum and Michael were walking to Calum's car after school had finished so that they could stop by Michael's and grab some stuff he'd need. Michael didn't particularly want Calum to go round as last time he got kicked out when his parents were there and he didn't want that to happen again. However he didn't tell Calum and just sat anxiously as Calum talked to him about random things. Calum half realised something was a bit off with Michael but decided to ignore it because he didn't want things to be awkward between the two on the trip.

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