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When Michael woke up he didn't even bother checking the time, it was his birthday. He just grabbed his phone off the floor and saw three messages. He smiled seeing one from his boyfriend, one from his friend Luke, and another from an unknown number. He unlocked his phone to see who the last text was from and saw it was from Ashton, Calum's friend, who helped when Michael had food thrown on him.

He got out of bed and just went downstairs. He was slightly aching from when his Dad hit him after getting home to late the night before. Although, as always, he ignored the pain and just pretended it wasn't there.

Like his parents normally did on his birthday, they left him a note saying happy birthday and gave him a piece of toast or something for his breakfast. He sighed just wishing they could've done a bit more seeing as it was his eighteenth birthday. He silently ate the toast alone on his birthday and his mind drifted to thinking about how different it would be if Will was there today.

After eating he tided up his plate and went upstairs to get changed. He noticed to the side of his door there was a little parcel wrapped in red wrapping paper. He smiled and opened it to see a brand new sweater in there. He hugged it to his chest and took the stripy sweater into his room. He quickly put black jeans on, then pulled the warm sweater over him, hugging himself for warmth.

Just as he was fluffing his hair he heard a loud knock at the door. At first he was hesitant to go down but he looked out the window and saw Calum's car so quickly walked down the stairs to answer the door. When he opened it Calum, Luke, and Ashton were all standing there smiling and holding presents and balloons. Michael immediately hugged Calum, knowing that it was him who planned it all. Calum kissed him lightly on the cheek, then they pulled away and Michael invited everyone inside.

The three boys followed Michael into the living room and sat down the sofas. Michael had a small smile on his face that made Calum so happy. All of the boys gave Michael their presents and watched as he nearly died from happiness. He went to open Ashton's first but Ashton stopped him before.

"By the way, I didn't really know what get you but I tried." He told Michael giving him a small smile.

Michael didn't reply and opened the present to see a massive bar of Cadbury's chocolate. Michael smiled as it was his favourite chocolate.

He then opened Luke's present which was a set of sharpie pens and different hair dyes of all different colours. Michael's eyes widen at the sight then a huge smile plastered his face. He didn't thank Luke but the boy knew he was appreciative of the gift.

Lastly he opened Calum's present. He didn't really know what to expect but when a little toy lion appeared a laugh escaped his lips and hugged the little lion to his chest.

"I'm sorry I didn't know what to get you but this little lion looked cute." Calum said blushing.

Michael shook his head in fondness and opened the other present from Calum. It was the whole of season one of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, something Michael had been dying to say.

He launch himself at Calum who chuckled and hugged the boy back. Calum tilted Michael's chin up and pressed his lips on his. They heard Luke gasp and fake die. When they pulled away Luke was just staring at them with his mouth open and moving his arms around dramatically.

"I knew you liked each other. Hah I knew it before you guys even did and now you're dating and you're so cute. But Calum don't break little Mikey's heart or I'll kill you." Luke rambled excitedly.

Calum laughed and pulled Michael closer to him and intwined their hands. "I won't."


After a while they planned on going to the mall to hangout, despite Michael not liking a lot of people he assured it would be okay. They sat in the car with Michael sat next to Calum who was driving and Luke and Ashton in the back. They played the radio as they all were arguing about what song to play.

The Only Reason [Malum] boyxboyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum