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Michael was confused. He was so used to waking up, ignoring the world, then going back to sleep, that the fact he liked someone confused him. He didn't like how Calum filled his mind and never left. He didn't like how he was letting his guard down, and letting Calum know about his life. He didn't like that he made him talk, even though it was voluntary. He didn't like what Calum Hood did to him, but he liked him a lot.

So when Michael walked into school beaten up by his parents from the night before, he tried as hard as possible to avoid Calum as he knew that Calum would worry. Unfortunately, but fortunately for him, Calum did see him and immediately went to go see Michael, although he left the hallway before he had the chance to.

When Calum saw Michael his heart immediately hurt. He saw Michael looking in pain and just the sight of it made him want to help the boy, however when he made eye contact with Michael the boy ran off somewhere. He wanted to follow the boy but Ashton called him over to his locker.

"You'll never guess what." Ashton said excitedly, almost giggling.

"What is so exciting in Irwie's life that makes him nearly giggle?" Calum asked sarcastically.

"Guess who has a girlfriend?" Ashton said getting more excited.

"Well it's not me." Calum replied rolling his eyes.

Ashton was just about to answer him when Abbie, the schools biggest slut came over a pressed her lips to Ashton's.

"Hey babe." She whispered to him.

Calum wanted to throw up, and hit Ashton. Not because he was jealous, but because she was obviously using him because she never dated anyone. He felt like hitting his head on the locker because of Ashton's stupidity.


During Michael's second lesson he had the French exam him and Calum had revised last night. However all he remembered was falling asleep on Calum's bed and then waking up in his own, he needed to talk to Calum about how he actually got home. Unfortunately that meant there wasn't that much space for any French verbs, let alone while paragraphs. He wrote down what he could remember, it being a lot, and then slumped back in his chair, after handing it to his teacher thinking he'd failed.

At the end of the lesson his teacher told him that he hadn't had a chance to mark the papers and that they'd be given back next lesson, although he did call Michael back.

"I know I shouldn't have, but I marked your paper and I just want to say well done, you did really well." Mr Price his French teacher told him, handing him the paper.

On there, there was a big C+ and Michael wanted to cry, he's never passed anything before. He gave Mr Price a small smile when he looked up from the sheet.

"Have you got a tutor by any chance?" Mr Price asked him.

Michael nodded and wrote down on a piece of paper, Calum Hood. Mr Price looked at the piece of paper and nodded whilst smiling.

"He's a good kid, I'm not surprised he's your tutor." Mr Price said, "We've got to get to lunch, but well done."

Michael was so happy. He practically ran to the cafeteria where he was meeting Calum. When he opened the doors and saw Calum chatting to Ashton and Abbie his heart sunk slightly but walked over anyway. He heard Calum laughing, and God how much he loved that sound.

When he reached the table they were sitting he realised there were no seats available. He also saw that there were a lot of people making noise, and being obnoxiously loud. Not being able to cope with that he went to the table he used to sit at, before Calum came into his life and messed around with it for better or for worse.

The Only Reason [Malum] boyxboyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon