34: back to normal? ¹

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among us: who's the impostor?

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A sigh left his parted lips as he waits for the falcon he send over somewhere to arrive. Mind wandering over countless possibilities of what could happen once he let him win this battle.

Y/n's father knew a war would soon cease in the underworld, one way or another.

It is bound to happen.

None of them can prevent it from happening. The only thing he could do is to prepare his daughter, but the thing is, Y/n still have her human body and heart that she inherited from her mom: a sole weakness of a demon.

If he want Y/n to win the upcoming war, Y/n heart beats needs to die and let the demon heart take over the body of her daughter. He needs someone to do it, to make Y/n's heart stop beating in order to unleash the demon inside her daughter. To unleash her demon form.

An image of a woman appeared on his distracted mind, knowing so well she is the perfect candidate to execute his plan.

Before his thoughts could go further, a flapping sound echoed throughout the room, pulling him out of his reverie.

The falcon had arrived.

The bird's feather sways back and forth on the air as it transform into a human. "You won't believe what I have seen Master." He remark, bewildered.

The former demon Prince lift an eyebrow in wonder, facing his servant. "And may I know why Woojin?"

Woojin take deep breath and began to convey details, "You told me to watch the two schools of demon, the Crypthon and Eclisse. Eclisse is in good condition, there's nothing unusual there while on the  other hand, Crypthon were unusually noisy."

"Unusually?" The demon Prince question.

Woojin nodded, "While I venture through the clouds, observing the school I remember it clearly in a state of silence, no movement, there's no any sign of life there but.... After I visited Eclisse and comeback to check up on the school once again, the quiet and solemn atmosphere of the school become lively. Chatters and noises from students could be heard all over the school. I can't quite tell if it's another illusion or it really just because everything is now back to normal."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22 ⏰

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