Party in the USA | Lando Norris & Max Verstappen

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Authors Note: 18+ spicy story! This storyline was requested by user: oliviaxprincess

Done in 3rd person POV. I feel like when I'm trying to write spice, I zone out lolol. I'm sorry if it isn't ever that good!  

"Can you do one where Arianna is a NFL cheerleader and either Max, Lando or Charles go to the game just to see her, but get turned on and it is smutty after the game."  


"Mate who are you texting like a madman right now?" Max asked as he was seated across Lando on their private flight. Lando was furiously typing away on his phone and Max was curious. They had another four hours before landing in Texas ahead of the Austin Grand Prix.

"I'm not text anyone but fucking hell, this cheerleader is so hot. She came up in my for you page and now I'm looking through her account. Shes based in the US... and wait what the hell?? How do some of the other boys follow her?"

"Let me see, let me see." Lando passed Max his phone.

"Arianna, huh? Yeah mate she's hot, really fit too. Of course Danny and Lewis follow her. Danny knows every remotely pretty girl in Texas... and well Lewis" Max snickered while passing Lando his phone back. 

"Fuck it, I'm gonna follow her too."

"Lando, you don't even know this girl."

"There's no better way to get to know someone, than by following them. Plus look at me, I'm gorgeous."

Max rolled his eyes at Lando's comment about himself. He couldn't understand his best friend sometimes. "Oh my god, oh my god! She already followed me back already!!! She must be really into me."

"Relax mate, your head's too big already, no need for it get even bigger...."

"That's not the only thing that's big" Lando smirked. Max fake gagged and stuck up his middle finger at him. The two drifted into comfortable silence, relaxing a bit before their plane would land. 

Max and Lando finally touched in Austin and headed to their hotel. They purposefully came one week sooner than the GP weekend, in order to adjust to the time difference. The entire taxi ride to the hotel, Lando was obsessing about Arianna and how he was thinking about messaging her. Max had never seen his friend so caught up on a girl he didn't know. He felt bad as Lando had been single for a while after his last relationship. 

"Why don't you just see if there's any games in Dallas this week? We're close enough to drive. I can't listen to another minute of you obsessing over her." Like a child, Lando grabbed Max's cheek, pinching it, "you're such a smartie pants mr. world champion."

"Fuck off curly sue!" Max retorted with.

Now in the lobby of their hotel, which was chaos because most of the teams were limited to two hotels near the track, Lando and Max were waiting to check in. They were surprised at the amount of staff that had already touched down in Austin, considering they were here a week early. They got their room keys and headed towards the elevators. 

"What floor did you get? I got floor 55, this must be a big hotel" Lando asked his friend. 

"Americans do everything big. I'm floor 16" Max said, taking a look at his room keys. Of course Lando being Lando, he bragged about having a higher floor than Max the entire elevator ride. As Max stepped onto his floor, they both made plans to grab some dinner with two other drivers they knew were in town already as well.

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