Papaya Rules | Oscar Piastri

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⚠️ 18+ spicy story. This story was requested by user: YourCloset_5

I will go hide under a rock now 🙉 🙊 🙈 

Oscar, freshly showered and relaxed after the morning's practice session, sat down with a bottle of water, ready to unwind before the afternoon briefing. Across the table, Lando and Carlos exchanged mischievous glances, their usual banter and lighthearted antics in full swing. 

Lando nudged Carlos, and with a grin, he turned to Oscar. "So, Oscar," Lando said.

"How's life as the most innocent guy on the grid?" 

Oscar raised an eyebrow, already sensing where this was going. "What's that supposed to mean?" 

Carlos leaned back in his chair, a smirk playing on his lips. "You know what Lando's trying to say. You're just so... vanilla. We took bets last night at the bar about who the most innocent guy on the grid was, as you won." 

Oscar chuckled, shaking his head. "You guys have no idea what you're talking about." 

Lando laughed, clearly enjoying himself. "Come on, mate. You're like the poster child for wholesome. Do you even know what rough around the edges means?" Oscar rolled his eyes, but a small smile tugged at his lips. 

"I think you're both confusing being polite with being inexperienced." 

"Polite?" Carlos replied. "Is that what they call it nowadays? Polite and vanilla?" 

Lando leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Do you even know how to have a good time, Oscar? Or is it all hand-holding and soft kisses for you?" 

Oscar took a sip of his water, maintaining his calm composure, despite the teasing. "You two really have nothing better to do, do you?" 

Carlos grinned. "Admit it, mate. You're the most innocent guy here. You probably wouldn't even know what to do if things got a bit... spicy." 

Oscar's smile widened, but he kept his thoughts to himself. If only they knew the truth. His relationship with his girlfriend was far from the 'vanilla' they painted. Behind closed doors, they were anything but innocent. Their relationship was full of passion, spontaneity, and a sense of adventure that neither Lando nor Carlos could ever imagine. But Oscar wasn't about to let them in on that secret. Let them think what they wanted. 

"Oh, I know how to have a good time," Oscar said nonchalantly, "but I don't feel the need to share every detail of my personal life with you two." 

Lando and Carlos exchanged a look, then burst into laughter. "See? That's exactly what we're talking about!" Lando said. 

"You're too polite to even defend yourself!" Carlos nodded in agreement. "It's okay, Oscar. We'll just have to teach you a few things about life, won't we, Lando?" 

"Definitely," Lando agreed, winking at Oscar. "Stick with us, and we'll show you how it's done." Oscar shook his head, laughing along with them. He enjoyed their teasing, it was part of the camaraderie they shared as teammates. But he also took a certain satisfaction in knowing they had no idea what really went on in his life. 

Later that evening, after the day's activities had wrapped up, Oscar returned to his hotel room. His girlfriend, Riley, was waiting for him, curled up on the bed with a book in hand. She looked up as he entered, a smile lighting up her face. 

"Hey, how was your day baby?" she asked, setting the book aside. Oscar kicked off his shoes and joined her on the bed, wrapping an arm around her waist. 

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