Maya's Boy

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Maya felt like she had been sitting in the waiting room for days. Well, truth be told it was two days ago that the accident happened. She had not been able see Josh since he woke up. Once Topanga told Amy and Alan he was awake they were pretty much glued to the room asking when they could take him home.

The previous day had been filled with medical tests and monitoring of the injuries as well as his neurological function. In spite of the temporary coma, he suffered no major memory loss, though the accident was a little fuzzy for him. The doctors said this was normal and a defense mechanism of the brain.

Maya just wanted to see him. She was still hanging onto the last thing he said to her. The group had moved toward his room. Conversations swirled around her about who was dealing with the discharge papers, who was gonna pull the car around, and if they should just get back to the house.

"Mom and Dad are working on Josh's discharge paper work. Once that's done we can all head back to their place," Cory started explaining. "Feeny drove mom and dad, so I should go get our car. I can drive Mom, Dad and Josh home. Morgan can bring you guys back with her," he finished, the last part directed to Topanga, as he fished his keys from his pocket.

"Okay I'll wait here with the girls," Topanga replied as she walked over to them and put her arms around them, after kissing him goodbye.

"What about Josh's car?" Riley asked, "It's still at the restaurant, it's still at Chubbies"

"I can get the keys from Mom and Dad," Eric suggested, "If Shawn comes with me we can drive both cars back to the house."

"Sounds like a plan," Shawn answered, following Eric, "See you guys back home."

"I'll come too," Morgan added, tagging along because she wanted something to do, but not before offering, "Topanga, you can take the girls back in my car. It's the little silver one parked by the Lot D entrance." Riley, Maya, and Topanga stayed behind in the quiet hallway.

"I'm gonna go check on Grandma and Grandpa and make sure everything is going smoothly. Will you girls be okay here until I get back?" Topanga questioned.

"Yeah, we're fine, Mom," Riley answered, with Maya nodding along.

"Okay. See you girls in a little bit," Topanga said before leaving herself.


The girls just stood outside the door for a few moments, before Maya ventured a knock on the door. She took a deep breath and wrapped her knuckles against his door.

"Come in," Josh called from the other side. His eyes lit up as Maya appeared in the room. "Maya," he added excitedly holding his arms open for her, though she stood frozen by the door, "Come on, it's okay."

Maya walked quickly toward him, gently putting her arms around his chest, afraid of causing him any pain. He wrapped his larger frame around hers. Riley stood near the door letting them have their moment. Just seeing him upright made her feel better. She knew her best friend needed this.

"I'm so glad you are okay, Josh," She whispered into his chest, trying not to cry, "I was so scared. I couldn't imagine never seeing you again."

"I know," Josh replied, holding her tightly to his chest as she started to tremble. After few moments she quieted down and looked up at him, "I can't imagine never seeing you again either."

"Did you mean what you said, when you first woke up?" Maya asked earnestly, pulling back and looking into his eyes. She felt extremely vulnerable to him now. Did he really say that? Did he even remember it? The look in his eye made her think that he did, but she was afraid to be wrong.

"Yes, I did, Maya," He said slowly, "I am in it for the long game too. You may be too young for me now, but that won't last forever." Josh was matching her gaze, "I'm gonna make you a deal, if you can wait until you are 18, then you being three years younger won't matter anymore. Then maybe we can give us a shot, see where this goes. What do you think?"

Maya broke their eye contact, overwhelmed by the feeling racing through her veins. She rested the side of her head on his chest, listening to the beat of his heart, her favorite sound. "I'd wait forever for you," she said softly as he rested his chin lightly on the top of her head.

After a few moments, Maya remembered they weren't alone, so she let go and backed up toward her friend. Riley took her turn briefly hugging Josh before both sets of parents returned to the room.

"Let's gets get you home, Josh," Cory announced jingling his keys in the air, "I've got the car around front." Josh smiled appreciatively at all the help. Alan offered his youngest son his shoulder for support before walking into the hallway, Amy with her arm around him on his other side.

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