Full Circle

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Riley pretended to be studying when she heard a knock at her bedroom door. Appreciating the interruption, she hopped up and went to the door to see Lucas on the other side. Without him even saying a word, she knew something was bothering him.

"Riley, we need to talk," Lucas said somberly, as he walked into her room.

"Lucas, what's wrong?" Riley responded, afraid of what he was about to tell her.

"My parents just told me I have to move back to Texas and I'm leaving in two days," Lucas sighed, sitting down on the window seat, rubbing the back of his head.

"What?" Riley was completely stunned. She didn't know what to think.

"How can they do that? How can they make you move back to Texas? How can they make you leave during your senior year??" Riley wondered aloud, angrily, as she paced around her room as Lucas sat on the window seat.

"I don't know but maybe we can still do something about it," Lucas offered, still hopeful that it wasn't a lost cause.

"What could be we possibly do?" Riley questioned, sincerely wondering if there was any reason to be optimistic.

"Riley," Lucas said softly, grabbing her wrist gently and pulling her down to his lap. She sat glumly staring at her hands. Lucas reached up to lift her chin up until her eyes met his, "I'm not leaving without a fight. I don't want to be anywhere but here."

He lightly kissed her, savoring it as he cradled the back of her head in his hand. When he pulled back, she leaned her head on his shoulder.

"I hate the idea of you being anywhere but here with me," Riley said solemnly, as she held his hand between hers.

"I hate the idea of being anywhere else," Lucas agreed, kissing the crown of her head.


"I'm sorry Riley, but you both need to respect his parents' decision. That made it for a good reason."

"Mr and Mrs Matthews," Lucas formally addressed Cory and Topanga, "You know that I love your daughter more than anything in this world. There isn't anything we can do to change this? In less than nine months, I graduate from High School. In less than a year I'll be living at school anyway. There has to be something!" Lucas hasn't even realized what he had said until his eyes met Riley.

"We don't doubt your feelings, Lucas," Topanga replied empathically, "But this isn't our decision to make."

"You don't understand! You don't know what it's like to have the person that you're dating move away!" Riley snapped at her parents.

"We understand far more than you know," Cory countered, with a sympathetic look.

"When I was sixteen, my parents moved from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh. I couldn't understand how my parents could rip me away from my school, my friends, and your dad without giving me any say. After a while in Pittsburgh, I actually ran away to Philadelphia to see your dad," Topanga began retelling the story.

"They were upset and they were going to send your mom home. It felt like they wanted to tear us apart. Eventually, though, they talked Grandpa and Grandma Lawrence into letting your mom stay with her Aunt Pru in Philadelphia,"

"Why did they change their minds?" Riley asked curiously.

"Your dad gave them this big speech about how much he loved me," Topanga smiled thinking about it as she slid her fingers between Cory's.

"And Grandma and Grandpa told me how she chose him even when her parents told her not to. They understood us and we understand you. Give me a chance to talk to Lucas' parents and we'll see what happens.

"Thanks Dad," Riley responded softly as she hugged her parents.


Hours later, Lucas and Riley were curled up on the couch waiting to find out what was going to happen. Riley had both of his hands laced with hers. They just sat together, not wanting to let go, fearing it wouldn't ever feel like this again.

"Did you mean it?" Riley questioned, breaking the silence, "Do you really love me?"

"Of course I do," Lucas said softly, holding her face in his hand, "I've loved you since you kissed me on the subway." He pulled her face to his and kissed her passionately.

"I love you, too, Lucas," Riley whispered, pulling back as tears started to roll down her cheeks, "I don't know how I'll get through the rest of this year without you."

"Don't give up just yet, maybe your parents will figure something out and I won't have to go," Lucas replied, "At least I hope so. " He closed his eyes as he rested his forehead against hers, causing her to close her eyes as well.

"Riley, Lucas, we have something to tell you," Cory announced as he and Topanga entered their living room, snapping both teens' attention from each other to them.

"We spoke with your parents, Lucas," Topanga continued, "We have reached a decision. You two will have to respect this decision and realize that this is the best interest of both of you." Topanga paused, leaving them both in suspense.

"We all feel it is extremely important that you spend the remainder of your senior year here," Cory added, expressions of relief spreading across the young couple's faces, "We spoke to Mr. and Mrs. Babineaux and they agreed to let you stay with them until you start at Columbia next fall."

"I'm staying??" Lucas asked in disbelief, trying not to get emotional, "I don't have to leave?"

"Yes, Lucas, you're staying," Topanga answered, choking up a bit, remembering her own relief in the same scenario.

"Riley, I'm staying!!" Lucas exclaimed, repeating himself as Riley jumped into his arms.

"You're staying," Riley echoed in pure joy and relief that she wasn't going to have to say goodbye to him. Riley hugged him tightly as he spun her around excitedly. After a few moments he put her down and the two turned to face her parents.

"I can't thank you enough for doing this for me." Lucas said appreciatively, wrapping his arms around Riley from behind as she grabbed his arms.

"Take good care of her, Lucas," Cory responded, putting his arms around Topanga, who nodded with approval, "That's all the thanks we need."

"Yes sir," Lucas agreed before lightly kissing Riley on the cheek.

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